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Chapter 7:Time For A Concert

A tour of England was wrapping up in Liverpool. We sat back stage as we annxiously awaited for the announcers to say "The beatles." Although that wouldnt be for another 1/2 hour the boys still practiced nervously. John closed his eyes and ears and strummed to himself. Ringo smacked out a few beats and Paul and George fearless talked to me.

"So do ou guys have backstage screaming girls?" I asked sitting down on a guitar case.

"Yeah, sometimes, We enjoy it though," I smacked George on the hand laughing.

"The girls are real nice, but they always are so giddy," Paul said with a questioning look on his face.

"thats just cuz your so hot!" I said grabbing their cheeks. They laughed as Ringo fell off his seat. John came out of his musical trance cracking up.

"Got 15 minutes," John said concentrating hard again. I helped Ringo struggle back onto his seat and sat back down on the guitar case.

"Do you have a seat in the audience?" George asked peeking out the curtain.

"No I get the back, " I said longingly.

"Aww... thats the best seat in the house though!" Ringo said doing a budump bah! on his drums.

"20 seconds," Brian said hurrying the guys to get ready.

"Wish me luck!" Paul said giving me a peck on the cheek. They ran onto the stage with thousands of girls screaming their brains out. All you hear was John, John, John Paul and an occasional george or Ringo.

As the concert was nearing the end Paul came backstage for a break and a drink.

"Tired?" I asked wiping his brow with a towel.

"How did you guess?" Paul asked giving me a sarcastic look than taking a swig of water. He asked me if I wanted to come on stage with him but I denyed since I was so sweaty and disgusting. He agreed and went back on with a small wave. The boys played their last song WONDERFULLY and it was sung along by every girl singing along. They came off stage with me leading them into a limo. Hundreds of reporters gathered around snapping photos and girl screamed to catch a glimps of them once more. I sat on the outside as girls crammed their faces up to the window only to see me. They turned around in dismay and walked back. I laughed and said "I guess they weren't screaming for me then huh?" The driver pulled out just as the ringo almost opened the window. We opened a bottle of champagne and turned on the tele. We watched the Ed sullivan show once again and kicked our heels up to a drink. After I was finished I sat my head in Paul's lap and fell half asleep. We arrived at the house and Paul swept me up into his arms and dropped my feet down as we reached my door. He helped me walk into the room and took out my pajamas.

"you can do that by yourself," he said pecking me on he cheek and going to his section to cuddle up. I finished getting ready and tucked every one in. Paul asked me a question beofre he closed his eyes.

"Do you love me?" he asked looking straight into my eyes.

"I'm not quite sure yet," I said brushing his hair back.

"I'll change that!" He said kissing me then leaning back. I left his bed and went over to my hammock. I reached for the blanket over me and sighed.

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