Hope is an exquisite girl sired by the APC Nationals Best of Breed winner for 2002-- Ch. Indiana Jones Of Lenette, ROM. Hope's sire was the number four dog in the country for 2001 & 2002. Hope's dam, Cammie Girl, free-whelped three exceptional show quality puppies. Cammie Girl's dam was a top producer, producing many lovely champions.
Hope has been a great producer. She is the mother to America's #1 Pomeranian for 2008 & 2009, BISA/BISS. Am./Rus./Finn. CH. Bon. She is also the mother to CH. Missy and Egon. Hope is dam to, CH. Bocci. Hope is also the mother to Giannci who needs a major to finish her championship and her sister CH. Envy.