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Chapter 5:Pre-Studio...

"COME ON!" George yelled as he knocked on the bathroom door, "If there is 4 showers in there why did you have to lock the door!

"OK!" I said opening the door with only a towel on, "Thats why!"

"Oh..." George said sheepishly, "Sorry." I giggled at him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Now go take a shower," I said slapping him on the back, " you need one." He laughed at me and descended into the bathroom. Ringo and John STILL not up snored in the backround. Paul grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. I walked over to John's pit and stepped inside.

"Johnny! Time to get up!" I said pulling his sheets off. I dripped my hair onto his face.

"Hey, whats the big Idea... Woah...." He woke up alert then innteruped himself, "You just came into my bed with a towel on?"

"Not smart on my part I guess huh!" I said laughing, "Now wake up."

"I am now!" he said almost grabbing the towel off. I walked over to Ringo's bed pulling off his sheets.

"Cold..." he said chattering his teeth.

"Oh get up!" I said draggin him off his bed. I stood him up and pushed him in the direction of the showers. He went into the bathroom his eyes still shut.

"hey whats this?' John said looking at Sgt. Peppers cd.

"NO!" I screamed grabbing it from him, " this is from the future... if you see anything your not supposed to I get zapped back!

" oh!" he said.

"Now go take a shower honey," I said picking him up out of his hole. He walked into the bathroom witha towel over his shoulder. The carpenters walked into the house starting to work on my room again.

"What color would you like your habitat." The carpenter asked me.

"Red thank you!" I said showing him on his color chart. Paul peeked his head out of the bathroom.

"Do you know why Ringo is sleeping on the floor in here?" He asked. I started to laugh.

"I put him in there. I guess he didnt make it to the shower!" I said giggling.

"Ill get him in," Paul said laughing. I put on my new pretty clothes that they ahd bought me and startd to do my hair when George and Paul came out of the shower. They were all ready to go. I started to twist my hair back into a pony tail when I realized it wasnt the time period to do that. I brushed my hair back down and let it air dry. Ringo and John walked out ready also.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Ready," they replied. They all got their instruments and we walked outside. The air was brisk but it was still nice. We climbed into a black car ancd drove off.

"Thsi is gonna be great," I concluded.

Chapter 4*** Chapter 6
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