Lazarus Becomes an Idolater


A dark place

where I'd bled to death by my own hand.

He rolled back the stone

with the brush of fingertips

reached into the blackness

and pulled me out,

shivering, heart atrophied.

His breath became mine,

mist to turn the blinding day

into a prismatic nebula that played about his brow.

His warmth infused my flesh,

re-igniting a passion pyre I had thought destroyed in

the time when Jerusalem fell.

Inclining his head

he shared his nimbus with my own dusty skull

and with his lips to mine

he gave me


O, god of my idolatry,

allow me my worship

of you.

Let me wrap you in the golden filaments

that suit you so well.

Let me cense the temple

with sweet herbs and myrrh.

Let me bathe and oil your sacred flesh,

preserve this perfection.

Let me bring the moon

to illuminate our bedchamber,

rain the stars

to make you smile,

Craft potions and unguents

and charms to keep you safe.

Above all,

let me but gaze

into your earthy irises,

my salvation at long last found,

and I beg you

let me dwell in this,

the house of my lord,


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