Civil War letters from Elias P. Jordan, Co. H, 86th New York Infantry, to various members of his family.

(transcribed and edited by Karen Stebbins)

						Camp Near Culpeper
  						Via    March 21 1864

Dear parents.

       I now seat myself to write a few lines to let you know that i am well and i hope these few
lines (to let you know th (scratched out) ) will find you all well and the rest of the folks all well I
got here on Friday the 18  i found a letter here for me, it was the one you wrote to me after you
come to Elmira to see me  you wrote for  me  to pay   Col (?) Cummings the Note that Uncle
Hiram gave him  I went to see him but did not see him  I talked with Philip Bartles (?) about it  I
left my money to New York and took a receipt of deposit for my money and sent it home.  But
Philip Bartles said  went(scratched out) we could manage it, he said he would let me have the
money when the ridgment drawed their pay and you could  pay it to his wife, and it will save
sending the money home, I would have paid the Note but I will try and get  the money and pay
the Note if I can at any rate I thing I can get along with it some way

     The Boys got down here all right  But in 2 or 3 days they had to go on down to the Rapidan(?)
River to support Kilpatric(?) in his raid down to Richmond they staid two or three days and then
come bacvk here and they are here yet  I don’t know how long we shall stay here  I have not got
any gun(?)  yet but I expect to have one in a few days 

     I sprained my ankle when I was at camp distribution  it has not got well but I can walk very
well if I am careful and look where I step  the boys are all well as far as I know they have got
comfortable tents and on dry ground and good Springs of water handy by it is getting bed time
and I will close by saying Good by at present

This is from E.P. Jordan
To my parents Wm Jordan and Ma and sisters
Please Write How Julia and the children are and the rest of the folks
Direct you letters 
To  Elias P. Jordan
86 redgt  (N.y. Vol (scratched out) )
N.y.Vol Co H?
In care of Lieutenant Card

1864 Elmira March 6 Father I thought I would drop a line to let you now that I have ben called out to be musterd and send on to my Ridgment I think I shall send my money home by Stephen Edwards he ill leave it to ( ?) Warners (?) for you to get I would like to have you go and get it as soon as you can conveniently and take pay out of it for your time and Trouble Yours with respect E.P. Jordan To my parents Wm and Mariah Jordan I want Julia to write to me immediately and all the rest of you Direct your letters to Wasington To Elias P. Jordan Washington D C 86 ridgment Co H N.y.S.V (?) I have wrote in a hury in the Muster(?) office we are orderd back to the barracks and I shall not send my money by Stephen Edwards. We are going tomorrow I want you to hire my money out where I will be safe I got Loucindas letter to night sens I got back to the barracks
Camp Near Culpeper Virginia March 22th 1864 Dear father I now seat my self to let you know that I am well and hope these few lines will find you all well it is cool here to day the wind blows quite hard Col ?Cummings called and see me to day and I made the arangment in this day he said he could wait til the ridgiment drawed their pay and then pay him, I talked with Philip Bartles he said he would let me have the money and you pay it to Philips wife and it will save sending the money here I have no news in particular to write at present I heard from Squair Gardner to day he is in the 76 ridgment if I mistake not, the ridgment lays about 4 miles from here I see a fellow from that ridgment to day he said he knows Squair and he is able to be on duty I will close by saying Good by at present This is from your son Elias P. Jordan To father Wm. Jordan Please write soon Direct you letters to 86 redgt,Co.H. N.y.S. Vol Washington D.C
64 New York City March 8 Kind companion I now seat myself to let you know that I am well and hope these few lines will find you and the children all well and all the rest of our folks I am in a hurry and shall not write much we started from Elmira this morning about 4 o’clock and got here about dusk we stay to night in the barracks in the city rite in sight of broadway street and it is a pleasant place we come to jersy city and crossed in a steamer to new yark city I expect to start for Washington in the morning, they call the barracks hart barracks, I have got all my money with me and I have got $115,00 dollars in my left sock above my heal under my drawers I think I shall send $20,00 dollars in this letter to you I got $125.00 dollars one fifty one 20 and 5 and fifty one dollar bills I shall write again as soon as I can get a chance I wrote two letters one to you and one to father but did not get a chance to send them to the office Stephen Edwards left before I got paid and I could not send it nor send the money I have not slep andy since Sunday nite so I will close by saying good by at present. Kiss the children for me this is from E.P. Jordan T o Julia Jordan
Camp ? Of Destribution March 11, 1864 Kind companion I now seat my self for the pleasure of writing a letter to you to let you know that I am well and hope this will find you and the children all well, I am 9 miles from Washington I got here about noon to day I stayed in Washington last night, yesterday I was in Baltimore night before last I come from new york I expect to stay here till next week some time the men that was going in the 3d (?) core went away this morning so I shall stay til some more goes to that core again I went to the Broadway Bank and took a receipt of deposit for $50.00 dollars which I shall send home as soon as I can and send it safe I took the receipt in fathers name and he can take it to E Fenton? And he will cash it this is the prettiest place for a camp that I ever saw there is good tents and they are comfortable and clean just as clean (as(scratched out) )a most as any farm house we started from Elmira Monday night about 3 o’clock and got here Friday noon I see folks a plowing and planting in New Jersy the grass is green here and it is warm here and pleasant, but the land is poor I see the capitol this morning when we come through the city I wrote a letterin New York City and I put a 20 dollar bill in it and sent it to you and I directed it to Miss Elias P. Jordan ? Troupsburg I want you to write and let me know whether you get the letter and money or not I see 30 rebbel deserters at Washington and slep in the same room with them they have taken the oath of allegiance one of them said as soon as lee is used up the war would close the 86 Boys are in a tent by them selves I believe I will send my receipt of deposit in this letter and you can hand it to Father and let him take care of it for you So I will close by saying Good by at present This from E.P. Jordan to Julia Jordan Direct you letter to Washington D.C 86.Co. H. S(?) army core Of the Potomic
Camp Distribution Virginia March 13 /64 Dear parents I now embrace this opportunity to let you know that I am well and I hope this will find you all well and doing well we are camped in sight of seven forts about 7 miles from Washington we got here on Friday the 11 it is a pleasant place here the barracks are good and clean there is men come from all states a most every day ther is some sent off to some core every day one day to one core next day to another core til they get around they sent to the 3d core last Friday morning so we have to stay til they send again (whill(scratched out) ) which will be this week I expect ther is a church built here and meeting evry day and Sunday 4 ( ?) sermons and week days 3 meetings prayer meeting at 9 am preaching at 10 ¼ and a conference meeting at 2 pm and preaching at 6 in the evening I sent Julia 20 dollars in a letter when I was in new york city and I went and deposited 50 dollars more in Broad way bank and took a receipt of deposit in fathers name and sent it to Julia in a letter from this camp father can take it to E Fnton and get it cashed Fenton told me he would cash it I would like to have my money hired out on interist or put in the bank at some place where it will be saft save enough for Julia to use what we have plenty to eat and good enough and have it three times a day We started from Elmira Tuesday morning about 3 or 4 oclock and got to new yourk city Tuesday nite and stayed there in the barrack in sight of Barnums Museum Wednesday about 11 oclock in the fore noon we started from new York and went to Baltimore we got to Baltimore Thursday morning about 4 oclock and stayed til about 9 in the evening and then started for Washington got there at 11 in the evening went in the barracks and stayed till Friday morning 9 and then come to this camp got here to get our dinner I don’t know exactly when we shall go on from here but I expect to go in 2 or 3 days I would like to have you write as soon as you get this so I can hear from home I am geting tired and I will close by saying good by at present This is from your son Elias P. Jordan To my parents Wm Jordan and M. Jordan And sisters L.M. Rawley L.P.Jordan And all enquiring friends I have wrote to Julia and I mail both at the same time
Camp of Distribution Virginia March 15 1864 Dear and affectionate wife I now take my pen in hand to write a few lines to you to let you know that I am well in body and mind but lame in my ankle I sprained my ankle last evening I went out door and steped off the step on a round pole with my left foot and turned my foot in towards my rite foot and almost put it out of joint it perty lame to day but I can limp around some to day I think it will be better in a few days I hope this will find you and the children all well and the rest of the folks I am waiting for the soldiers for the 3.d. core to go to their ridgments and then I expect to go t my ridgment I have wrote 10 letters since I left home, and have not heard from home since the fourth of this month I got a letter from Lucinda She was over to grand pas She wrote that Hattie ( ?) has the hooping cough quite hard I want you to write and let me know how you and the children are and how you get along for wood I expect to leave next Friday for brady Station when I get there I expect to find some letters for m I have sent home one hundred dollars first I put a twenty dollar bill in a letter and sent it to you and then I put a 50 dollar receipt on the bak of Broadway in a letter and sent to you I hope you have got them if you have write and let me know I am writing my leter on my napsack it is warm here as it is there in may and the grass is green all that is able to work is detailed out to work to day, I was detailed but not able to go on acount of my ankle so I did not go so I thought I would write a letter to pass away the time I don’t hear any war news here there is meeting here every day twice or 3 times a day one at 9 fore noon 1 at two and one in the evening there is a regular chapel here they ring the bell for ever day a few minutes before it commences I have been to meeting Try and write as soon as you get this this is from your husband Elias P. Jordan To my wife Julia Jordan Direct you letter to Elias P. Jordan Washington D.C 86 ridgment Co. H 3.d army core of the Potomac Uncle George has not got here yet Good by at present
Camp Near Culpeper Via. ? March 22 1864 Dear wife I tak this opportunity to let you know that I am well and hope this will find you and the children well it snowed here last night the snow fell almost 1 foot deep but the sun shines warm this morning and the snow is melting ast I have ben vaccinated and it is working first rate my arm is swelled perty bad and it quite lame I have heard that ( ?) Cumings has got the small pox, I want you to write whether he has or not write how all the folks are and whether your leg has go well or not and how father is like to hay enough or not, I am in a tent with Truman Card and Eli.Potter and a many by the name of Cater 4 of us in the tent I heard from Squair Gardner yesterday he is about 4 miles from here in the 76 ridgment he was able to be on duty I shall go and see him if I can get a pass to pass the guard write whether there has ben any slaying there since I left home or not I want you to write often so I can hear from home often if the ridgment moves the letters folows the ridgment up where it goes I will close by saying good by at present This from your husband Elias P. Jordan To my wife Julia Jordan Direct to 86 redt Co. H Washington D.C In care of Lieut.Card
64 Camp Near Culpeper Via March 25th Dear wife I received your kink letter last evening and was glad to hear that you was all well, your letter found me well and doing well I was glad to hear you had received my receipt of deposit I know now that my money got there safe, and I shant boro any trouble about it I got a letter from Uncle Hiram last evening it is good to from home, you wrote that Elizabeth had got the mumps I hope they will get along without any trouble, Alphonzo Rawley says his folks wrote that ( ?) Cumings has got the small pox when you write let me know whether he has or not, the rest of the boys in my tent are all off on picket will be back tomoro, I have sent a 5 dollar bill in a letter to you and wrote for you to send me some postage. Stamps I want about 3. dolars worth and send about one dozen at a time, I have ben vaccinated and it is working first best there is no war news here at present it is all stil and quiet at present Uncle George does not get here yet you wrote you wanted us to be in one Company and will be together when he gets here I hope he will get here soon you wrote you had got the 20 dollars that I sent you I have sent in all one hundred and five dollars I sprained my ankle but it has got perty near well it don’t hurt much to walk on it now it snowed the other day but it is perty much gone now I hope this war will close soon so that I can come home I have no news to write so I will close by saying good by at present This from your husband Elias P Jordan Julia Jordan Direct to E.P. Jordan Co. H 86, regt N.y. S Vol. Washington D.C. In care Lieut Card
Camp Near Culpeper Virginia March 28 or 25/64 Afectonate and much loved wife I thought I would write a few lines to you and put it in Lucinda because I am getting short for postage stamps this leaves me well and I hope it will find you and the children well, I received your kind letter and was glad to hear that you and the children were well you wrote that aunt Sarah did not know where uncle George is I can tell her that last I heard from him he was in barracks No ( ?) detaild to work at carpenter work that was the last I heard from him and you can tell her so you wrote cows was 35 to 40 dollars I think cattle must be very high it is warm to day I went on company drill this fore noon and this afternoon on battalion drill I am all right now all bu my arm I have ben vaccinated and it is working tip top and my arm is perty lame but is getting better it is my left arm and I don’t have to use my arm much there is no war news at present here it is all quiet here you find out where to direct a letter to Squair gardner and send me the directions I have heard from him but don’t know where to direct a letter to him I will close for it is most time for mail to leave I cant get postage stamps here This from your affectionate husband Elias P. Jordan To Julia Jordan There is 5 in our tent and we have got 18 loavs of bread and about 10 lbs pork , beans coffe and sugar Direct to E.P. Jordan 86 Co H Ny SV Washington DC In car Lt Card
Camp Near Brady Station April 1, 1864 Dear and most affectionate Companion I received your kind letter and was glad to hear from you and hear that you were all well, your letter found me well and i hope this will find you the same i am glad you have heard from Uncle George you wrote he was going to stay at Elmira to build Barracks and a hospital I hope he can stay for a guard and get a furlough once in a while to o home, i got your directions you sent me for me to write to Squair Gardner you said you wold send me a one of my pictures send it rite off if you ( ?) sent it you said you di not know as i can read your letters, I can read them without any trouble, you said you di not know as I had got any from home yet I have got 4 or 5 from you and one from lib and one from Uncle Hiram and two from Lucina and one from father since I got here you wrote that it snowed the day you wrote your letter it rained ere that day, it was the 26 of March you said you got Lucina to direct your letters, that is all right and I am gld you can get some one to do it for you i have wrote for you to send your likeness to me as soon as you can conveniently and I will send mine to you there was about 12? men that has reenlisted in our ridgment since i got here and got furloughs to ho hom and they started for home this morning it (rained (scratch out)) rains here to day it commenced about noon, it aint very muddy here now, i will write some to lib and fremont so I will close by saying good by This is from your husband E.P. Jordan To Julia Jordan Now Elizabeth I will write a few lines to you and fremont this leaves me well and i hope it will find you and fremont well, i got your letter and you done perty well, i hope you will soon get so you can write for you Ma before long tell fremont to learn as fast as he can so he can write to me to From E.P. Jordan to Elizabeth and fremont Cook Direct your letter to Elias P. Jordan Co. H 86 regt Ny S V Washington D. C in care Lt card
Camp Near Brady Station April 1( ?) 1864 Respected Companion I now seat myself to inform you that i am well at this time and hope this will find you the same It rained all night last night and all day so far. It will rain a day or so and then it will clear off and be pleasant a day or so an then rain again some times it is pleasant and warm 3 or 4 days at a time Uncle George has just gone into his tent to write a letter home he is well as common Father wrote for me to pay Col Cummings i got the money of Philip Bartles and paid the Col 51 dollars and let Philip take the note and send to his wife, and father can pay the money there and get the note Philip wrote under where Uncl Hiram signed it that the above amount to be paid by William Jordan when called for and then i signed it you can let him read this letter so he will know that i have paid it, yesterday i was on fatigue duty to cut poles to make a bridge across a big mudhole, but I did not hurt myself to work The sutlers have all packed up and left to day yesterday i see a span of horses stuck in a mud hole with a light wagon and one man in the wagan Write as soon as you get this for i am anxious to hear from home as soon as i can This is from your husband Elias P Jordan To my wife Julia Jordan
Camp Near Brady Station April 14 1864 Kind and beloved Parents I now seat my self to answer your kind letter that i received on the ( ??) your letter found me well and this leaves me well and I hope this will find you all well I have ben out on picket we went out on picket Saturday morning and come back Tuesday night I would have wrote before but i have not had time before Uncle George got here this after noon Henry Lanning come with Uncle George I went out on general Review this forenoon i have wrote two letters and this is the third letter i have wrote to day the Sutlers are ordered to leave the army on the 16th of this month, and then you will haveto send a sheet of paper when you write so i can answere it I have ben weighed to night and i weighed 170 lbs so you can tell whether i have ben well or not since i got to the ridgment and then i got over it and fatted rite up and I guess if you should see me you would think I had tanned up some to Uncle George thought i had fatted up fast enough we had a perty tough time on picket it commenced raining Saturday morning and rained til Sunday morning since of the vetrans sayes it was the time they ever see on picket before but i stood it as well as any of them it rained so some of the time the water would run a stream off of their over coats in several places at a time so may be you can form some idea how it was i did not catch any cold at all i am the toughefest i have ben in a good while when i come back to camp i come rite through where there had ben a battle and it was quite a sight to me i assure you, the ridgment will draw their pay tomorrow i expect and then i will take up the note that Uncle Hiram give Col Cummings April 15 the Company drawed their pay yesterday and I got the money of Philip Bartles and paid Col Cummings and philip will send the note to his wife and you can pay her and take up the note Philip wrote under the note the above amount to be paid by William Jordan when called for Elias P Jordan I signed it I am well and Uncle George is here so no more at present write soon from your son Elias P Jordan To my parents Wm and Mariah Jordan Our men fetched in 12 rebels deserters to day Uncle George is well
Camp Near Brady Station Sunday April 17 1864 Dear Companion I now address you with my pen to let you know that I am well at this time and i hope this will find you and the children all well and doing well we went on Inspection this morning and ordered out on inspection tomorrow morning at 9 oclock Our Company has the praise of being the best Company in the Ridgment It is sunday to day and since i commenced writing this letter i got one from you and one from Lucinda dated April 12 your letter found me and uncle George well i weigh 170 pounds it has ben raining but cleard it cleard off pleasant grass is growing fast now We are going to have brigade drills(?) parade to night and i will have to stop writing and get ready and finish my letter The General of our brigade Inspects us every Sunday morning I hav wrote so many letters that I don’t know what to write i haint any news to write in particular I have ben hearty and tough ever since i came to virginia but while i was in Elimira i had a bad cold and sore throat and the summer complaint (?) but as soon as i left Elmira i got well Lucinda wrote that John and Danill(?) Rowley had enlisted and that Emily Cooks babys had had the mumps and now had got the measles if they live through the measles i think they are tough you haint wrote whether Sarah Jordan and the children were well or not when you write write whether they were well or not the last you heard from them I have wrote to Clarisa and your folks and to Jim and put them in one envelop I should like to be at home as well as you would like to have me I think of home often but i wait with patience til the time comes for me to come hom let it be long or short but i aint homesick for i wont alow myself to be I like the country first rate if it was not for the war I would like to have a farm and have you and the children here and i think i would be contented I have sent you my likeness and i hope you have got it i want some postage stamps sent soon for i am getting about minus of postage stamps we expect to march soon when we march we will not have a chance to write rite away but i want you to write just the same whether i write or not and i will write every chance i get From your Husband Elias P Jordon To Julia Jordan I will write a few lines to lib i could read part of here letter I laughed she trys to write I want her to be a good girl and learn as fast as she can and Fremont must be a good boy and help his mother Write soon From EP Jordan To Elizabeth and Fremont
Camp Near Stephensburg April 30 1864 Dear Companion I now seat myself to address you with my pen to let you know that i am well and hope this will find you all well as i am i not busy this evening i thought i would write to you we have pleasant weather now and apple trees is in the blow and everything looks fine i went on division drill yesterday and it was quite a sight for me i wrote to you night before last and mailed it to day is Saturday and we was musterd for pay this morning and then went out and shot at a target and this afternoon i went and see sam lewis and come back and drawed rations of bread and beef and potatoes so you see we have something to eat yet I guess i will tell you what kind of a house we live in our tent cloth is about the sie of a sheet and we have one piece to a man we take two pieces and button them together and stick a couple of crotches and lay a pole in the crotches and then hav one piece on the ( ?) end and one on each side and leave one end open for the door then lay a rubber blanket on the ground then spread our woolen blankets down and then crawl in and lay down and go to sleep Uncle George is in the tent with me and mr Cater mr Cater went on picket this morning and i and uncle George is both writing letters this evening, they say that General Burnside is here in the army of the Potomac I have got a knife that i am a notion of sending you in this letter it is a nice one for you to use when you are sewing the point of both blades is broke off but you can grind them to a point so it will do just as well as a new one it is one that i found, and i have two more so i dont have any use for it so i will try it in a letter and see if it will go through The rebels still keep deserting yet every day i think the southern army would get rather small after a while we have had roll call and it is getting late and i will close by saying Good Night Write soon this is from E P Jordan To my wife Julia Jordan Direct as before If you get this write as soon as you get this
Camp Near Stephensburg April 27/64 Dear Parents and sisters I now sit down to answer your welcome letter that i just received your found me well and i hope this will find you all the same It is getting warm and dry here and we have left our winter Camp and started on our summer Campain black headed Sam Lewis is in the Army he is in our brigade I see him yesterday for the first time he is in the 2nd (?) sharp shooters and in our brigade he will be with our brigade this summer I see Squair Gardner last saturday he was well and wait (?) Simons was well you said Philips wife had sent and got the money on the note I have stopped writing and had a real laugh The boys got a blanket as many got hold of the edges as could and then got one boy to get on the blanket and then they thrower him up and catched him on the blanket and thrower him up again they would him up ten or twelve feet high the boys has all manner of shows you can think of I will put this letter in julias and save postage and envelop I want you to write whether father has ben and got the fifty dollars i sent back buy fenton or not it is getting dark and I will close by saying write soon From your son and brother E P Jordan To Wm and M Jordan and L M Rowley and L P Jordan Direct as before
Fulton(?) July 17th 1859 Kind and affectionate parents I now sit down to write a few lines to let you know that i am well as usual and sincerely hope these few lines will find you all in good health i received five letters one week ago to day and was glad to hear that my friends were all well i have ben ? work hard for one week ? And i don’t know as i can write many lines my hand trembles so we have commenced haying here and it has ben the hotest weather i ever saw the thermometor has run as hight as 103 degrees one day, it has everaged for 12 (?) days 87 degrees two of the hands here almost melted yesterday afternoon but i stood it first rate i have not lost any time since i commenced work here i have worked 60 dayes i received a letter from Lucretia one week ago i have not used only 6 dollars of my wages yet you may want to know how I like the country i like the country first rate but as the times are now ? Man that has got a farm in old Troupsburgh paid for i think he had better stay there till it is better times if he can raise a living for work is hard to be got only in harvest that is the farmers don’t generly hire much only in haying and harvest you may think that i am homesick but that is the least trouble that I have i am not homesick in the least nor have ben it don’t seem as though iwas far from home it seems as though I could travel home on foot in two or three days but after all i know that i cannot do it i would like to see you all but it may be that we shall never neet again face to face if not i shal try and remember all the good advice you have give me, grain in general looks nice and the prospect is a goood crop Mr Stone thinks of commencing harvesting his spring wheat on two weeks from tomoro he thinks of cutting ? Acres of spring wheat in two weeks and two men is to do it with one reaper and four man to bind it i don’t knolw as i have any thing more to write at present Give my best respects to all enquiring friends This from your affectionate sone Elias Good By at present Please tell Squiar i should like to hear from him if he has not wrote to me
Camp Near Brady Station April 21 1864 Kind and affectionate wife I received your kind letter to night and was glad to hear you was well your letter found me well and i hope this will find you and the children well I am glad you got my likeness I thought you would think it did not look natural but every boddy that see it thought it looked very natural I suppose it would looked natural enough if i hadent shaved I hope you can get your likeness to send me and i hope it will look as natural as mine you said Silvy knew it i should have thought you would knew it if she did Uncle George is well and he thinks it is curious that he don’t get any letter he says he wrote a letter home when he was at Washington and he don’t get any answer I found your postage stamps you sent me and was glad to get them Uncle george has wrote and likely Aunt Sarah has got it by this time I don’t have any trouble reading your letters i can read every work I have ben out target shooting at target this forenon and i hit it 3 times once i hit it one inch from the center tell lib i could read the most of her letter i think she does well if she keeps improving She will make a good pennsman after a while I got a letter from Uncle Elisha Gardner yesterday he said that Fletcher had enlisted and was married and his wife is with him at Millwaukee he said that he enlisted one year ago last August he is in the 30th Wisconsin Infantry Co H ? (or K?) I will close by saying Good by at present Write soon this is from your ever sincere and affectionate Husband E P Jordan To my wife Julia Jordan Now i will write some to Elizabeth Elizabeth i got you letter and was glad that you tried to write me a letter i could read most of your letter keep on writing and you will soon get so you can write perty good be a good girl and help your Ma all you can From E P Jordan To Elizabeth Cook Tell Fremont to be a good boy and help his Ma all he can and go to school and learn fast as he can Uncle George says he is here and looking for a letter every day he is in my tent now he is going to write rite away A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P 1 R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Elias P Jordan Elias P Jordan Virginia Culpeper County April 21 1864 When this you see remember me My pen is poor my ink is pale My love for you shall never fail

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