This is Carl
You don't meet too many people like Carl. If I were to go think back and restate all of the rediculous things that Carl did his freshmen year, i would have to buy more space from angelfire. But he cleaned his act up pretty well. He does well in school and parties slightly less, but just as hard. Anyway.. here's a brief glimpse of the shit that Carl's in to (as far as i know).

Cross country skiing is hollywood's sport. If you ever attend one of his races you'll have no trouble at all picking him out of the croud, as long as you have the following picture as a reference:
Soon this page will have lots of stuff about carl on it but for now i will just tell you that he is a nut who drinks beer and cross country skiis. There's more to know though, so come back and this will look different. Right now it's 2/3/02, if you come back in like a week it should be better. OK PEE SOUT!!