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Chapter 3:I think not!

"Want a joint?" John asked lighting up one.

"There will be none of that, " I said to John smacking it out of his hand.

"If you wanna live here," he said knarling.

"ok ok... just none for me." I said picking up the joint taking a puff and replacing it back in his hand.

"But you just said..." Paul innterupted ringo's sentence by putting his finger on his mouth. Paul picked up the phone in John's pit and dialed a number.

"Hello? Yes brian we got a girl here whose from the future and we need to give her a section of our house. yes, from the future, No only john is high, Yes I'm totally sober. Please just get me some decorators. Thanks bye"

"Thats Brian Epstein, our manager," Paul said hanging the phone up, " He thinks we're all high."

"I can prove him wrong!" I said running to my bag pulling out my lab top.

"What the?" Ringo yelled grabbing it out of my hands.

"Give it!" I said taking it back from him opening it up. They stared at it as i turned it on.

"What is it? They asked touching the screen.

" A computer," I said laughing.

"What DID that puff do to you?" George asked laughing I entered the internet looking up a beatles site. I opened a site on John. It had a picture of him witht he heading , John Lives on.

"Am I dead?" John asked erasing the smile from his face.

" Yes, Its the worlds great loss," I said kissing him on the cheek.

" now i know that puff did something!" George said, "You kissed That BLOKE!" Joh pounced on George fighting him over to Georges grassy area. Paul and Ringo stared at the screen.

"I better shut this off, I dont want you guys knowing your future."

"Are we all dead?" paul asked getting worried.

"No just John, he got shot" I said lowering my head.

"Oh, wow, tell me more!" Ringo said.

"no, no , no I was instructed not to say a thing! George and John camre back from their fighting session over to his pit.

"This is a cozy pit!" I said touching john's face.

"Sure is" he said jumping in.

Chapter 2*** Chapter 4
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