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Chapter One:The Experiment

"Sgt. this will never work," said General Mcarthy walking over to the contraption on the wall.

"I assure you Sir, our Mr. Richard Green has inspected the machine several times adn built it on his own!" Sgt. Smith reported.

"Thats what I was afraid of," General said. Mr. Green was this crazy mad scientist who was constantly whispering the words I will rule the world over and over. He flipped a few switches and asked me if I was ready.

"Yes," I replied gulping my courage.

"NO, She can't go yet!" General said, "She musn't go alone!"

"Yes I can!" I exclaimed slapping the hand of Mr. Green, "Let me go!" Sgt. Smith grabbed my arms behing my back and made me sit down.

"There are a few rules you must remember," Sgt. Smith said staring into my eyes.

"You must never do anything that will harm the people around you." I gave a snort and turned my nose up the Sgt.

"LISTEN!" he shouted, "You can tell people that you are from the future and you can tell them what will happen in the future but you may NOT show them any evidence of it."

"What do you mean by EVIDENCE?" I screamed standing up stamping my foot.

"You'll see," Mr. green said calming me down.

"most importantly, remember you will return in 1 year exactly," Sgt said giving me a stern look into my eyes.

"Fine Fine Fine," I said impatiantly, " Is that all?"

"yes," Sgt said, "PROCEED GREEN!" Mr. green switched more gadgets and grabbed my hand. He looked into the computer with furious eyes. I put my earphones on and had a laptop over my back. I had a big suitcase in my hand and a bigger one in the other. I had one backpack on and had a piece of gum in my mouth.

"Ready?" Mr. Green said.

"Ready," I said. He thrusted me into the blinding white light as he muttered the words "I hope this works."

Chapter 2
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