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Chapter 4

After calming Lupita down,  They walked inside the house and sat down on the couch.  George gave Brittany a sad look and returned his head into his knees.  
      "George...It's not like that you know.   He's just a know I love you," she said scooting her body over to him.
      "Why should I believe you?" He whined.
      "Ask Ardy, ask Lupita, ask John...ask anybody.  I love you and I would never do something like that," Brittany sighed.  George smiled and put his arms around her.  
      "I love you too," he smirked giving Brittany a kiss on the lips and resting her on his chest.  She felt so loved again.  So warm in his grasp and snuggled up against him.  She could almost feel him smiling down upon her. It's amazing how fast I grew to love him. Brittany told Lupita to keep it on the down low that she thinks she likes Ardy.  We'll just have to see how things turn out.  It was getting late now and since she had school tomorrow she decided to go to sleep.  We set the mattresses up on the floor and everyone was pretty much tired and decided to snuggle up.  George and Brittany rested up against each other. .  She felt his warm body radiating heat to hers.  He had on boxers and Brittany had on a sweatshirt and shorts.  She didn't know how he managed to wear such little clothing in such freezing temperatures.  Lupita seemed worried being in the same bed as Paul but she calmed down after a while.  Ringo was snoring loudly on the couch again and John smothered him with a pillow to shut up.  Brittany finally fell asleep after about a half hour of watching a late night TV show and heard George mutter I love you in her ear.
      Brittany woke up early so she didn't have to rush this time. Everyone was still sleeping so she tip toed into the bathroom to take a shower.  When she got out of the shower she quickly dried off and put my clothes on.  Lupita was up with a cup of coffee in her hand.  She poured Brittany a cup and Brittany poured herself a bowl of Corn Flakes.  
      "You still love Paul right?" Brittany asked her.   She nodded.  
      " I know I love him. Ardy is just a little crush thats all," she smiled.  Brittany was happy that she was feeling better.  She gave her a hug and creeped over to her mattress  George was sound asleep with a gentle snore humming.  Brittany kissed him on the lips softly.  His eyes fluttered open as he rolled onto his back.  He smiled and closed his eyes again falling asleep.  He just looked so beautiful.  Brittany hopped back over to the door, walked out, and started to drive to school.
      Ardy ran up to Brittany in the hall and tapped her on the shoulder.
      "Hey!" Brittany said calmly.  
      "Is... everything ok?" he asked putting his arm around her.
      "George believed me that I didn't cheat on him and we're all right now," She said.
      "Are you sure you're ok" he asked.
      "I'm fine." She sighed.
      "I'm happy to hear it.  Lupita and I were talking yesterday.  She really cares about you," he smiled.
      "Yeah...You like her don't you," Brittany said nudging his arm.  He looked her in the eyes and bit his lips.
      "I don't want to.  I know she is in love with Paul," he said lowering his head.
      "Why don't you pick her up at 7 tonight and take her to a movie?" Brittany asked smiling at him.
      "Paul won't be home.  They are rehearsing tonight," She grinned.  His eyebrows raised and he smiled.  
      "Ok...I'll be there," he laughed.  
      Brittany got home and walked inside the house.  
      "It's about TIME you got home!" Paul yelled.
      "Whew!  Sorry!  Just got home from school!  Go ahead the car is yours!" She laughed.  She threw them the keys and they started to walk towards the door.  George gave her a kiss on the way out.
      "We'll be back around eleven" he smiled.  
      "Bye guys," Brittany yelled as they bolted out the door.  Lupita looked excited as she scribbled something down.
      "I GOT A JOB!" she screamed excitedly, "I'm working as a photographer for a magazine back home!"  They celebrated by running and jumping up and down.  When they finally fell onto the couch she grabbed Brittany's hand.    
      "There is one problem," she said seriously. Brittany's eyes dropped.
      "We have to move to London...but we get the studio apartment for free!  They are paying for us," she smiled.
      "But what abou---"
      "Paul has an apartment in London already and George and Ringo have another apartment here.  I know you won't see George much, and you'll have to quit school, but everything will work out!" she said trying to smile.
      "I'm not leaving school.  You go move to London with Paul.  I'm NOT leaving George," Brittany cried, "Who's gonna live here with John?"
      "John's wife...Cynthia. She's moving in  two days.Thats why I told you now.  You move in with George and Ringo... or you move in with me. Your choice." she said gravely.
      "I'm sorry.  I have to move in with George.  I'll visit alot you know!  I love you Lupita...but I can't leave him or school," She said holding in her tears.  
      "If that's the way you feel," she smiled.  
      "I'm glad you aren't angry.  Oh and by the way.. Ardy is picking you up at seven.  You guys are going to a movie," Brittany shrugged.
      "I love you too," she laughed pushing her over and running into the shower.  Brittany started to watch the T.V when the phone rang.
      "Lennon residence," She answered.  Someone would get a laugh out of that one.
"That's a good one Britt.  I called to talk about our plans.  For moving I mean," George said.  
      "Well...I hope you don't mind but I sorta wanted to stay with you,"She said sheepishly.
      "GREAT!  That is such a relief.  I wanted you to stay with Rich and I.  Maureen is moving in too.  Sound good?"he asked.
      "Sounds fabulous.  We're moving in two days?" She asked.
      "Yeah.  I can't wait.  I'll see you when I get home.  I love you," George whispered.
      "I love you too.  Ta ta," She giggled hanging up the phone.  Lupita walked out in her towel.  Her hair was dried and her makeup was on.  All she had to do was get dressed.
      "Who was on the phone?" she asked dragging Brittany to her room to pick out an outfit.
      "George.  I told him I was living with him," She replied.  She picked up a low cut black tanktop.  Then Brittany gave her her black and white leather mini skirt and she wore her white go-go boots.  
      '"Isn't this a bit...demanding?" she asked giving a twirl.
      "Here," Brittany said giving her her black cardigan,"Now you aren't."
      "Thanks," she said giving me a kiss on the cheek.  The doorbell rung and Ardy was at the door.  Lupita answered smiling.  Ardy's knees went weak. He was going to faint.  His eyes brightened with every blink his eyes took.  
      "Ready?" he squeaked.  Lupita giggled and took his arm.
      "Ok,  Bye Britt." she waved.
      "Don't be back too late!" Brittany yelled as she stepped into his car.  She gave her a grin and she stepped back into the house.
      "You look amazing luv'," Ardy smiled.
      "Thanks," she blushed.
      "I've got reservations for a nice little cafe. Would you like to go?"he asked.
      "Sounds lovely," Lupita giggled.  When they arrived Ardy escorted her to the door.  They stepped inside from the cold weather and walked up to the maitre de.
      "Right this way," he gestured and brought them to a small table in the corner.  A window was painted on the wall making the illusion that there was a moonlit river outside.  There was a small round lamp hanging from the ceiling and a checkerboard tablecloth was draped over the small glass table.  A wine was brought to the table and things finally started to move.
      "This is wonderful," Lupita said taking a sip of her wine.
      "It's nice just being here with you," Ardy said taking her hand.  Lupita sheepishly smiled at his gesture and kindly accepted it.  She looked into his eyes and started to decipher his look.  His eyes were a deep brown.  They were so dark you could hardly see the black pupil in the center.  His skin was a fair color, a bit flushed from the outside weather.  His eyebrows perfectly mounted above his rounded eyes and his chocolate brown hair swept gently across his forehead.  His lips were full and his nose was perfectly rounded.  He looked a lot like Paul.  Almost resembled him exactly. Ardy eyes weren't as big and his body shape wasn't quite the same.  Either way he was still gorgeous.  After the meal, "Till there was you" played softly by the jukebox next to them.
      "A dance?" he asked gesturing to the floor beside them.  Lupita accepted taking both hands and moving closer to his body.  He draped his arms around her waist holding her tight.  Lupita rested her head on his chest taking a whiff of his sweet cologne.  He was so warm and welcoming she had to look into his eyes. He was grinning at her looking into her eyes as well.  He leaned in for a kiss so sweet it swept her off her feet.  The kiss was light and warm.  His lips felt perfect against his as if they were meant for each other.  Lupita leaned back as the song ended and held on to his hand still.  He paid the check and they left quickly retreating to his car.
      "Would you like to go anywhere else?" he asked.  Lupita looked at her watch.  9:45.  
      "I better be going home now.  Paul will be in soon," she said.  Lupita hoped he knew about Paul.
      "I see. I'm so sorry if I'm coming in between you two. I never meant to intrude.  It was nice just hanging with you tonight though," Ardy said lowering his eyes.
      "I love being with you.   I'm moving to London in a few days with Paul though.  We'll try to work things out ok?  I had a really good time tonight," Lupita smiled.  They pulled into the driveway of John's house.  Ardy gave Lupita another sweet kiss and she opened the door.
      "Goodnight...thanks," she said.
      "Goodnight," Ardy replied.  She shut the car door and walked inside.  Brittany was asleep on the couch.

      She felt a soft tap on her shoulder. She saw Lupita's face smiling in hers.
      "Are the guys home?" Brittany asked.
      "No, not me get.. undone," she said frantically pulling Brittany off the couch and into her room.  She helped her take her boots off and she took her skirt back.  Lupita put on a pair of pajamas and washed off her makeup.  They finally sat on the couch waiting for the boys.  They had already set up the mattresses and turned the T.V on.  About ten minutes later the boys walked in.  They all were tired and flopped down into bed.  Brittany took George's shoes off and placed him under the covers. She took John and Ringo's off as well and started to snuggle in with George.  Lupita took off Pauls jacket and turned the lights off.  Brittany kissed George's forehead and snuggled close next to him.
      "Busy day?" She asked.  George sighed and opened his eyes.
      "Very busy.  Thanks for taking care of me," he smiled.  She kissed his lips softly.
      "Your welcome," She said. He was asleep before he even heard Brittany talk.
           The next morning Brittany slept in late.  Saturdays were very important resting days for her.  She felt a shake on her shoulder.
      "It's 11:30 luv," Paul said brushing her tangled hair out of her face.  She mumbled and groaned but finally managed to roll over and get up.  George and John were still sleeping.
      "They get cranky if you wake them," Paul laughed.  Brittany poured herself a glass of orange juice as she walked to the table.  She gulped down the drink quenching her parched throat.  Ringo scooted his chair next to Brittany's and gave her a hug.
      "I'm glad you're moving in with us," he said giving her a kiss on the cheek.
      "Me too.  I feel a little bad about leaving Lupita but she's well off now," Brittany smiled.  Lupita gave her a grin back.  
      "Well we are touring England.  If you decide to come along and Lupita does also...we'll see too much of each other!" he laughed.
      "I don't know about that one.  School comes first," Brittany said raising her finger.  George and John dragged themselves to the kitchen table and slapped their heads down on the table.  Brittany brushed her fingers through George's hair, scratching his head.  He lifted his head and leaned over to give her a kiss.
      "Morning," he moaned putting his head back on the table.
      "Ready to pack?" She asked energetically.  George just grumbled again.

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