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Chapter 2

Brittany sauntered casually into the dimly lit cavern and rushed to a table in the front with Lupita.  She looked ravishing.  She had on a slip halter dress with her black go-go boots.  Lupita had a white tank top on with a red skirt, white fishnets and white go-go boots on.  She could clean up pretty nice she thought.  Paul gave Lupita and Brittany a wave to come to the stage.  They rushed over and he knelt down to the foot of the stage.
"Hi girls," he said kissing us on the cheek, "Hey Britt, how'd you like going out with Georgie after this."
"I'd like that if he asked me himself," she smiled.
"Well, he doesn't know yet.  Obviously you can't "go out" with Ringo and John ... well we know the relationship between John and you," he laughed.
"Well, I suppose you can tell George I'll see him after the show then!" She giggled giving a small little wave and smile to George as he walked by.  George looked nervously at her flirting with him and he smiled back not knowing what else to do.  
"Isn't he a little ... young?" Brittany asked.
"Trust me he's uh...mmm ... mature ... in many ways," Paul struggled.
"Ok, some things are better left unknown," she laughed as she walked away back to the table. Lupita followed after giving Paul a "special" good-bye.  Brittany saw Paul talk to George and a smile whip across his face.  He turned his head to look at me and we both turned away when we made eye contact.
"Someone's got a crush don't they," Lupita said nudging Brittany's shoulder.
"Shut up," Brittany said pushing her back.  The boys started to play and we ran up to the stage to start dancing.  Lupita danced crazily in front of Paul and kept giving him winks and blowing him kisses. Brittany wasn't as flirty as her and just giving little waves and winks to George.  When the boys had a break they came off the stage and came over to us.  Brittany had to admit, they were doing awesome that night.  She kissed Ringo and Paul on the cheek.  She gave George a kiss on the lips and he gave her a sexy smile and took her hand.  John looking uninterested casually walked by.  
"Good Job John," Brittany said.
"Yeah, whatever," he mumbled.
"What's your problem?" she yelled.
"NOTHING!" he screamed back as he briskly walked towards the bar.  She looked confused as he just ran away.
"Don't get concerned, he gets his mood swings," George said to her as she started to walk away; but she wasn't listening.
After the boys finished their second set everyone had a few drinks and got on a bus back to John's place. George and Brittany decided to go to a little restaurant and Paul and Lupita stayed at the club. We agreed to meet at John's house.  
      George took Brittany's arm in his and calmly walked to the small coffee cafe.  They ordered coffee's and sat down in a corner table in the back.  The restaurant was painted a deep brown on the walls and the table was a small wooden end table.  He suddenly put his hand on hers and Brittany smiled.  George's eyes lit up looking at her outfit again.  She still looked great after all the dancing. She was completely gorgeous and he couldn't stop staring.
      "Something wrong?" she asked.
      "No nothing.  I was just looking at how gorgeous you look tonight," he smiled taking his hands through her soft hair.  She smiled shyly taking another sip of her coffee.  This gave her time to examine George.  His hair was set lightly so that the bangs just reached above his eyebrows.  His eyebrows were rugged and dark and his eyes were pools of darkness.  She examined his lips next tracing them with her fingers.  They were perfectly shaped, not too pouty yet not dry and cracked.  His face came to a sharp point at his chin and released into his flowing neck and sloping shoulders.  George leaned in for a kiss when he saw her staring into his eyes. The kiss was a small gentle peck.  Brittany smiled and took his hand again.  They finished up their coffee and walked hand in hand out the door.  There was a light snow falling and the lamp post shone light showing the individual flakes.  They stepped under a bus stop awning and sat on the wooden bench provided.  
      "I had a good time," she sighed holding his hand.
      "I did too.  It was probably the best I've had in a long time," he smiled.  His face turned to a questioning look straight after, "Why did you come here?" he asked. Brittany's eyes turned red and her face blushed.  She looked away ignoring his question.
      "We just needed to," she said holding the lump in her throat down.  He shrugged and put his arm around me.  The bus drove up soon enough and they traveled back to John's house.  They stepped inside giggling at a joke George had said.  They started to take off our layers of scarfs, coats, gloves and sweaters.  George dusted the snow out of Brittany's hair peeling her wool hat off her head.  Brittany gave him a small kiss on his cheek and walked away into one of the empty bedrooms.  Lupita was sitting on the floor sipping some hot chocolate and flipping through the newspaper.  Brittany started to take her clothes off quickly and put some pajamas on.  She slipped on black thermals and a sweatshirt.  She put her hair up in a loose ponytail and put on a pair of fuzzy slippers.  She sat down next to Lupita as she read a review of the boys performance.
      "SO how was your date?" She asked Lupita stealing a sip of her cocoa.
      "Pretty good.  Paul was a complete gentleman, we had a couple of small kisses and we danced our hearts out," she shrugged.
      "Same with mine," Brittany shrugged smiling," something is the matter...tell me."
      "OH God Britt.  I love Paul.  I met him today and I love him.  He's sweet, gorgeous, talented and oh such a good kisser.  Damnit, I really like him and I promised myself I would try not to get so obsessive!" she cried.  
      "Oh Lupita," Brittany giggled," It's not the end of the world.  We'll see how the things turn out."
      "So optimistic aren't you/" Lupita asked.  She stuck her tongue out and walked out of the room.  I walked into the kitchen pouring myself a cup of hot chocolate and sat next to John.  
      "You have a good time tonight?" Brittany asked.  John gave her a glare of hatred and stared back into his coffee.
      "Well, if you are going to be a bastard about it...goodnight," she snuffed and walked over to George.  She was starting to really like George that night, but John ignoring her was bugging her.  She tried to ignore it and concentrate on George.  George and Brittany sat on his mattress and looked into each others eyes.
"You're so beautiful," George said to her brushing her hair through his fingers.  She smiled and snuggled up next to him.
"How many girls have you said that to?" She asked.
"You're very paranoid aren't you?" he asked wrapping his hands around her waist and snuggling her close.
" I don't think much of myself ... that's why I think everything guys say is some way to get me into bed," Brittany sighed.
"Well, it worked!" George laughed.  She giggled softly and turned over to meet his lips.  She touched his soft lips and shared a very passionate kiss with him.  A pillow hit me in the head suddenly and she whipped away.
"Sorry," John said resting his head back down on his pillow and pretending to go back to sleep.  Something was very strange with that boy tonight.  Paul and Lupita were kissing on Paul's matters and Brittany turned to George again and kissed him once again.  This one longer, George's hands roamed her body.  Paul was right when he said he was mature.  Brittany weaved her fingers through his thick hair and when the kiss was over he kissed her forehead and turned her over.
"Good night luv," he said.
"Night George," Brittany sighed.  Lupita and Paul had fallen asleep in each others arms and Paul had a soft snore.  Ringo's snore was louder than ever.  George picked up a pillow and threw it at Richies head.
"SHUT THE HELL UP!" he screamed and laid back down and snuggled up to her.  Brittany couldn't control her laughter but finally she was so tired she fell asleep while laughing.

Brittany woke up next to George snuggled next to her.  She smelt the mix of his cologne and sweat and it was just perfect.  She really liked George.  Then she realized it, today was Monday. Brittany had to be at school in 20 minutes.  Her first day of school she COULDN'T be late.  She whipped herself out of George's arms and jumped over the bodies laying on the floor.  She popped some toast in the toaster and ran to the bathroom to fix herself up.  
"First day of school and I'm gonna look like a HOAR!" She screamed not remembering that everyone was sleeping.  She slipped her go-go boots, skirt and tank on after she got out of the shower.  Her hair was soaking wet to the tips.  Brittany ran back to the kitchen to grab her toast when she bumped into John.
"I don't have time for you this morning, I have to get to school," she yelled as she shoved him out of the way.
"You didn't tell me you went to school," he said taking a sip of his orange juice.
"Well, I do and I'm going to be late!" she cried.
"Calm down.  Just take the car, come back for lunch and you'll do fine," he said touching my shoulder. She gave him a semi-dirty look.
"What you think nothings changed since last night?  You were a complete bastard to me last night and...ugh... I DON'T HAVE TIME TO FIGHT WITH YOU AND YOU'RE STUPID REMARKS!" Brittany screamed.  Everyone started to climb out of bed now.  She grabbed the keys, a pen and a notebook.
"GOOD-BYE!" she screamed.  Brittany walked passed George quickly and gave him a quick kiss.  She slammed the door behind her and went to the car and started it up.

Lupita dashed a confused look at Paul.
"What the hell was that?" she asked.  John looking pissed off threw his glass of Orange Juice and smashed the glass to the ground.  He walked around the broken glass picked up his leather jacket off the floor and walked out the door.
"He's doesn't usually act that way," Ringo said as he went to sweep up the glass.  
"I wonder what's up with him," Lupita said looking wordily  
Brittany started to write down a list of supplies she needed and where she had to go to get her textbooks.  As she scribbled down the notes someone looked over her shoulder.  
"Quite a bit of notes you've got there," he said.  His voice was soothing almost like Paul's.  
"Too much work for the first day," she sighed.
'I'm Ardy," he said sticking his hand out.  Brittany shook it casually.
"I'm Brittany, your name doesn't seem so British," she laughed.
"Well, Brittany does...but where is your accent," he asked.
"Back in New York," Ardy laughed at her wit.  
"So you're here on interns or what?" he asked.
"I moved here, to stay with my," Brittany choked.
"Right...ok well the day is over, come walk to the parking lot with me," he said.
"Sure," she shrugged gathering up her things and walking with him out the classroom door.  Ardy and Brittany talked about where they were staying, what they were here for, what they were doing in school when she found his car right next to hers.
"Small world!" Brittany laughed.
"Seems like it!  Hey I'll give you a ring, what's your number?" he asked her.  Brittany scribbled down her number on his hand.  She opened the door to the car and John was all ready sitting down.  She screamed at his empty stare.  
"Cheating on George already?" he asked grabbing her hand and shoving her into the seat next to him.
"John, I was just making friends with him.  Don't think any more of it," Brittany said rubbing her hand from the harsh throw across the car.  
"Sure," he mumbled pulling out of the parking spot.  Obviously Ardy saw the whole thing.  He saw her eyes puffy and red.  He had a look of worry in his eyes and pointed to my number on his hand. "I hope he would call me" she thought.
"Dry your eyes," John said shoving her a tissue.
"Thanks... I guess," She sighed.
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to act like that," he said.
"Why did you come?" Brittany asked.  Thoughts dashed through her head rapidly.  What could he be doing this for?
"I don't know.  I couldn't even tell you that.  I just felt that inside I needed to see you," he said expressionlessly.
"To treat me like that you needed to see me?  What am I?  A pillow to get your anger out on?" She screamed.
"It's NOT like that.  I didn't come over to react like that.  I just got pissed when I saw you with that guy.  I just wanted to be with you that's all," he shrugged.
"You've been a complete bastard to me for the last week!  You've fought with me and you've made fun of me and caused me nothing but hurt?  Why did you want to be with me then?" She said raising my voice.
"I DON'T know...I feel like an ass for being so crude to you...but It's just how I am...and I can't change that," he sighed.
"All right then.  I guess I'll... I'll just go back to the hotel then," Brittany said wiping the tears again.
"No, no.. come back," he said, "Stay with your sister.  She decided she's staying with us.  Plus, you guys don't have too much money yet...and well I can't kick you out yet...George would kill me," he said as she saw a small smirk run across his lips.
"Ha ha ... you know you don't want me leaving," Brittany smiled.  He looked over at her smiling and turned back at the wheel shaking his head.

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