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I never intended to write a fan fiction. That was always just a tad too weird for me, I mean, sure, I dream and fantasize about things, but the Beatles? (Well, yes, actually) Anyway, all of the time annoyed by the lack of George fan fics online, I sort of kicked around the idea, but what to write about always stumped me. Every setting seemed to be taken, nothing original was left. So, this winter I was writing a letter to my sis when I was at college and the idea came to me - India! And I proceeded to write the first bit in her letter. This story is about a rather emotional and spiritual - not to mention physical - relationship involving George during his trip to India after the stay with the Maharishi in early 1968. The usual disclaimer - I wasn't there! I don't know any true specifics, but I am a History major so I tried to get the feel right. I also, honestly, don't really know what George Harrison is like. His privacy makes figuring him out difficult. But I tried. So, basically, this story takes place in India where George is on holiday. It's not a long period of time, so that's why it may seem hurried, but being romantic, I'd like to think that you can meet someone who touches your soul in such a way that you can be yourself with them in every way imaginable . . . The story contains mainly dialogue and inner feelings of the main characters. I tried to capture the essence of George, but as stated above, it was hard, very much so. I tried to portray him through the woman he meets as well - whom you will meet soon. And there is sex, so beware of you don't like that kind of thing. I felt it necessary to have a lot :) And I hope you enjoy, especially you George fans. I've already got a sequel in mind . . . Hare Krishna

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

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