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Chapter 1

Paul's hair swung lightly over his forehead as he danced.  His fingers were red from the constant strumming of his guitar and his lips were dry from his singing.  But of course, he still looked gorgeous.  Brittany danced her ass off trying to have a good time.  But Lupita was the one getting all the attention.  Her dark brown hair flipped around as she danced gracefully, giggling as she went along.  Paul eyed her way too many times and Brittany knew Lupita's head would be full grown by later on tonight.  Brittany shuffled over to Lupita and took her hand.  
"Come on flirty, lets sit down and have a drink," she laughed.  The song ended and she dragged Lupita away as she gave Paul a small wave.  
"I was doing good there!" Lupita complained.
"You'll get him later, you know it!" Brittany said sitting her down on the bar stool next to her, "Strawberry Daiquiri please."
"Listen Brit, don't get too drunk tonight.  I know you're responsible but I know how you can get," Lupita said worrying.  Brittany looked over at the guy she had been looking at all night.  He was kissing another girl.  
"I'm getting smashed," she said taking her drink from the bartenders hand and gulping it down.  Lupita grabbed my hand ,"No you are not," and twirled her back to the floor as another song started.  She knew only a few drinks could get Brittany tipsy.  They started to dance again and finally Brittany noticed one of the boys was looking down at her.  John was staring down as Brittany twirled and twisted with Lupita.  She couldn't tell if he was looking at Brittany or Lupita, but it was probably Lupita.  Brittany's hair was dirty blonde and flowing. Brittany had just got it straightened this afternoon so it hung to her mid back.  She had a small pink tank top on and a white mini skirt with white go-go boots and white fishnets.  Lupita was wearing a low cut red tank top and a black mini skirt with black go-go boots.  It almost looked as she was the devil and Brittany was the angel.  It was almost totally opposite.  Brittany was the naughty one, the outspoken one.  She was spunky yet had a side to her that was very gentle and feminine.  She was a sucker for all love things, but never get her pissed off.  Lupita was a quiet type and the good girl.  Well, lets just say Lupita wasn't too goody when it came to men.  She was incredibly sexy yet didn't know what to do with herself.  Always preaching about her virginity and how she had to wait for the perfect man she was a complete lady but loved to give off her amazing sex appeal.
Brittany slipped away into the crowd as the song finished.
"NO DRINKING!" Lupita yelled.  Brittany snickered rubbing her hands together and went back to the bar for a beer.  The Beatles had turned in for the night and she started to drink from the cold can that was placed in her hand.  
"She said no drinking you know," someone said behind Brittany tapping her shoulder.  
"She knows I get tipsy from only this," she giggled holding up the can.  
"Better for me then," John mumbled.
"YOU DIRTY SWINE!" she said punching him in the arm and turning around. John laughed turning around to Paul and back.
"Hey listen, I was only kidding," he said continuing to laugh.
"What do you have some bet going on that Paul can get Lupita in bed and you can to I?" she asked whipping around again.
"You've played that game before haven't you?" he asked raising an eyebrow.  
"I don't fool around with arses who don't know when to shut their mouths," she said finishing the can, "excuse me."  Brittany walked over to Lupita who was twirling her hair around her finger as she chatted with Paul.  
"God Paul, he's such an ass," Brittany commented.  
"We know," he laughed pointing at John.  Brittany shoved her way through the crowd again and put a song on the jukebox.  She started to dance when she spotted the bar...empty. Brittany started to climb atop of the counter and continued to dance.  She got a few hoots as soon as she got up.  She swung her hips lightly and wiggled herself onto the counter. She started to sing and dance over to where John was sitting.
"I-I-I, I'm so in love with you, whatever you wanna do, is all right by me," she sung to him. John's face looked intrigued yet surprised.  Lupita was sure that the lump on his pants was NOT his belt buckle.  She started to slide down the bar on her hip twirling around to face him.  She jumped into his arms and he swung her down to the ground.  Brittany saw a look of worry dash across Lupita's face.  She continued to sing as the cheers continued and grew.  
"God damnit, we're here for a day and she gets drunk already," Lupita growled," Paul can you take us home?"
"Sure luv," he smiled.  Lupita giggled forgetting about lil ol' Brittany dancing her heart out.  She turned around, quickly remembered, grabbed her by the arm and swung her out the door.  John, George, Paul and Ringo quickly followed out and brought us to their car.  Brittany continued to sing to John as Lupita pushed Brittany into the small black vehicle.  She started to lean into John and Lupita stopped her.  
"Come on Lupita let me have some fun!" John asked.  Lupita flashed him a sick smile as we stopped at our hotel. Lupita ran out the door and up to the hotel awning.  Lupita grabbed the handles of the doors open and started to pull.  They were locked.
"SHIT," she yelled as she ran back to the car.
"Guess I'm spending the night with YOU!" Brittany giggled tapping John on the nose.
1 day before

"LUPITA GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM!" Brittany screamed knocking on her door.  She opened the door finally emerging from the hot room.  She looked at her furiously in her towel running into the shower.  
Brittany slapped the makeup on her face quickly and shoved the bag into her suitcase.  She put on her clothes and looked at the empty room.  "21 years," she mumbled.  Parents gone, relatives don't care, so it was just Lupita and Brittany.  She gave the home one last look good-bye and dripped one tear onto the battered wood floor. Lupita honked the horn to the car to get her attention.  Brittany whipped around closing the door and left the memories behind her.

Back to the current date.

We drove up to John's driveway and got out of the car.  Brittany had passed out so John was carrying her to the door.  He fumbled his keys and twisted the door open.  The messy apartment had clothes all over it and pillows and some mattresses thrown all over.  John set Brittany's body on the couch and threw his pillow on the floor next to her.  Lupita wiggled over to the other couch setting herself down onto it.  Paul's eyes traced her body as she flopped onto the soft couch.  Paul, George and Ringo slipped into their mattresses and shut the one lamp in the middle off.  
"Rich thanks for taking care of us," Lupita said.
"ITS MY HOUSE!" John yelled.
"She's MY kid now!" Ringo said throwing a pillow at John.  
"I'm not a kid Rich, I'm only a year younger than you," she whined.
"Whatever," he sighed, "good night luv."
"Night Richie."

Brittany woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes cooking on the griddle.  She opened her eyes to find John next to her.  She shoved him off the couch jumping up onto her feet.
"OW!  You bloody bastard that HURT!" he screamed. He opened his eyes and noticed it was me.  
"You're the bloody bastard sleeping on the couch with me you fucking ass!" she yelled back.  John, almost taken back by her use of words, smiled.  
"Well, after you do something with a girl its nice to sleep in the same bed," he smirked.
"I DID NOT, did I?" she asked.  Brittany started to scream jumping over him and into the kitchen.  She heard John laughing hysterically as she ran over to Ringo's side.  John sauntered in rubbing his eyes.
"HE RAPED ME!" Brittany yelled pointing at him.  Rich immediately stood up running over to John ready to pounce.
"Easy there killer, I was only joking with her," he laughed. Brittany shook with anger and tried to walk calmly over to Lupita.  She started to growl and in mid step pounced over to John and pushed him to the ground. She started to smack him across the face several times, punched him in the gut, put a knee in his groin and tickled him.  Brittany wiped her hands off on John's shirt and got up off him.
"Teaches you to mess with me," she snickered walking back over to Lupita.
After the breakfast was finished, compliments of Lupita, Ringo drove us back to the hotel.  
"Girls, save yourself the money and come live in John's house with us," he said while he opened up the door with our key.
"I couldn't impose," Brittany said flopping onto the linen sheets.
"You know you're welcome," he said putting a helping hand on her shoulder.  
"Rich we won't just yet.  We don't even know the boys that well yet and it would be a little strange living with three boys we didn't know and our cousin," Lupita breathed.
"Think about it," he smiled giving us each a kiss and closing the door behind him as he walked silently out the door.  Lupita started taking out some sassy outfit and took a towel to the bathroom.
"What are you getting all dressed up for?" Brittany asked.
"I have a date with Paul after he performs tonight," she smiled.
"Ugh, I get drunk you get a date.  Sounds like everything we do!" she mumbled flopping back down on the bed.
"Come on Britt.  You didn't really get that drunk.  You only had one drink.  Why don't you come to the show tonight?  Maybe you could hang out with John after." Lupita said as she started to close the door.
"EEW NEVER!" Brittany screamed shoving her head under her pillow. Lupita giggled as she turned on the water and stepped into the shower.  
Time passed and finally Lupita and Brittany were ready to go again.  Another night will awaited them in their new life in Liverpool.

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