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Chapter 3

She crossed through the house quickly, bottle of wine in hand and stuffed it in her knitted shoulder sack along with a few other items. She swung it over her arm and stood in front of the mirror for a moment to pin her hair up out of the way. As she was fiddling with it, a dull roar began to resound in her ears and got closer and closer. Frowning she went to the door where a roofless jalopy pulled up, shaking and sputtering in discontent. George leaped from the old tin junker and sauntered up to the door. She opened it and he stopped.
    He was wearing dark sunglasses, but these he slowly lifted off and his eyes were riveted to her. She smiled and put a hand on her hip.
    "Wow," he said, brows raised.
    She wore a pale blue top, in a halter-like style and a long flowing skirt with thin, woven sandals. Her arms were bare-except for a silver cuff she wore-as was her mid-drift and her skin nearly glowed in the sun.
    "You look lovely," he said, shaking his head a bit.
    "Thank you," she replied, walking up to him. She put her arms round his neck and kissed him. He hugged her close and made a little groan.
    "You smell good too. Incense."
    She ran her hand through his hair and looked past him to the rattling car.
    "Where in the world did you get that?"
    He smiled and walked back to it, giving it a thump. "Great isn't it? A friend of Ravi's let me borrow it. I told you I'd get us a car."
    "If you can call it that," she teased.
    He smiled. "Get in," he said, opening the door. She settled in the squishy, springy seat and she closed her door, then went around the side and hopped over the door into the seat. She smiled and noticed that there was a straw hat sitting between them.
    "What's this?" she said, picking it up.
    "My hat." He grinned and put it on, looking ridiculous wearing that and his robes. Popping the clutch they roared off up the road.
    "So how far from here?"
    "Just keep going this way and you'll see the ocean to your left. Maybe ten minutes. There's a place you can pull off."
    He grinned and stepped on the gas, jolting her forward so she had to brace her hands on the dash.
    "Hold on, I drive a little fast!" he shouted over the din.
    The wind blew in her face wildly and she was glad she put her hair up. And he did drive incredibly fast as she found out, and probably faster had he a better car. All of the air circulating around them made his robes fly up a bit and she noticed he was wearing shorts beneath them. He saw her look and gave a laugh.
    "I'm not swimming in robes! I only wore them in case we run into a bunch of people."
    She shook her head and lifted up her hand up to shield her eyes from the sun. It was a gorgeous day, not too hot with a fair breeze. The water would be lovely and hopefully they would have some privacy. She looked at George as he drove, the wind blowing back his long hair beneath the silly hat. He held one hand on the wheel, the other rested on the side of the door. He had this incredibly unassuming . . . sexiness about him. She wondered if he knew, but figured being the kind of person he was, he wasn't aware of his desirability. She saw it in the way he walked, the way he carried his lithe body. And the way his face fell was so brooding at times, exuding a dark mystique. She smiled and looked away to the scenery.
    Gradually the buildings grew sparser in location and then there was nothing but a shimmering horizon and a view that went on forever. Ahead she could see gulls and then smell the saltwater. They rounded a bend and as the road went right, the sea suddenly became visible, peeling away to the left. He drove up a bit, then cut the wheel and they drifted into a dirt patch. He parked and got out, then rushed around to get her door. As he opened it he looked out to the beach and smiled.
    "Looks great. Look at how beautiful the water is!"
    "I know. Not many people either."
    He looked at her, grinning and pulled off the robes and hat, then threw them in the car. He grabbed her hand and began to run down the beach.
    "George!" she cried, stumbling after him. He laughed and continued to pull her along, racing to the water. She kept up as best she could but when it became apparent that he was going to run straight into the water and take her with him, she loosened the bag and dropped it from her shoulder into the sand. He threw off his glasses and into the water they went, splashing against the subtle waves until he let her hand go and dove under.
    Slightly stunned she pulled the wet strands of hair from her face and stood, the water past her waist. He bobbed up, smiling.
    "Isn't this great?"
    "Wonderful," she answered drolly, then put her hand under the water to lift off her sandals.
    "Are you gonna leave me here alone?" he asked, moving over to her.
    "Of course not. But could you throw these on shore for me?"
    He smiled and tossed them up, then did the same with his sandals. Then he took her arms and pulled her out further into the water.
    "You look like a water nymph," he said, kissing her.
    "You look like a drowned rat," she said laughing, pushing his wet hair behind his ears. She ran her hands down over his chest and he pulled her close.
    "You know, we are all alone out here," he said confidentially, "And you are very tempting."
    She licked her lips, staring into his eyes.
    "I have a better idea, but it's a secret. You'll have to wait."
    "Tala! Not fair. I can't wait till later."
    "Too bad," she said, swimming away.
    "No, come on!" he cried swimming after her, "You won't let me make it and you won't tell me the secret! I'm a loser on both ends."
    She let him catch her and she shook her head, grinning, that his whining sounded so cute.
    "Baby. Just enjoy the day, because it isn't over yet. And the secret is something I have to show you, so just be patient."
    That pacified him, but he still pouted. She lay on her back and floated, her skirt spreading out all around. The sun burned into her face and she felt blissful in the luke-warm water. She could hear a few other people in the water around them, but not so far out and no one payed them any mind. They swam a bit, letting the waves carry them along. She began to flick bits of water at him and he flicked some back and soon they were involved in a full-fledged water splashing war. They tussled and at some point, after having been knocked under the water repeatedly, Tala gained the one up and threw her arms around George, sending him face-first into the water. When he came up he shook his head, sending water flying everywhere. He gave her a mock glare, hands on his hips.
    "Hey, you don't know who you're messing with here," she said, arching a brow. He made a face and tread over to her, slipping his arms around her waist.
    She nodded. He brushed the hair from her face and leaned in to kiss her. She lay her hands lightly on his shoulders and her picked her up so she could wrap her legs around him.
    "You're so sexy," he said into her ear.
    "I'm very flattered to hear that from you," she said hugging him tighter.
    "I'm serious. You're amazing. I can't get over it."
    She slid from him and met his eyes. She took his hands in hers and kissed them lightly, having nothing to say, so speaking with her heart instead.
    "Come lay in the sun with me," she said after a moment. He nodded and they slowly fought the current of the sea to return to the beach. She reached for her bag and sandals and headed to a spot further down the beach where there was an outcropping of rocks. He followed along, wiping the sand from his sunglasses. The surf coursed over their feet and the spray flew up along her legs. Their feet made deep indentations only to be washed away again.
    When they reached the rocks, they climbed up a small one, with a flat top and put their things down. George stretched out and lay his head on his raised arms. The sun glinted off the droplets of water that glistened on him like tiny diamonds. His head was turned, and he was looking down the length of the beach. She stood above him and took off her top, then wiggled out of her skirt. When he looked back to her she saw him physically move, and his mouth opened at the sight of her naked body. She smiled, then set her clothes out to dry.
    "Like I said, amazing," he choked, raising his glasses to gaze at her fully.
    She lowered herself on the warm rock beside him and closed her eyes. He ran his hand down her arm, then over her belly. Feeling drowsy in the sun she lay still as he spread her hair out, combing his fingers through it. She reached up to take his hand and squeeze it.
    "It's like you're on a higher level than everyone," he said suddenly.
    "What brought that about?" she said sleepily.
    "You're just so free. In a way that it seems you were born with. Everyone can try to be more free, but with you it's natural. I'd love to know what goes on in your mind. I'd love to just see what it was like."
    "It will come. In time you will strengthen yourself, and reach that place you want. My mind is not so unique, George. And I know yours has the capacity to be what you want it to. Believe in yourself. Everyone has freedom within themselves."
    He said nothing, but lay down, allowing his hand to rest on her arm. Time passed, how much she lost track of, for she fell in and out of a light sleep. After a while she turned to sun her back and she looked off down the beach where a few children played at the shoreline. She wondered exactly when George was leaving. She hadn't asked and he hadn't told her. It was beginning to bother her, that their relationship was so fleeting. She was becoming more attached than she anticipated, but there was no way she'd let him see that. He didn't need that, but if it happened that they recognized what was happening-together-then she would show her true feelings. But she felt them coming closer, pulled as if by fate. She just couldn't give her heart away, not yet . . .
    George had been quiet for some time and she turned to look at him. He appeared to be dozing, but his pale, English skin was growing pink in the sun. She nudged him gently.
    "I think we should go up to the car. Your getting red, I don't want to see you burned."
    He smiled. "Aw . . . that's sweet of you, to care for my pasty, English skin."
    She grinned. "Well I just don't want to have to baby you all night if you end up with sun poisoning."
    "Aw, but would you if I did?" he teased.
    "Of course," she smiled, standing. Her clothes were dry and she pulled them on with a murmur of protest from George. They jumped down off of the rock and he put his arm around her. Barefooted, they trudged through the warm sand.
    "I once spent the night on a beach," he said.
    "Really? When was this?" she asked, looking up at him.
    "Oh, I was about fourteen or so and me and Paul hitchhiked through England for a couple weeks. One night we slept on a beach, but the sand got really hard by the morning."
    "I love that! I can imagine you, so young."
    "I can imagine us, spending the night on the beach. With a blanket of course, but you and me, under the moon, alone, listening to the waves . . . making love."
    "We can do that," she said.
    "Yeah, maybe we'll get to it," he said, leaning over to kiss her.
    Once in the car, he pulled back onto the road and they didn't have to drive far before, up ahead, they saw the market.
    "Up here you can turn and park on one of the side streets."
    When they reached it he slowly maneuvered through the crowds and bicycles and pulled onto a street next to the market. She got out and waited for him to round the card. She held out her hand and he took it with a smile. They wandered down the street and she noticed he was humming faintly.
    "What's that tune?" she asked playfully.
    "Oh, just this stupid little song. Every time I'm with you it pops into my head and stays there," he explained with a sheepish smile.
    "Will you tell me the words?" she asked sweetly, squeezing his hand.
    He gave an embarrassed snicker and began to half speak, half sing the words.
    "And when I touch you I feel happy, inside. It's such a feeling that, my love, I can't
hide . . . this is really bloody embarrassing," he said, shaking his head. 
    "I know that song!"she said.
    "I think everyone knows it," he said, rolling his eyes.
    She didn't say anything for a moment, but when she placed the song as one of his, the band's, she felt flattered and charmed beyond belief. She reached to take his other hand and she leaned up to kiss him tenderly. His arms wrapped about her waist and they kissed each other in the middle of the street, bicycles whizzing past them on all sides.
    "Stupid or not, it means something to me. It's sweet," she said, gently brushing a fingertip along his cheek. He looked at her intensely, then smiled slowly. They continued to walk through the crowds until they reached the market. It was a long row of stands on either side of the street, selling all sorts of wares, things from fabric to spices to jewelry. The smell of cooking food from the little stands were all around them, mingling with incense.
    They wandered together, sometimes separating to look at things that caught their eye. She stopped at a stand with various fruits and began deciding on mangoes or figs. George came over beside her.
    "Ooo, there are pakoras over there. And samosas! They smell really good."
    "Okay, we'll get some of those. What fruits do you want?"
    "Um, figs."
    She payed the vender and they went across the way to the man selling pakoras and bought a dozen or so of those.
    "What do you want to drink?" he asked, taking the bundle of steaming pasties.
    "I brought wine," she said, arching her brows.
    "Good thinking, love," he said, pressing a quick kiss on her forehead, "I owe you then, okay?"
    "No, don't worry about it. My treat. I see a spot over there we can sit," she said, pointing to a stone foundation of an old wall. They went over and sat, setting the food out between them. She pulled out the wine and shrugged.
    "No glasses, so we'll have to drink it from the bottle."
    "The way I like it," he said, taking it and popping the top. He took a swig and gave it to her. She noticed his lips glistened with wine and she leaned over, slipping her hand around the nape of his neck. She kissed him, her tongue darting along his lips. She could taste the wine and suddenly felt a strong desire to be making love to him. His hand closed around hers and he kissed her back, tongue touching hers.
    "Tala, I want you," he whispered, his cheek touching hers, his lips brushing her ear.
    Her hand found his leg and she rubbed him there, closing her eyes at the way his warmth felt.
    "Let's go somewhere," he urged, his hands roaming down her back.
    "George, there's no where to go!"
    "The car," he said, voice husky, "Come on."
    He grabbed her hand and the wine and she gathered up the food and they hurried through the people to the car. He started the engine and peeled from the side of the street. He headed the opposite way, out through the rest of the town and back to the desolate road. Tala felt the excitement rushing through her body and she could feel the current of urgency and desire between them. George made a sudden left and veered off the road and drove for a lone tree in a field. Its branches spread wide and leaves provided a wide circle of shade. The car came to a halt beneath the tree and as soon as the engine died, she was in his arms.
    He pulled the top over her head and threw it on the floor, then began kissing her, his tongue meeting hers, tantalizing, exploring her mouth. She moaned and felt under his robes for his hot skin, and rubbed his chest, dragging her fingers across his body. He broke from her to take the robes off and she lithely moved to the back seat. He climbed over after her and she reached for him, pulling him down on top of her. He ran his thumbs over her nipples, then began kissing there, licking and just running his teeth close enough to make her groan aloud. Her hands clawed at his shorts, yanking them down and as he struggled to get them off, she lifted herself to get out of her long skirt.
    Naked now, she rubbed her legs up against his, and lowered her hands to caress and stroke him. He kneeled and grabbed her at the waist and pulled her close to him. He thrust inside of her, quickly, forcefully. She gasped and raised her hips to match his motions. Her hands traveled down to his abdomen and she felt his muscles as he moved in his rhythm. He lowered his head and ran his tongue over her skin everywhere, the heat of his mouth sending a shock of pleasure through her body.
    His urgency was evident and his skin already glistened with sweat. His breathing seemed so defined in her ears, a mixture of pants and deep, rapturous groans. His pleasure made hers intensify and she lifted herself to his thrusts, now fast and deep, the friction overwhelming. She began to cry out, and reached up to pull him down so their bodies connected and slid against each others. Her hands flew everywhere, all over his body, pressing and gripping tightly in her ecstasy as he clutched around her waist to pull her to him with every thrust.
    The pleasure was maddening and her cries came every time he moved within her. He moved faster and faster, the sweat trickling down his skin and face and then together they came.  He moaned aloud, and slumped against the seat, panting. She fell back with a groan and closed her eyes, trying to catch a breath and get air inside her heaving chest. The orgasm still made her shake and she felt completely numb and blissful. Ever so slowly, George moved from her and hauled himself into a sitting position. He reached into the front seat for the wine and she saw that his hand trembled. He tipped the bottle back, taking a long swig and then let out a sigh. She reached her hand out and he gave her the wine and she took a few good gulps.
    "That was fucking great," he said, looking at her.
    She wiped her lips and passed the bottle to him. "Fucking great, or great fucking?"
    He sort of choked, in the process of another drink, then laughed aloud.
    "Both. Definitely both," he said, then leaned over, bracing an arm on the back seat. He put his hand on her belly and gently rubbed her skin in a drowsy, soft movement. Then he leaned down and kissed her there softly, sweetly. She made a little laugh at the tickle it gave her.
    "My woman. Dark beauty most kind," he murmured, taking her hand in his. She sat up and rested her head on his chest and listened to the thumping of his heart.
    "Pretty words," she replied.
    "From the heart."
    She smiled and turned her face up so she could look into his dark eyes. She raised her hands and just lightly traced the outline of his face. She moved her fingertips over his brows, along his eyelashes and down the bridge of his nose. She ran them along his cheekbones and down through the hollow of his cheeks and over his lips, gently rubbing them.
    "You have a beautiful face. Strong and handsome," she said softly.
    He smiled and took her hands and kissed them. Then he wrapped his arms around her and gently smoothed her long hair. She felt him bend his head to her and his warm breath grazed her ear.
    "Can I ask you a question?" he said quietly.
    "Ask me a anything and I'll answer it," she replied softly, feeling very drowsy.
    "I don't want you to take this the wrong way but I was wondering, I guess, just about other men in your life and what they meant to you . . ."
    She looked up at him and his face was very serious.
    "Is that all you want to know about me?"
    "No, not at all. It's just, well, I think about it sometimes. I mean, that's not the only thing I want to know, but I just wonder, is all. When I'm not with you, I wonder how I compare."
    She smiled softly, and decided to humor his insecurities.
    "I've been with four men in my life. Never any for very long."
    "What happened?"
    "They couldn't get past the fact that I am going to be who I am. They didn't like the freedom I have. They tried to change me, and so I left them. I never loved any of them completely, though."
    He said nothing, only looked contemplative. Finally he answered. "Well, I love that you're so free. It inspires me."
    "I don't think I've ever inspired anyone," she said, blushing.
    He smiled and kissed her lips softly. "Believe me, love, you do."
    She slipped her fingers between his and gently stroked his hand. "And how many women have you been with?" she asked.
    He raised his brows. "I don't know. Quite a few. But mostly from the days in Hamburg. There were lots of prostitutes there and you know, at seventeen, itching to get a shag, that was great for me. There were others, some English birds, here and there, but after Pattie and I were married, no one. Until you, of course."
    "Well George, you're the most exciting lover I've ever had. I don't want to boost that ego of yours too much, but I find the most pleasure with you," she answered finally.
    "Ego? What ego?" he questioned, grinning.
    She laughed. "You don't, you know. You're far to steeped with reality to have an ego. And you understand the harms of it."
    "I'm glad you think so, and I try. It's hard, being around so many people who tell you you're so bloody wonderful all the time. Sometimes I want to take advantage of it, but I've seen what happens to people. Things go to their heads, and they treat people like shit. That's part of the business, but it makes me sicker and sicker to see it, all this, mine, mine, mine. We're all one in this world, no one better than anyone else. Some richer, some more fortunate, but no one better."
    "True," she said with a nod.
    He leaned his head down a bit. "And by the way, you're the best lover I've had too."
    "Am I? With so much competition?" she said, surprised.
    He nodded. "Yeah, it's like some weird and new experience every time."
    She pulled away from him a little and put her hands on his shoulders. She kissed him softly, then gave him an affectionate hug. He wrapped his arms around her, gently running his fingers down her spine. She shivered and kissed his neck.
    "Do you like that?" he asked softly.
    "Very much," she replied, stroking the hair at the nape of his neck.
    He continued to brush his fingertips along her back and she nuzzled her head against his.
    "So, I think I'm ready for another experience," he mumbled, squeezing her at the waist.
    "Let's lay on the grass," she said, pulling away and taking his hand. They climbed out of the car and he lay down on the ground and guided her with him. She leaned down and kissed him, a long kiss, then ran her tongue over his lips and down his neck. His hands closed over her arms and ran over her shoulders, then over her breasts. She moved up slightly and he gently brushed his lips over the tender skin of her breasts, his mouth warm and his tongue making her gasp in the pleasure of it. She lowered her head and her hair fell around them. She dragged it along his chest seductively and he tangled his fingers in it, rubbing her dark locks. She pressed kisses on his belly, down his thigh and at the same time, took him in her hand. He gave a soft moan as she rubbed him gently, at the sensitive, erotic spot on the underside and brushed him with her lips.
    His eyes closed and she could see the quickening rise and fall of his chest. She moved his legs apart a bit and sat up, positioning herself above him. He raised his arms to grasp her round the waist and move her slightly as she guided him inside of her. She sat forward a little, to make sure he was comfortably inside and he began to pull her down, creating those tantalizing thrusts that she loved. She splayed her hands out over his chest, dragging her fingers down over it, sometimes her tongue. She moved on top of him, braced on her knees, to rub her pelvis closer and closer with his. He groaned and guided her that way again, towards that erotic place, and moved faster within her.
    She dropped her hands to her sides and they swept along the ground, brushing the grass. She clutched it in her fingertips, then felt herself being lowered closer to his body as his rhythm became more intense, making her feel wonderfully helpless. Her lips met his and he ran his tongue inside her mouth and then along her neck, kissing. She groaned and put her hands on his shoulders again as she raised and lowered herself with his thrusts, grinding her body with his. He raised his legs and gripped her harder, panting her name as he came faster. She felt the sweat on her body, felt his, felt the way his fingers dug into her skin, pulling her to meet him, to bring her to orgasm.
    She did, with a sharp cry as her body shook and moved still with his thrusts, and then he came, the fantastic warmth filling her. He cried out and then lay back slowly, exhausted. She lay herself next to him and he watched as the last waves of her orgasm passed. He smiled softly.
    "You're so divine. I love watching you tremble." He let his fingers play in her hair as she slowly caught her breath and calmer breathing came back. She sighed and moved closed to him. She looked up at the sky, shining brightly between branches of the tree.
    "I've always wanted to make love outside," she said, smiling.
    "It was great, love. The grass makes a good cushion, too."
    "I wonder where we should try it next?"
    "I still think the beach."
    "Maybe," she said, kissing his hand.
    "Anywhere, so long as it's with you," he said, smiling.
    She looked at him and grinned, then rested her head on his arm.
    "If it's not too much of an intrusion, would you tell me about the others a little bit? Only if you want to, now that we're learning more about each other," she said quickly.

Chapter 4
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