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Chapter 10:Another Last Minute

Mr. Green pulled me away from the time machine.

"Let me live back then please!" I screamed trying to struggle away.

"I'm sorry, It's impossible to live there again. We can keep sending you back but then life would change for all of us." Mr. Green said.

"One more minute!"I said grabbing his arm.

"Fine," he said thrusting me into the whirling light. I found the boys asleep in their beds, except Paul. He was cyring on his bed.

"Paul?" I whispered. He whipped around with a surprised look on his face. He grabbed me in his arms and swung me around.

"marry me marry me!" he repeated holding me tightly.

"i can't". I said crying. "I only have one more minute."

"Can i come with you?" he asked.

"I don't think so honey. I wish you could but I only came back to say goodbye. I'll see you in the future and tell the boys I said goodbye." I said still holding him.

"Goodnight," he said letting go and giving me a kiss.

"Goodnight," I said being whirled back into the white light that flung me to the hard floor again.



"I can't wait for the concert!" I screamed. My friend Chelsea was in her room putting on makeup. I still lived alone in my apartment and she had her husband and children in her house. We walked to the concert and started to drive to the small concert.

"I want to see Paul again!" I said happily!

"Again? When did you see him?" She asked while driving the car.

"remember way back when we were 20 and I went to that scientist?"

"Oh yes yes, she said. He was gonna marry you whatever!" She said sarcastically.

"I swear he was!" I said remembering. We arrived at the hall and walked into the room.

After the wonderful concert was over I went backstage to see if Paul rememebered me. I saw him talking to his manager or just a man of his stage crew. The man walked away and he looked to me. He looked a strange way at me and I smiled. He started to walk towards me. My hands got hotter as he walked.

"You look so familiar!" He said looking into my eyes.

"Well you did ask me to marry you, you should remember me," I said putting my head down.

"Eliza?" He asked

"Paul?" I said. He grabbed me by the arms and pulled me closer to him. He kissed me on the cheek and started to hug me. Chelsea open mouthed stood at the end of the stage.

"So I did see you in the future!" He said still holding me. "did you get married?" he asked.

"Yes, but I lost him."

"I got married too," he said.

"I'm sorry you lost her," I said. "and I hear of a new girlfriend you have!"

"No no, we broke up," he said sadly.

"i'm sorry," I said grabbing his hand.

"hey, you wanna go get something to eat?

"sure!" I said walkeing with him towards his limo. I stuck my tounge out at Chelsea and she walked to her car.


Paul and Eliza continued to live and get married. They lived on his farm in Scottland and lived HAPPILY ever after.

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