A Note to Descendants of Members of the 86th New York,
and to Others Who Are Interested in the History of the Regiment
The maintenance of this web site is, by necessity, a part-time effort. I do not have the time or level of knowledge that would be necessary to prepare all of the various kinds of articles and collections of historical data pertaining to the 86th New York Infantry that visitors to the site might expect to find here. I would therefore like to invite descendants who have compiled information about their ancestors’ service with the 86th New York, or anyone who has written an article or essay about some aspect of the history of the regiment, to submit this material to be considered for inclusion in the site. The short article that I wrote about George Ellis my own ancestor who belonged to the 86th New York can serve as an example of the sort of thing I have in mind. Scanned photographs and other images that are relevant to the history of the regiment, or to its members, are also most welcome, as are scanned or re-typed texts about the 86th New York from sources in the public domain that can easily be formatted for an HTML web page. And if anyone knows of other pages on the Internet that include material concerning the history of the regiment, to which the 86th New York web site might provide a link, please draw my attention to them too.
Thanks for your help and interest!
David Jay Webber
86th Regiment site host
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