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Chapter 8:Winning Me Over...

We woke up early today so we culd go watch the sunset on a hill. We met some fool there who just gave a foolish grin, but we ignored him. John and Ringo were half asleep but me Paul and George were leaning on eachother eating croissants. The sun started to rise slowly and we just chatted softly. Things were so smooth with these guys. Fame didn't go to their head one bit.

"you know I did mean what I said last night," Paul said resting his head on my shoulder after taking a bite of his croissant.

"I'm sure ya did," I said petting his head. George started falling asleep again and Paul stood up. He took my hand and lifted me. He took me to the edge of the hill where we were standing and sat down with me.

"Things are so fast!" He said taking my hand and rubbing it.

"I know," I said, " and sooner or later I'll be gone."

"What?" he exclaimed tightning his grip on my hand.

"one year? remember?" I said taking my hand away.

"So thats why you have been so touchy," he said grabbing it back, " I'll be with you forever."

"I'm just an experiment," I said a tear dripping down. "I'll just interfear with the future and kill the world."

"no, no" he said putting my head on his lap. He brushed my hair with his fingers and held me closer.

"Things at first were just cute. We chatted talked and acted cute. But now things are serious. I love you and I don't want anything to seperate us. We are together forever. No machine can take that away." Paul said lifting me. I started to cry heavier hearing the words from him. I loved him so much but I couldn't express it. He would never understand how hard this was. The sun was fully up now and the boys awoke from their rest. They came to sat with us but didn't ask what was wrong with me. We walked back to the house and everyone went to go take a shower. We dressed in a hurry as we went to visit Brian in his apartment. We arrived just as a huge breakfast was being served. We watched the tele and ate some breakfast slowly. Paul took me outside to Brian's patio where a huge ocean was beneath us.

"i'm sorry," I said putting down my fork and putting my arm around him. Thoes were the first words out of my mouth to him since I stopped crying.

"For nothing," he said pulling the lawn chair and me closer to him. He leaned over to me and gave me the best kiss ever. It was a beautiul moment and you could hear Ringo laughing in the backround watching the tele whihc made it even better.

"you are beautiful," I said giving him a hug.

"you are more," he said giving one back. We startd to kiss again and John came up behing us and started to watch. Paul smacked him upside the head and he fell to the ground as I started to laugh.

"You'll stay?" he said.

"I'll try," I said helping John up. That was the moment I knew I wanted to be with Paul forever.

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