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Chapter 8:Summer Break

The recital had went fine and now we were out for summer. We had 10 weeks to take a rest. I was going to miss my well furnished home and sadly enough I had to return to the states. My parents had wanted me to come home and I felt it was the best. Paul begged to come but since he DID have work to do the other three convinced him to stay.

"I'll miss you luv," he said clutching me into his arms.

"This is going to be a very long 10 weeks,"I said. Paul kissed me goodby and I gave Ringo, John and George a hug before I set off on my journey. I stepped onto my plane and strapped into my seat. No one special was sitting me next to me this time, nor was anyone famous on the plane. Anyway as the plane reached it's altitude a huge clunk emerged and the plane started to shake.

"One of our engins blew. We will have to make an emergency landing." the pilot instruced. The plane started dropping rapidly and shaking. I looked out the window to see one of the wings burning.

"It's burning!" I screamed. The plane went in frenzy and there was nothing we could do now. The plane was comming to an end now and we neared the ground. I unbuckled my seat belt and started to run. I didn't know where but I was just running. The plane hit the ground and I kept runnning. I heard flames crackel at my feet. All the sudden I tripped. I looked down to see a burning body below me. I kept running dodgeing sparks and flames from the explosion. Suddenly I felt something hard hit my head.


I awoke to see my family's face. Paul and John were there with Ringo and George. Everyone was in a hospital room with me.

"She's awake!" my mother said sliding to my side. She held my hand tightly and started to cry. No words could be emerged from my mouth. Paul had my other hand. The three boys were surronding him. My 3 sisters and dad were surrounding my mom.

"I love you," Paul said smiling.

"I love you," My mother said. I felt my eyes getting heavier and my body feeling lighter.

Dharma?" someone said between sobbings and I felt myself being relived of all pain I ever felt. I felt like someone had lifted my soul above the earth, and it had.


Copyright, All graphics are made by Brittany H. and are property of "Once Upon A Time...or Maybe Twice."Please ask before you take any graphics or post the story anywhere else.