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"I get by with a little help from my friends..."

Hosted Fics:

Stories of Others:

Moonlight and Magic
Genre:Romance/Comedy Rated:PG-13
A girl in an orchestra travels to England. There she meets Paul and the Fab Four! A romance sprouts with Paul but an old friend comes to spark an old flame. Who will she chose as the man she loves?

In My Eyes
Genre:Romance Rated:Pg-13
Julia Anderson is just out of college and the only things she's certain about is her life-long desire to go to London to see her best friend Pam and her love for the Beatles. Little does she know that she's about to meet more friends than just Pam...

In the Blink of an Eye
Genre:Romance Rated:PG-13
The sequel to In My Eyes.Julia returns home to carry on with her life and forget the past. But how long can she stay in New York without being haunted by her maybe not-so-bad memories...

Genre:Anime Rated:PG
Here is a twist! Sailor Moon meets The Beatles!...

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words
Genre:Comedy Rated:G
John takes a very "special" picture of George which falls into the hands of two dying reporters waiting for a good story.

Beatleranma 1/2
Genre:Comedy Rated:PG-13
Paul and George get turned into girls! A rough parody of the comic anime series Ranma 1/2. HYSTERICAL!

Beatleranma 2 1/2
Genre:Comedy Rated:PG-13
The return of Beatleranma 1/2. This time George and Paul turn into girls but have a show in a day! How will they get passed security and be on the Ed Sullivan Show?

Beatleranma 3 1/2
Genre:Comedy Rated:Pg-13
Another one? Yep, and even funnier! With new authors these two he/she's start interfering with other Fab Four's life!

Maurecia Malloy
Genre:Comedy Rated:PG
The Beatles are backstabbed by a interviewer who pretends to like them

Making of the Magical Mystery Tour
Genre:Comedy Rated:PG-13
The many things that could have gone wrong durring the MMT.

Diabolical Cucumbers
Genre:Comedy Rated:PG
The Fab Four MUST save the world from complete Boy Band DOMINATION!Hysterical!

Young Again
Genre:Comedy Rated:PG
Paul gets young again!(Hence the name)How will the Fab Four deal with their new child?

Fools In Love
Genre:Comedy/Romance Rated:PG-13
Paul meets Martha, a seventeen year old girl finishing her schooling in Liverpool. Follow their adventures as the two fall in love.

Just A Moments Pleasure
Genre:Comedy/Romance Rated:PG-13
Part 2 to Fools in Love. Martha goes along with the rest of the "Beatle Girls" on their road to musical stardom and fame!

Hour of Darkness
Genre:Sci-Fi Rated:PG-13
What do you think would happen if our four boys were catapaulted to a parallel world, left to survive and thrive with only their wits, cunning, and a certain hand-picked ability?

Walk Alone if you Choose
Genre:Romance Rated:PG-13
The year is 1966, and a girl named Beth is starting to get a taste of what it feels like to be alienated. She's twenty-two, and she has just graduated college with honors. Strangely enough, she's really not sure what to do with her life. She decides that she will go where she has always been drawn to....England. You may deduce what happens next.

The Ballad of Johnny and Sparkle
Genre:Romance Rated:PG-13
The sequel to Walk alone if you choose. Will Beth find comfort in her Spain? Read to Find out!

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