Letter from Capt. Joseph H. Cogswell of Co. A, to Brig. Gen. William D. Whipple,
regarding the Discharge of Pvt. Benjamin J. Buckley of Co. A.

(transcribed by Loreen Wells)

                                         Camp 150th New York Volunteers, Inf.
                        Second Brigade, First Division, 20th Army Corps
                                                     Atlanta, Ga. October 20, 1864.

Brig. Gnr’l Wm. D. Whipple,
       A.A. Gnr'l Dept. of the Cumberland,
                I have the honor to ask for the discharge of Private 
Benjamin Buckley of my company. The necessary papers for
your action thereon are forwarded herewith.
   The said “Buckley” was taken sick at the close of the Gettysburgh
Campaign in July 1863, and during the forty-six days that my
Regt. lay at Kelly’s Ford Va., he was unable to do duty. On the 16th
September ‘63 he was sent to Hospital, whence he did not return
till March 7, 1864. He was obliged to ride on the top of a car
from Louisville Ky. to Normandy Tenn, and the inclemency 
of the weather brought on his former complaints. He did no duty
during March and April. In the latter part of April he was sent to
Hospital, and returned June 30th, but was still on the sick list.
He was put on light duty, (supply train guard,) but soon was obliged
to give that up. For the last two months he has done no duty. I do not 
think he will ever be of any benefit to the Service.
                                 Very Resp’y Your Obt. Svnt.
                                                 Joseph H. Cogswell,
                                                     Capt Co. A. 150th N.Y.Vols.

Capt. Joseph H. Cogswell, the writer of the letter

Brig. Gen. William D. Whipple, the recipient of the letter

Pvt. Benjamin J. Buckley, the subject of the letter

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