See the Atlantic City photos here!
See the Puerto Rico photos here!
Click on the thumbnail for the bigger picture!
My adorable cousin Guthrie (this was taken in November of 2000, she's now 3 1/2 and still adorable as ever)
The Vachon siblings: (from left to right) Michael (holding Guthrie), Anne, Christine, Mom (Gail), and Brian (sitting on the ground)
For more Guthrie photos and old family photos, go to my Mom's webpage.
Go to her other website for Thanksgiving photos!
You can now see the Bard photos here, and the LaGuardia photos here!
Go here to see a beautiful picture of Albee (dormitory, now science building, at Bard) under the moon. Courtesy of mah friend Liz Scwartz
My good friend Eve has her comic up, "Blood and The Art of Baking", linked to at the above banner.
I haven't really been in touch with my friend Doug for a while, but we used to go camp together at a good ol' nutty place in Long Island called Usdan! Check out his website at