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U.S./CUBA Youth Exchange

In July of 2001, youth from around the country, as well as from here in Buffalo, took part in the 2nd U.S./Cuba Youth Exchange.

Bridging Cultures, Building the Future!!

Hundreds of young people spent approximately two weeks travelling all around Cuba as guests of the Cuban people leaning about Cuban culture, society, art, history, agriculture and way too many other things to list here!!

Fighting the Blockade !!

The goal of the youh exchange is to build understanding, friendship, communication, and relationships between the youth of our two countries in order to begin to overcome the U.S. blockade against Cuba. A blockade which hurts both our countries and peoples.

Pictures Coming Soon !!

The third youth exchange will take place in 2003 - The Buffalo YCL will be organizing for the trip beginning sometime in the sumer of 2002 - So keep an eye on the website for announcements!! The best way to learn about Cuba is to go there and find out for yourself!!!!!!