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Chapter 4:Touring

The boys took me on a tour bringing me to all the fashion places of liverpool. They dressed me in the styles of which was popular and took me to the best food places in teh world! I enjoyed tea time for the first time, got bombarded by reporters and girls and reutured to the home at 10:00 pm where my room was still under way.

"Come back tommrow," Paul said rushing the boys out of the house.

"Where shall I sleep?" I asked giving a devilish grin.

"No, john!" pual exclaimed grabbing my arm.

"Bloody Paul," he mummbled climbing into his pyjamas. I put on mine and so did the other boys.

"Sleep with me!" paul said frabbing my arm again.

"Alright!" I said giving a sigh and entering his white part of the room. His bed was covreed with a white satin and the floor was a lovely white.

Paul tucked me into his bed then grabbed a wool blanket off the end. He put himseld on the floor and and shut his lamp off.

"Why?" I asked looking into his glowing eyes.

"It's the first night, I dont anna give you any ideas!" he asid flashing a grin.

"GOODNIGHT!" Ringo yelled from his blue room.

"Wait I'm comming!" I said running to Ringo. I gave him a kiss and tucked him in.

"thanks mother!" he said laughing. I shut off his lamp and worked my way over to george. I gav him a peck and shut off his lamp.

"Night mum' " he said giving me a kiss back. I went back to John's pit and jumped in his pit. I tucked his blankets close over his body gave him a kiss and shut off his lamp. I went back to Paul and kissed him on the lips.

"Thanks for the hospitality," I said brushing his hair and giving him another one of my blankets. I put myself back into bed and closed my eyes murrmering the soft words goodnight.

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