Civil War letters from Francis C. Green to his wife Catherine.
Francis served in the 150th N.Y. Vols., Co. B, in the band.

(transcribed and edited by Loreen Wells)

               Camp Belger
My Dear    Dec. 16 1862
I received Your 
welcomb letter yesterday.
I am glad to hear That all
well and getting along.
   Rion sent a lot of Money 
to Mariah. I don't know how 
much. he works for himself
he is excused from drills 
and it costs him nothing 
for rent wood light
and Grub and I think he has 
the best job he ever had 
at Shoemaking in his life 
I'd like to know how it 
could be better. don't forget 
to send the Blacking Brush  
in that Box. I think that 
Cora and Charley must 
look first rate
I get along first rate 
with the Band. Samuel 
Cables is in the Band to 
play the Symbolus. Chas Hopkins 
is playing a Trombone. a 
Brother of our Chaplain is  
leader of the Band. I ment
that small Glass that was 
kept in the little drawers
but You kneed not
send it as we are going 
to put in and buy one.
   That piese that You cut 
out of the paper and sent 
signed B L Smith   some parts is so 
there is not over 550 men 
that can be raised  there is 
generaly on dress parade about 
350 men.  As to what is 
going to be done with 
us is more than I can 
say but there is some 
talks about the 151 being 
consolidated with us 
but I don't believe it 
I don't see how it is to 
be done. at all events the 
Officers are doing there best 
to do something. time will 
tell what. Give my respects
to all enquireing Friends
I wish Cora & Charley Their 
vary Merry Christmas I hope 
Santa Clause will find the 
little Stockens. I was to work 
on our Bunks in the Barracks 
to day and expect to get in them 
    Give My love to all
   the Family and I remain
       Your Husband &c
               Francis C Green

      You can send me some
      paper ane envelopes as
I have 4 sheets of paper  7 Envelopes
John R. Thompson is 
here to night. Also Ind_ 
Emegt from Poughkeepsie  
          I sent You that 
money for You to use 
as You thought best it is 
all that I could share 
as I want to go out 
on town and buy somethings 
at times to eat and use  
we expect to get paid next 
month for 2 monthes. 
Bart makes some days 2 dollars 
and more

                 Belger Barracks
Dear Kate        June 12, 1863
                  I received Your
letter and papers  I sent You 3
papers.  Wm. I Bullis is comeing
to Poughkeepsie to day and
he will call after those shirts 
if You have an extra white handker
chief You dont want You can 
put it in.   Yesterday we left 
at daylight for to turn out 
for 7 loges of Odd Fellows (Dutch 
princeply)   they had another Band 
also Orchestra of the Front st 
Theatre   we had the best picknick 
I ever went to  we got 2 dollars 
I send You half of it   
they had Dances. Speeches. Frolicking 
Concert singing, Bands playing, and 
Lager Beer,  and everyone enjoyed 
it tiptop.  to day we play in 
Drued Hill Park to night we 
Serenade Coln. Elliott.  on Monday 
night we play for the Floral 
Festival for Ice cream.  
I have sent home another Book
by F Pells Bundle for You to 
take care of for me. I am 
very sorry to hear of Bob being so
ill   I hope he will get better I 
want to see him again    Give him 
my kindest respects, remember
me to Mrs. Coles & Family.
Give my respects to Father Mother 
and all the Familiy and all
enquireing Friends. Edd Fell 
was sentenced to be shot but President 
A Lincoln has given him an 
unconditional Discharge.
Kiss the Children for Me & 
I remain Truly Your Most
affectionate and loveing Husband
           F C Green
       Kelleys Ford     Friday 29th 63 
Mrs Green   i take the libberty to rite you 
a few lines to inform you of frank 
he wanted me to rite to you and tell 
you how he was. i am sitting by his 
side on the Bed   he has got a feaver 
but the doctor dont know what the 
feaver is but he is very sick    i have 
Been to see him Every day and he 
appears to be the same   he dont want 
to go to the hospital for he is as well 
off in his tent. his tent mat takes the 
best of care of him and the Boys all 
do the same and i think he will 
get along  after a while  he told the 
doctor he wanted to go to a hospital 
where he can be under better care. you 
need not worry at all about him 
at all for he is in good hands  he has 
been sick about the time he sent you 
the money and he has not Eat any 
in about eight or nine days and 
he is very weak   he cant sit up 
at all.   he received your letter you 
sent last Wednesday.  i had a small 
Box sent to me and i gave him a 
little drink of mine and a Piece of 
Cake and it appeared to taste so good 
to him. i have been sick myself but i 
am better now  it is bad weather down 
here  so hot days and chilley nights but 
Frank has got a good a bed as can 
be had and i hope he will get along 
he sends his love to you and little
Charley and Corah and would like to 
see you and his little ones and that 
is the Case with myself you know i
guess i will have to stop  it is near 
noon and the mail goes at noon
and i have just time Enough
to get it in    good bye i remain your
your and his Friend Frank Pell   rite as
soon as you can
                       Kelleys Ford
Dear                   Sept 10th
            Kate I have just 
received Yours with 2 dollars 
in it could not have come at a 
better  I was out of money 
and they dont give us half 
enough to Eat and such 
poor food for sick men 
for 4 days after Frank 
wrote I was perfectly Crasey 
but I have Got pretty strong 
now  my Fever is broke  it 
was the Typhoid fever 
that I'v had. You sent 
me a Box I hope You did 
not put in any Liquer 
Brandy Gin or any Thing of 
the sort if You have The 
Boxes are opened at Washington 
and they Confiscated  
I am looking out for the 
Box  I wish I had it 
now  I cant write much 
so You must excuse 
me  I feel I am gaining
the Dr says I will get
over it now and I think
so to no more at present
Kiss the Children for me
      & I remain Truly Yours
           F C Green

PS I suppose that Henry 
has told You of Dear
Mothers Death 

                     Kelley's Ford
Dear Kate    Monday Morning
                             Sept 14 1863
                  I thought as I felt 
pretty smart I would write I am 
getting along Tip Top   I have 
got so I walk out every morning 
for a short walk  I sett up most 
of the time   in fact I'm getting 
along good  I feel as if I was 
getting stronger slowly. Coln. 
Ketchem told me he received a 
Telegraph from You. I have not 
heard anything of that Box yett.  
I see that Abe Westmiller is drafted 
and all the Shurter Boys and lots 
of others.  it has been sunshine
every day and now its all rain
I wish You could send me a 
towl though the post office they 
charge 50 cents for a very slimp
-sey one here. I will tell
how I was taken  I was out 
on inspection the sun was very 
hot  I was taken with a head 
ache and in 2 minutes was 
perfectly Blind  I was led to my 
tent and was taken with an 
awful fever  the Dr Came and 
said it was a very bad case  
I was ordered to the Hospital and 
I was met by the Coln.  he wanted 
to know what was the matter 
I tried to tell him but was getting 
out of my Head and that is 
the last I knew for 4 days after 
which I gained every day in 
strength I never expected to 
get up again  I could hear the 
men say he is very sick but 
I was insenceble of everything 
but I thank God he has raised 
me out of danger. there is a 
very large proportion of the  
Reg is sick   we have about
150 men fit for duty most 
of these men are not dangerous 
they think that Lieut Marshall 
cannot live but all the rest 
are doing good. The Lieut Coln 
has left us and Major Smith 
will be promoted to his place 
Yesterday John Vassar held a 
very interesting prayer Meeting 
in front of our tent
Joseph Bartlett is here he 
was drafted in Poughkeepsie  
he has the apppointment as Chaplan 
of the 145 Reg he tried to get 
in this Regt but I think 
John Vassar will be Chaplain 
of this Reg  that is 100 dollars a 
month   I think I have writen a
long letter   Give my respects
to all enquireing Friends
and Kiss the Children
and I remain   Truly Yours
              F C Green

             Washington Hall Hospital
Dear Kate,         Alexandria Va,
                  Yesterday the whole 
                           was on the move      
army of the Potomac ^ and I with
a number of others was not able 
to march so we was sent here 
and I feel very thankful for it 
they give us a comfortable Bed to 
sleep on   clean clothes under clothes 
I mean. and wash all over which 
made me feel like a different 
Man. it is a very large place 
and things are cheap as up to 
Poughkeepsie  I cant tell you much 
about Hospital life Yett  You must 
wait until my next than I 
will be able to tell You more 
there appears to be a number of 
Hospitals here. There was a Young 
man died while being brought on 
with us his name was Albert 
Reed  Co. A. 150th  his Father 
was with him    when he died 
in the Cars last night  he will 
be brought on  he was taken 
directly after me  his turned into 
the diarea which kept him very 
week   he was a very fine Young Man.
    That Box. that is the Question 
where is that Box - I dont ever 
expect to hear from that Box  it
is gon I ^ think if You send 
one here directly I would get it 
if by Express by directing to 
Washington Hall Hospital 
 Alexandria Va.
That is where You must direct 
Your letters until further notice  
    Coln. Ketchem came and shook 
hands with each one Wishing us 
a speedy return to health saying 
we would be quartered in Richm-
-ond in 2 weeks  we wished it 
might be so
we had a very hard time 
comeing on  shook to pieses rideing 
9 miles in an ambulance and 
then waiting for 4 good long hours 
than I amed(?) in a Soldiers Car 
and rode 40 miles in those cars 
without any Breakfast except 
a 1/2 cup of Tea and nothing 
to Eat so it made pretty hard 
job of it at Bealtown we got some 
crackers & pickels   we got along with 
until 10 OClock when we was treated 
to Coffee & Bread   we got to the 
Hospital at about one oClock 
so You must know that I was 
pretty well tired out by the time 
I got to Bed.  when You write 
again take more time and write 
plainer as it bothered me a 
good deal to make it out
Give my respects to all enquiring
Friends and I'l remain
           Truly Yours  F.C. Green


I would 10 times rather You 
would send me some money than 
than a Box as it would do me 
more good although I'm ashamed 
to ask it but I expect pay soon 
than I can return it if You do 
send  I wish You would do  it right 
away  I kneed it very much if 
You can spare it


                  Washington Hall Hospital
                          Alexandria, Va.
Dear Kate             Sept 25 1863
                  I received Yours 
the other day but did 
not feel as if I could write 
I have been troubled with the 
disentary but I have got 
over it now.  I still suffer 
a great deal with my head 
as I told You I was Sun
struck   it feels like hard 
work to write but that I 
had aught to is what makes 
me  I received a letter from 
Georgeana Coles  I will answer 
it before long  I am as weak 
as a Child at times. I'v 
heard from the Regt  they carry 8 
days Ration  a big load. excuse 
this as I don't feel like writing
I remain  Yours truly
             F, C, Green



    F C Green
       Washington Hall Hospitall
           Alexandria, Va.

                            Camp Chase
          Near Columbus Oct 16th 1863
Dear Kate
                 We are here still but 
before this will reach You I 
will be off for some other place  
I dont know where we will 
fetch up. I rather think 
it will either be at a 
Hospital at Cincinati to 
be examined to see if I am 
fit to join the Regement 
or not, if fit I will be 
sent of.  the Regement is 
about 1000 miles from here 
down the Missipipi River 
it takes about a week to 
go there. I would rather 
stay here as Wm. Stillwell 
and myself has got a fancy 
little House of own with 
a Stove Table Bench Bunk & c
fited up as comfortably 
as could be, but that is 
a Soldiers Fortune.   to meet 
with disapointment at every 
turn    we had the idear that 
we was going to remain here 
until about the first or 
middle of next month   I 
expect to be of on monday 
morning  I have improved 
in health a good deal since 
I came here but I doubt 
very much my being strong 
enough to stand an all 
day march.  I sent You 
Charley Bentons letter in my 
last letter to You so You 
know all that I know 
about that Box  I think its 
very likely the Boys has Eaten 
the Eatables and saved the 
best of the wearing apparal
    as to that Brandy that 
       You spoke of I will be 
after Dr. Cook  I'l bett You 
if he has not lost it. when 
I get to my journeys end 
it will take some time for 
a letter to go through very 
near if not quite two 
weeks from Poughkeepsie to 
Catanooger is about 1800 miles  
well I think I will have 
to close but befor I do You 
have aught to see me Eat 
I'l bett that I can eat 
twise as much as I usualy 
did and I always thought 
I could do pretty well.
tell Cora I'm thinking of
her every day.  Kiss the 
Children for me.  Give my 
best respects to all enquireing
friends & I remain
     Truly Yours  F.C. Green

                      Normandy, Tenn
Dear Kate             Nov 1st 1863
                   This place is about 
67 Miles from Nashville on 
the Rail Road  between Nashville 
& Chattanoogar  The Regt is 
here doing guard duty here 
they had just returned from 
a 80 Mile march which I 
                     not go
am glad I did ^ as they 
have had a hard time 
of it being the worst 
march they ever had. 
Frank Pells has stood 
it first rate he looks 
good and hearty    the Reg 
has built nice little huts 
to live in  it looks as 
if they intended to make 
it there Winter Quarter  
the Band has a House 
for there Quarters and
very Comfortable  
I hope that we can 
winter here. it is very 
cold here nights and pleasant 
day times.  all the Boys 
seemed as glad to see 
me as if I was related  
it is about 9 miles below 
here that The Rebs blew up 
that Locomotive and tore 
up the Track while the 
12 Corps was on the March  
it is a pretty wild country   
    The rations are very scanty 
they have been on 1/2 Rations 
& No Coffee which makes it 
a little tough on the front  
they are still scantier than 
us  they are on less than 
1/2 rations.
  The Boys of the Band says thy 
got my Box and eat 
up the things 
      they carried 2 pr Stockens 
and the shirt. Comb  2 sheets 
  this I got
of paper  the rest they either left 
or used up but there is a 
satisfaction in knowing where 
they have you. Dr. Cook I have 
not seen so I cant tell any 
thing about the Brandy.
    Give my best respects to 
all enquireing friends  kiss 
the Children for me. You 
will direct the Letters 
1st Dev 3rd Brig 12th Army Corps  
                 Army of the Cumberland 

I saw Chas Lewis  he was 
well and had many questions 
to ask about how I'd been  
he thought I'd been to Poughkeeps
no more at present   I 
remain      Truly Yours
             F.C. Green

  Samuel Cables is quite 
sick at the Tullhoma Hospital

  F.C. Green
  Band  150th Regt
1st Dev  3rd Brig  12th Army Corp
Army of the Cumberland
             Normand   March 13
Dear Kate
                   In my last I 
forgot to tell you that I 
received Frank Leslies Monthly 
and two papers in that 
turnout of Eastmans Collage  
must have been quite a 
holaday for Poughkeepsie  it 
is a big School according to 
all Accounts    I like that Monthly 
very much   it has good storys 
in.  I saw F Pells to day on 
inspection   he is well but 
looks very thin  they had a 
rough time if it in Lincoln 
County   he sends his best 
respects to you & the Children  
   It is reported in the papers 
that the 11th, 12th, 13th and 15th 
Army Corps are to return to 
the Army of the Potomac 
in Virginia but Captain 
Woodin says there is nothing 
in the report and I hope 
there is not for I have 
a horror for Virginia. 
   the Engeniers on this Road has 
asked that this C__ps remain 
this Summer but that dont 
amount to much  there is 
no prospects   particular of 
our moving for some time.
    James Vassars Brother was 
a Quarter Master in Banks 
expedition in Texas and was 
drowned the other day  he
feels dreadful over it.
    Tell Charley Biglow that now 
is the best chance to enlist 
if he wants to Fight as 
they will give all a faire 
Chance pretty soon   about 
the time he could get here  
    every train going North 
has lots of Famileys runing 
away from the Rebs like 
Rats  Men, wimen & children.  
Charly Benton  F Black  
miles Lewis   2 of Burrows Boys 
& myself went     Rabbet hunting  
we caught 5    we had 6 
Hound dogs.
    Coln. Ketchem has not 
got Back yett.  
the Grass is begining to 
show itself a little here. 
the other night we went 
out to Mr. Rowsburoughs 
House and gave him a 
serenade  we was Guarded 
by a Squad of Men under 
Capt Scofield and Maj Smith  
after playin we went in and 
had some good singing 
and playing on a dulcimore  
I believe I'v told You 
of that before I think
   Give my Respects to 
all Enquireing Friends and 
  I remain You best wisher 
  and Friend  Truly Your
           Husband F Green

PS  let me know if You 
have got in debt much  
I cant do You any good 
about it as I have not 
got any to send You
 but I want to know
     Kiss Cora & Charley for

Printed heading: "The U.S. Christian Commission sends this sheet as a messenger 
between the soldier and his home. Let it hasten to those who wait for tidings." 
(Includes a drawing of a bird with a letter attached to the bird's chest. Pigeon? )

                 Normandy Tenn.
                      March 27th
Dear Kate               1864
                  This morning I    
received Your letter and do
feel very sorry to hear such 
a lot of bad news of so 
many of the Family being 
so sick. Poor Robb and Phebe
Give them my kindest reguards
hoping that he will soon 
recover.  It must be pretty 
hard for You to work and 
look after Charly   I hope that 
it may be checked but 
I think he would want to 
be kept warm    when I attended 
some persons in Buffalo some 
time ago they were very 
particular about that.    
  I hope that Cora won't catch 
the Scarlet feever but I dont 
expect any thing else. 
    I think that Your Father 
does for You what in his 
mind is best for You and 
You aught to regard it as 
such.  I don't mean to 
blame you for going to the 
Ball with Your Brother 
Ludlow   for that You are 
welcomb too as You want 
some enjoyment at times 
as all work and no play 
makes any person dull.
    Well the long talk of 
time has come at last  
we are under orders to 
be ready to march in 
twenty four hours notice  
we expect to go to 
the front to engage in 
  the Spring Campaign 
which is nearly ready 
to commence  Oh! how I 
hope that we may be able 
to baffle every design of 
the Rebs and give them 
the  most wholesumb thrash-
-ing they was ever blessed 
with  for it would be a 
blessing to bring them to 
there sences.
    Popp Ostrom has been 
sent back to the Regiment  
I am sorry for it as he 
is not able to do Military 
duty and he had a good 
place in the Quartermasters Dept 
John Cambot was here he 
is going to Charleston  he thinks 
hes gon that way with the 9th A.C.
    Give my respects to
all   kiss the Children and I
remain      Your Husband &c
                    F C Green

  You direct Your letters the 
Same until I tell you 


            near Atlanta Ga Aug 15th
Dear Kate & Children
                     I received Yours of the 
3rd inst and felt sorry to hear the 
news about the Releif being stoped 
also about the liveing in that I'm 
not disapointed for I expected it 
was so.
    Kate I don't think that You 
are doing right always telling
Cora & Charley that they are
Naughty   it will only come
down on Your head when they
grow up   they will not heed
your advise but on the contrary
despise Your Councils to them
I have tried to show You that
when I was home but You
 may rest ashured it will be
so  I don't mean to lecture
You by this but only give You
advise which I have seen and 
know will prove true.
  Tell Cora I am very much 
pleased with her letter and 
would like her to write often 
to me  its a very pretty letter 
and I am glad to hear she is 
going to be a good Girl. 
   I thought perhaps that is was 
only a gift from the  Sanitary of 
paper & Envelopes  well I'm thankful 
for that.    
    That Money what I wrote about 
was from Charley E Benton I borrowed  
it was  the last money you received 
from me  I think almost certain 
it was 10 dollars  they brought me 
in debt for Clothes and took it 
out for pay out of my pay.
   I think if You can't tell me 
how You are getting along I dont 
know who you will tell  I want 
to know if any one does  I have 
to know a good many things I 
don't like to but its best I 
    I wish the Govt. would overhere 
a lot of the Gambling worthless 
paymasters who are continualy 
useing our Money instead of 
paying us off as they aught too. 
Capt McConnell was sick at 
lookout Mountain Hospital & 
he got his pay and if its 
cowardise that keeps them back 
I think they had better be dis-
-charged as there is lots of good 
men to be found  I think tis 
unjust to treat Men so 
ther is no more signs of pay 
now than there was 6 months 
ago but we may get it any 
day as they are going to pay 
us up until the first of 
July I have heard. at the last 
of this month they will owe 
us 8 months pay.
well, I suppose You want to 
know what News there is 
at this point of the Army.  
night before last the 20 lb Guns 
with the 32 lb Guns opened 
very heavy fireing about 
2 1/2 minutes a shell shelling the 
City.  soon it was on fire 
it grew to be a pretty 
good fire  one of the 20 lb 
Guns bursted Blowing about 
a foot of the mussle of 
the Gun  it sounded as 
if they had fired of a 
sawmill but it hurt no 
one   they fire over our line 
of  Breastworks & Pickets 
in the night another one 
bursted with the same efect  
I  was a sleep so did not know 
anything about the last one 
until morning  The  Inspector 
came up and put his mark 
on the rest of them ("I. C." inspected 
condemed.)  thes Guns are limited 
to fire 1000 Rounds but they 
had fired about 1800.
   Yesterday was sunday   it was 
very quiett   scarcely a gun 
fired until towards evening 
when the Rebs was seen moove
-ing to the right  they were 
opened on smartly  I guess 
there was no serious damage 
done  later in the evening about 
9 O clock canonadeing comenced 
again and the fire broke out 
again   we could see the water 
playing on the flames  they 
are Bully old Firemen to run 
to a fire and play while 
shells was explodeing around 
there heads  it must have 
been something of importance 
for them to risk there lives 
to stop it like that  perhaps 
Rations  3 O clock this morning 
we was roused up again be 
the rebs moveing to the Right  
it is expected that another 
fight is going to take place 
in that direction.  where 
the 32 lb are they are throwing 
up a furnace for heating Balls.  
on Saturday we had 3 men 
wounded behind the Breastworks 
so the Coln. orderd us to 
throw up logs to protect 
ourselves.  the Sharp shooters 
has got an oblique fire on 
our works and tents  they 
have done us considerabl 
damage.  Good lord what 
a hot day it was yesterday  
it appears a different heat 
from what we get north  
it comes up gradualy a slight 
breese is felt. if we had to  
march now it would be the 
death of lots of us  They would 
be obliged to move in the 
night.  it is reported that 
every day or so in the paper 
we will be in Atlanta but 
I dont beleive that we will 
be there under a month   
    Give my respects to all 
the friends that enquire after 
me  let me know if Nelson 
Shoemaker has enlisted.   
    I hear that Mobile is not 
taken yett.
    I expect You get tired of 
these long dry letters so 
I will close
    Kiss Cora for me  tell her to 
write shure next time You do
 kiss Charley also
 Give my respects to Robb
 And I remain truly Your
           Husband  F.C. Green
we are expecting some 64 lb Guns 
up here every hour
                     before Atlanta, Ga.
                            Aug 22nd 1864
Dear Wife & Children
                                  It has been some 
time since I have received any 
   letter but the Mail has been detained 
some 4 or 5 days owing to the Johneys 
tearing up some of the track but 
it is all right again and I 
look for one to day.
    Yesterday we got a loaf of Bread  
it was quite a treat. 
   This morning I went out on 
the skirmish line to have a look  
the Johneys Regt. Flag was in full 
view and lots of the infernal Gray 
Back to be seen  they have been 
in the habit of getting up earley 
in the morning and shooting at 
us while we was getting breakfast  
it was mostly Sharp shooters. Gent.. 
Sons  but the other morning about 
1/2 an hour before there time for com-
-mencing to fire on us nearly our 
whole line of the 20th & 14th Corps 
which is about 4 miles opened very 
heavy with Shell on them  it was 
one of the handsombest sights I'v seen 
in that way  it must have killed 
a number of the Gentlemen's Sons.  they 
hollowed out are You going to kill 
all of us Yanks? Yes if you dont stop 
that shooting.  they have not fired 
any since of any account.  the tradeing 
is stoped   there Officers wont alow 
there men to hold any conversation 
with us. Atlanta is pretty well 
riddled there is a 32 lb. Gun fireing 
4 1/2 in shell into there domiciles constant
-ly  sometimes You could hear a noise 
like a lot of Bricks tumbling 
down.  on our right and left we 
can hear our Batterys belting away 
all the time  day and night  the 
work of sieging is steadily progress-
-ing  we hear big reports of terable 
slaughter amung the Rebs but cant 
credett only now and then one. 
   One Johney (Vidett) came in and 
told there was only 2 more killings 
left in Atlanta  it would be big 
killings if they were all killed in 
the 2 killings.
    Frank Pell is well and all the 
rest I can ^of that You know  
    I cant find out anything about 
when we are to be paid  I see 
no signs of it.  as a southirner would 
say  "Dog on if I aint dodrotten 
tired of looking ater it."
    I hear that we are receiving new 
reinforcements every day  I feel thankful 
to God for them  we want them 
and lots of them  the more that come 
the sooner it will be done.
    The Johneys had quite a Yankee trick 
come over them the other day, we sent 
out a line of Battle with some 
artilery  the Rebs sent out four lines  
engagement opened instantly   our 
men broke and run for dear life 
back over there Breastworks and 
on they kept; on came the Johneys 
full of Victory with a Yell  then 
our men which we had consealed 
behind the Breastworks rolled down 
a log and opened with lots of 
Artilery and Muskettery and mowed 
the four lines down and back 
they went not taking all of them 
back with then  we drove them out 
of there works and took a hill 
with a Fort and line of works. 
    Well Kate you must let me know 
if You have moved yett   
    Give my respects to the enquiring 
friends  dont forget to kiss Cora 
and Charley for me as I will 
soon be a one Years man and 
I remain Truly Your Husband 
    and well wisher
                  F, C, Green

		          Atlanta. Ga;
                                       Sept. 27th 
Dear Kate                             1864
                About a week ago 
Major Stone (our paymaster) came 
here to pay us off.  I had a 
pass that day to go into the 
City  The Coln. wished me to 
be back quick so as to cause 
no delay in paying and to 
think that the slow poke of 
a man has not got ready to 
pay and keep us in such 
suspense  it is pretty trying 
to ones pationce.  but when 
I do get it I don't know 
what is best to do about 
sending it  If I can get 
a draft I will send one  
if not I will write often and
(next line got cut off the copy)   
I think it is best at present as 
by Adams Express which is exp
-ensive   $2.50 per hundred.
    we have had an adition of 49 
recrutes from Dutchess  more expected.  
    I hope You have made up 
Your mind to take My advise 
and keep what money I 
send You and buy Your things 
to live on lay in a store 
of them for to keep You though 
the winter or as You think 
best by buying as You want it 
in smaller Quantities  I think 
that Groceries will come down 
before long.  there is nothing 
new going on here 
"Self preservation is the First law 
of Nature." and I shall 
expect to hear that  You will 
keep every cent of what I 
send You to live on for 
it will be sometime before 
I will get paid again.
    I have got paid as You will 
persieve  Enclosed is an order to 
go to the Bank  of Po'keepsie 
and they will pay you 75 dollars  
for this I have paid all the 
    Send me word if You get 
it imeadiately  they charged 
by sending for the Regt.
 50 cents on a hundred  it 
was through the Kindness 
of Capt. Cogswell of Co, A. 
that we had the opertunity 
of sending  Give My respects 
to all enquireing friends.
    Kiss the Children for me  I 
hope now You will be able 
to get through the winter 
comfortably  I have paid 
my Debts of borrowed 
money and have 15 dollars 
for  myself to get me some 
thing to Eat besides Hardtack 
and pork  we was paid 
1,15.75  one hundred and 15 
dollars and 75 cents   they took 
out 25 cents of all of us 
for I dont know what except 
for the privelage of being a 
    I am sorry to hear that 
Georgia is so sick
I received a letter from
Henry Howgate.
   well I dont know any
more at present so
     I remain Truly Your
              Husband   F C Green
there is no mail now days  
the RR Trunk is 
tore up


Case of Catherine E. Green, ..........widow of Francis C. Green, Co. B, 150th 
Regt. New York Vols

  On this twenty-third day of March, 1889, at Sharon, County of Litchfield State of Connecticut, before me, 
Albert M. Card, a Probate Judge personally appeared Charles E. Benton, who, being by me first duly sworn 
to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to him with reference to the aforesaid pension claim, deposes 
and says: I am 47 years of age, my occupation Farmer, my residence and P.O. Address Sharon Litchfield 
Co. Conn. I was a member of Co. A, 150th Regt. New York Vols. from the time of its organization until its 
muster-out, and well remember Francis C. Green of Co. B who was also attached to said band.   
    Comrade Green was never a shirk, and never avoided duty. In fact he went on duty many times when he 
was hardly able to stand up. My recollection of him is more general than particular, but I remember his 
sickness at Kelly's Ford in the summer of -63 very well indeed; I think he had diarrhoea & Typhoid fever & 
I took care of him in the tent most of the time myself, as we generally tented together when he was 
with the reg. He was out of his head for days there, and it seemed to us all that he would not recover. The 
hospital was full and many of the sick were around in tents like him.      He left the regiment when we broke 
camp in the fall. I do not remember his condition at the time, as my attention was taken up with the fatal 
sickness of another comrade, a near relative, but from what I recollect of later events I think he had not fully 
recovered and was sent back to some general hospital.        In the fall of -63 we went with the 12th Corps. 
of which we were a part, to join the western army, then at Chattanooga.  But after reaching Alabama we 
(our brigade) were sent back into Tenn. and remained during the winter of 63 & 64 doing guard duty on the 
Nashville and Chattanooga R.R.       I can not tell now at what time he joined us again, but think it must have 
been that winter, as I have clear recollections of him during the Sherman campaigns.      I remember thinking 
that he was not the same man there that he was before his sickness at Kellys Ford, Va.       He had times of 
being poorly, and sometimes I think he stuck to it when he was feeling so poorly that most of us in his place 
would have quit and gone to the hospital. At Resaca he & I stood within a rod of Col (then Adjutant) Cruger 
when he fell and together we carried him to the rear.   At New Hope Church we worked together again on 
the field and in the field hospital. 
   Our losses were severe there and we remained most of the time working in the field hospital for several days. 
I think - but of this I am not sure - that at this place he failed some in strength and could not put in the full hours 
and had to be excused some from duty.       When Sherman flanked Johnson out of there our field hospital was 
broken up & as I was detailed to go with the ambulance train I did not see him or the reg. until I joined them in 
Atlanta.      At Atlanta I remember bringing him some delicacies from Chaplains tent.  They came from the 
Sanitary Commission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was at this time or during the march to the sea that immediately followed, that he told me that his kidneys 
were out of order. 
I doubt if he ever mentioned any of these troubles to another person. We tented together and were very good 
friends indeed, but he was secretive by nature, and did not take to many people, and his own complaints were 
things that he seldom spoke of except in confidence to a friend. 
If my memory serves me right it was during the Savanah & Carolina campaigns that he complained of Bleeding 
Piles. and I think they gave him a good deal of trouble.     He seemed to age a good deal by his service, 
especially during the last six months of the war.  My own physical troubles at that time were as much as I could 
stand, but I was stronger than he was. and I used to wonder sometimes that he stuck to it and pulled through. 
I have no doubt in my own mind that his death was caused by his army life.
I have no interest in any claim for which this affidavit may be used.   
    This statement is in my own handwriting.
                                  Charles E Benton
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 23rd day of March 1889. and I hereby   
that the contents were fully made known to deponent - before signing and that I 
have no interest in said claim  AW Card
                                 Probate Court in and for
                                 the District of Sharon 


June 6, 1889. Sworn by Hubbard F. Roberts.
I am 50 years of age, my occupation BookKeeper and my residence and P.O. Address No. 63 Garden Street 
Poughkeepsie Dutchess Co. New York. I served as Drum Major of the Band of the 150th Regt New York 
Vols. from the time of its organization until the muster out of the Regt. in 1865. I knew and well recollect Francis 
C. Green of Co. B who was attached to said Band Organization and remember him as a Soldier of good qualities 
and know that while the Regt. was at Kelly's Ford. Va. in the Summer of 1863. Francis C. Green, the Husband 
of this Claimant was stricken down with Chronic Diarrhoea and Typhoid Fever and also had a Sun Stroke, which 
made him delirious for a time and well remember that he was not expected to recover by very many of us. When 
we were ordered on the march in the fall of 1863, Green was sent to some General Hospital what one I do not 
now remember. Our Regt was then attached to the 12th Army Corps and left Virginia to join the Army of the 
West at Chattanooga, Tenn. and while going through Alabama on this march the Brigade to which our Regt. was 
attached was detailed for duty in Tennesee where we continued to remain doing guard duty through the Winter 
of 1863 & 4. on the Nashville and Chattanooga Rail Road. Some time during that winter Green joined us again 
and his appearance showed his severe illness contracted at Kelly's Ford Va. yet he reported for duty and never 
shirked it, although at times he was poorly and excused from duty. At the time of the fight at Resaca the duties 
of the men were severe and arduous but Green clung to his work but looked very badly, and was on duty at 
New Hope Church fight and I thought him plucky under the circumstances as he labored under the disadvantages 
of reduced health and strength. It was shortly after this that he was again prostrated and I think the duties he 
performed after this was light for I know that when we reached Atlanta Ga. he was very ill again. Somewhere 
on this march he had Bleeding Piles, but just under what circumstances I became known to this I am unable to 
state. Green was a very reticent man, uncommunicative and not given to complaining, yet about this time he did 
complain to me of his Kidneys giving him a great deal of trouble. this confession surprised me at the time, so that 
I can now easily recall it. I can say that Green was a good faithful Soldier and deserving if ever a Soldier was. I 
am in no way related..................(etc.)
                             Hubbard F. Roberts


War Department
Washington, Aug 9 1889
Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions. 
   Chas E Benton, a Private of Company A, 150 Regiment New York Volunteers is 
reported present on rolls for May & June & July & August/ 63.
   Hubbard T. Roberts a pvt Co. H" above Regt. is also reported present on rolls 
of Co May & June & July & August/ 63. Returns May or July / 63 do not show 
either absent.
   Roberts was subsequently Princ. Musician 150 NY Vols
   Station Belger Barracks near Baltimore Md. June 
1/ 63; Briceville Md June 30/ 63 Kellys Ford Aug 2 & 31/ 63   
By authority of the Secretary of War
                            F.C. Ainsworth
                            Capt. and Assistant Surgeon, 
                            U. S. A.
                     per (another scribble)


Eastern Division
Department of the Interior
July 11, 1889
Respectfully requested of the ADJUTANT GENERAL, U.S.A. a report from the records 
of his Office as to the presence or absence, on or about Summer of 1863 of Chas. 
E. Benton, Co. A
Hubbard R. Roberts, Drum Major of 150" N.Y. Inf. and the station, at that date, of the command.
Wid. Claim...........
James Tanner(?)

War Department 
Washington, D.C., Oct 4 1889
       Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions.
Charles E. Benton, pvt. Co. A, 150" N. Y. Vols., is reported on rolls for May and June, July and August, 1863, 
"present." Return for July, 1863, does not report him absent. Station: June 30/ 63, Bruceville, Md., Aug. 31, 1863 
Camp near Kelly's ford, Va.

By authority of the Secretary of War,
                              Capt. and Assistant Surgeon,
                        per (scribble)


S(or L).R.B. 
Eastern Division
Department of the Interior
Oct. 3", 1889
    Respectfully requested of the ADJUTANT GENERAL U.S.A. a report from the records of his Office as to the 
presence or absence, on or about summer of, 1863 of Charles E. Benton of A, 150" N. Y. Vols. and the station, 
at that date, of the command
Widow Claim No......................

Hiram Smith J.
Acting Commissioner


Catherine's last check was issued on May 8, 1915. It was for $36.00. It was returned because she died in Feb. that 
year. I believe this check was for 3 mos. as I think somewhere in here her pension is given as $12.00/mo.

Francis Green died in New York City on June 11, 1887, age 57. He is buried in Woodland Cemetery, Stamford, Connectucut.

Francis C. Green in the Civil War

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