You pity freshmen and think they're "cute."
You have no set curfew for the first time in your life, yet somehow you always manage to be home by 7:30.
People in the administration office actually begin to show a hint of respect to you.
You actually do your homework....When there's nothing better to do.
In preparation for college life, soda and chips become your main source of nutrients.
You suddenly find reason to join afterschool activities.
You suddenly begin to realize that your parents may actually have lives.
Microwavable popcorn becomes increasingly fascinating.
You start to think that mixing Hawaiian Punch and vodka isn't such a good idea.
Trips to your locker & the bathroom have become more and more frequent.
You pride yourself for getting four hours of sleep on New Year's Eve.
Last year you were complaining that you had no time for your friends... And now you have no time for schoolwork.
You have the libido of a dog in heat.
Work?? You want us to work?!? What's that??
Concentrating on one thing is a physical impossibility.
Real conversations with grown-ups no longer intimidate you ? they just annoy you.
You're not sure whether you're getting wiser or losing brain cells.
The tiles on the gym ceiling suddenly prove to be fascinating (at least compared to listening to your gym teacher talk about which muscles are which).
You tear up when you're told that you're supposed to get eight or nine hours of sleep every night.
The term "physical fitness" is a completely foreign term to you. (Nu - tri - tion? What?!?)
Teachers that once thought you as sweet now refer to you as "That one."
The lowerclassmen seem extraordinarily pathetic to you - e.g. You laugh madly when they ask if your evil Economics teacher is nice.
Your favorite hobby is making fun of authority figures.
"Go to all of my classes?! WHAT?!?"
Addictions: Cutting class, sleeping, eating, BOREDOM!
You make senseless lists like this one!