Letter from Egbert M. Lee, Company G,
to the Sender of a Small “Care Package” He Had Received

(transcribed by Mary Rogers)

Garrison’s Creek Tenn April 24th /64

Miss Nellie C Ranson
Franklin, Indiana

I had the pleasure of receiving a small package containing thread, needles, and many other things which too many would seem very small but to us soldiers are of great value not only practically but as an evidence that we were not forgotten by the loyal young ladies of our Glorious North. The packet was marked with your name so I hope you will excuse my blundering letter and look leniently on its faults lady. I thank you for the things I received personally from you and I and my comrades are thankful to patriotic ladies who sent the things to them. We are now expecting daily to be ordered to march from our present camping place which is on the Nashville and Chattanooga R.R. some 56 miles south of Nashville to the front of Chattanooga. My knapsack is already packed and in a secure corner rests the little packet received from you. Answer this, if you see fit, and your letter will be gratefully received by,

Your Obedient Servant,
Egbert M Lee
Co G 150th New York S Vols
2nd Brigade 1st Division
20th Army Corps

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