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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

John and Brittany pulled up to the house and stepped inside the door.  George seeing her puffy eyes and return with John looked angrily at John and started to stomp towards him.  Brittnay stopped him with her hands and gave him a kiss pretending nothing had happened.  
"Hi honey, yes I had a good first day of school but right now I have to go get my supplies.  Do you wanna come with me?" she asked rushing her sentence.
"Uhhh...sure," he said as she grabbed his hand and started walking back towards the door.  He looked back at John giving him a dirty look and stared back at Brittany. They stepped into the car and started to pull away to go to a convenience shop.
      "Nothing happened and whatever did happen is over George," she spat.
      "If he did anything to hurt you I'll kill im'," he snarled.  She showed him her right hand and the gushing scar.     
      "THAT BASTARD," he yelled taking her hand and trying to stop the blood.  
      "Calm down, It's over George. Let's just go and get my supplies and then we'll go home and I'll make you dinner ok?" Brittany said trying to force a smile over her tears.
      "Oh honey.  I can't believe he did this to you.  It must hurt like hell.  What if you need stitches!  This could get infected...why don't we go home?' he said wordily  She smiled at how much he cared and pulled her hand away.  They ended up going to the store and then going back to the house.  When they walked in Lupita was already cooking and John and Ringo were on the couch.  
      "Ello' luv's!" Brittany said in her best accent.
      "Keep working on it," Ringo said taking a puff of his cigarette
      "Let me try!" She whispered so Lupita wouldn't hear.  Brittany took the cigarette in her hand.
Don't you dare take a smoke of that Brittany or I'll cripple you," she said still cooking her food in a boiling pot.
      "Ah.. shit," She said handing it back to him and sitting in between John and Ringo.  John put his arm around her and pulled her close to him.  Brittnay snuggled into his chest.  He had a slight ripple in his chest and his strong arms held her tight.  George gave a frown and sat beside her taking Brittany away from John and kissing her.  He put her head on his shoulder and started to pet her head mocking John.
      "I had her first!" John whined.
      "Shove it," George laughed giving Brittany another kiss.  Lupita announced she had finished dinner so we walked in as she set the dinner on the table.  Dinner was relatively quiet since we didn't really have anything to discuss.  Having girls in the house turned the place upside down.  Finally George spoke.
      "I'm done.  Lovely meal Lupita, but I'm gonna go down to the cavern for a drink?  Anyone wanna come with me?" he asked politely  The three boys stood up loudly, ran to the door and hurried George along now.  
      "Do you wanna come luv?" he asked Brittany taking her hand.
      "Not tonight. I'm real tired," She said smirking at his adorable expression.      
      "Alright then," he said giving Brittany a kiss and walking out the door.  Lupita and Brittany started to clean the dishes as soon as they were finished with their tea.  
      "I met someone today," Brittany mumbled.
That's not good, you have George," she said as she scraped the food off the side of someone's dish.
      "Not like that. He's a really nice friend. He's gorgeous but don't worry, I don't think I'm into him yet," she sighed.  Lupita gave a questionable glance towards me and started working on the dishes again.  Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
      "The guys must have forgotten something," She shrugged opening the door.
      "Ello' luv," Ardy said.
      "ARDY!  What are you doing here?" Brittany asked slipping her apron off.
      "I wanted to see how you were.  Was that your boyfriend after school today?" he asked.
      "No.  Just a friend of...the family's." She lied.  Lupita peeked her head out the kitchen sliding door and walked inside.
      "Hi there," Lupita said smiling and putting her hand out, " I'm Lupita, Brittany's sister!"   Brittany had seen this look so many times. She's flirting...she likes him.  Ardy commented on Lupita's apron.  She giggled and strutted into the kitchen with him.  
      "SO how long have you lived here?" Ardy asked looking around the kitchen.
      "Only a few days.  A tragedy happened back home and since I don't have a job yet we had to come here to live with my cousin Rich," she said.  If she started telling him why we left America Brittany would kill her.
      "Nice place he has," he said trying not to touch the counters which were topped with some interesting liquids and dried foods.  
      "I know it needs cleaning.  We didn't have time since we just got here.  Actually this isn't his place, it's John's.  The person who drove Brittany home today.  They have a band, The Beatles.  I don't know if you've heard of them.  Anyways, All four of the boys live here." she rambled.  Brittany hoped she didn't bore him with their life story.  Brittany thought she was just getting jealous since he came here to see her and Lupita stole him away.  She didn't really ramble on.  He just asked a simple question.
      "John eh?  Do you know what he did today?" he asked. Brittany's ears perked from the comment.  She ran over to him and took his arm.
      "Well Ardy, it's been so nice talking to you.  I think it's time for us to clean this place up before the boys get back! Let's go, I'll walk you to your car!" She said clenching a smile through her worried lips.  
      "Bye!"  Lupita said.  She looked a little confused and waved a small little flirty wave.  Ardy waved back as Brittany shoved him out the door.
      "WHAT do you think you're doing! Don't go telling my sister what John did to me! NO one knows but George, John, you and I.  Let's KEEP it that way!" she screamed.  He seemed startled by her sudden outburst.
      "I was just trying to help," he sighed.
      "Well that doesn't help at all.  No one should know what John and I go through.  It'll end up that Lupita and I will probably move out and never see them again...and I don't want Please...don't tell her," She whispered.  She started to cry into his shoulder and he put his arms around her.  
      "There, There..It's ok...I won't tell," he said.
      "Tell what?" Ringo asked.  Brittany lifted her head to see Ringo and John staring at her from behind.
      "You've got George completely wrapped up in you and you go sneaking about with someone else?"Ringo screamed.
      "It's not like that! He's just a friend," She yelled.  
      "Then what is he not telling?" John asked raising his voice.
      "Nothing John, Its something you already know," Brittany said frantically, "Ardy why don't you go home. I'll see you tomorrow in school,"
      "Alright," Ardy said backing off,"see ya."  Ringo ran inside to talk to Lupita.  
      "That's the bastard from this afternoon isn't it!" John screamed at her.
      "John, It's not--" John stopped her words as she saw his eyes get angrier. John's  evil eyes turned back to gentle.  He trembled trying to hold her hands in his.  He grabbed her close to his body and held her in his arms.
      "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he said rocking Brittany back and forth.  
      "It's all right.  That looked pretty bad.  Don't worry its over now," she sighed.
      "So you did cheat on George?" he asked.
      "NO!  I didn't.  I was telling him not to tell Lupita that you hit me in the car," Brittany said now embarassed. She got up nervously and ran to the bathroom.  John started running after her.  She ran into the bathroom but he stuck his hand in between the door and the frame so she couldn't close it.  He walked in and sat down on the floor with Brittany.  
      "Can't you forgive me for today?  I know I did something wrong and I understand that Ardy was worried about you, but George is one of my best friends and I couldn't let him get hurt. I'm sorry I acted so violently," he confessed taking her hands.
      "I suppose your apology is accepted," she said slipping her hands away,"I just hope you really mean it."
      " know it's not like that," he said raising his head to her.  His face was solemn.  She walked out of the room and onto the porch steps.  Brittany needed some time to just calm down.
      Brittany looked down at the scar on her wrist.  It wasn't getting better. She  thought she should probably go to the doctor.  Lupita came outside and sat next to her.
      "Tell me," she said.  There was a silence for about 1 minute as they sat there refusing to look at each other.
      "What do you want to know," Brittany whispered.  She didn't want to cry, She'd had enough tears.
      "Where did you get the scar from?" she asked.
      "I fell in the parking lot," Brittany lied.  
"That's not what I heard.  I heard John got mad at you, shoved you into the car and that's when you cut your hand," she sighed.  Brittany started to moan.
      "Yeah, I guess it was like that,"  Brittany didn't want her to know all of this.
       "Why is your face so red?" she asked me turning my head to hers.
      "From the crying,"Brittany said biting her lip.  Now she knew everything.  Something was bound to come of this.
      "Where did you hear all of this?" She asked starting to tear.
      "John told me.  He's really sorry you know.  Just when someone as strong willed as you goes up against him, things don't really match up," she sighed.   Silence filled the space between them again.  Brittany nodded her head at Lupita like she knew what she meant and faced the street again.
      "You like Ardy don't you?" Brittany asked staring at her again.
      "He is gorgeous.  He looks a lot like Paul. He's nice, smart, funny..."  She stopped in her sentence  She realized she really did like him.  Lupita looked at Brittany and sighed.
      "Oh shit, what the hell am I going to do," she moaned.  Brittany put an arm around her and comforted her.  
      "It's OK.  You hardly know Ardy yet.  He could be a complete jerk.  You love Paul ... don't you?" Brittany asked.  Shit that could have been the wrong thing to say.
      "I've known Paul for a week.  I thought I loved him.  It was love and first sight. Now I just don't know anymore..." she whined.

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