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Chapter 6:Studio

"Ok boys from the top of Help!," Brian said.

"1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, " Paul shouted. They started to sing intoo their microphones. I sat with Brian and the producer in the recording room as they sang. Paul winked at me and I blew him a kiss back. They all sung wonderfully. They were so adorable! They finished their song with a ooooooooooooh and they shut of the microphones.

"Great guys!" Brian said.

"It was wonderful!" I said.

"Hey do we have a break?" Ringo asked us.

"Not now!" Brian said.

"We gotta finish this," he asid looking at his watch.

"Its tea time," George said looking at his watch.

"alright ALRIGHT!" Brian said, "10 min."

"Short tea time," John mummbled.

"On the dot boys!" Brian yelled. I ran around to the back door and hugged each of them as they came out. We ran next door to a small tea parlor that was set up quite nicely. We walked in and sat down to a small table in the corner. The place was empty so a waitress came quickly over.

"Oh my god OH MY GOD!" she screamed.

"five rasberry teas and a couple of hey what are thoes american cookies?"

"Chocolate chip." i said.

"Right," Paul said, "Chocolate chip." She squeled away to the back room.

"Brians' gonna be mad!" George said looking at his watch. Teh tea and cookies were deliverd quickly. We drank it fast so Brian wouldnt wonder and we went back into the studio throught he back door. I went back into the room with Brian.

"Ready Boys?" Brian said turnign on their microphones.

"Ready, " they said. Paul blew a kiss to me then said "1, 2, 1, 2, 3, ,4." I smiled at him and winked back.


We returned back to the house exhausted from our long day. My room had been finished and furnished.

"WOO HOO!" i said jumping onto a couch that had been placed there. My bed was a hammok strung in the corner of the room. I was so excited. We all slipped into our Pyjamas and I went to make my rounds.

"Goodnight my sweet Ringo," I said kissing him on the forehead.

"nighty night Eliza!" hey said sweeping me in his arms for a hug.

"Night Georgy," I said brushing his hair back and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Night Mum," he said brushing my hair back.

I jumped into John's pit covering him up. "night John," I said kissing him on the lips and shutting his lamp off.

"Night Eliza," he said kissing me back.

"My dear sweet Pauly," I said curling him into my arms. He held me tight in his arms as I gave him a kiss on the lips. I switched spots with paul giving him his bed back and tucked him in.

"Cozy?" I said giving him a hug.

"yes," he said yawning. I kissed him on the cheek again.

"Goodnight Paul," I said walking to my bed. I sat on my hammok and wrapped a blanket around me. I breathed a deep sigh and closed my eyes.

Chapter 5*** Chapter 7
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