Capsule Histories of the Civil War Regiments in which
Beth Ellen Wessel’s Ancestor and “Uncles” Served

From A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion by Frederick H. Dyer


1st Regiment United States Reserve Corps Infantry (3 Months)
Organized for three months at St. Louis, Mo., May 7, 1861. Attached to Lyon's Army of the West. Capture of Camp Jackson, St. Louis, May 10. Provost duty in St. Louis and at the Arsenal until June 20. (Co. “I” at Jacques Garden and Urich’s Cave entire service.) Moved to Jefferson City June 20-24. Duty at St. Louis until July 29. (Cos. “A,” “F” and “L” moved to Rolla July 30, thence to Cuba August 4, and duty there until August 10.) March to Bird’s Point, Mo., July 29-30, and duty there until August 13. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., August 13-14. Mustered out August 20, 1861.
Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 3 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 4 Officers and 25 Enlisted men by disease. Total 33.

2nd Regiment Light Artillery
Organized at St. Louis, Mo., as 1st Regiment, Missouri Artillery, U.S. Reserve Corps, September 16 to November 6, 1861. Designation changed to 2nd Missouri Artillery November 20, 1861, and assigned to duty in forts about St. Louis until September, 1863. Consolidated to a Battalion of 5 Companies September 29, 1863. Landgraeber’s Battery, Horse Artillery, assigned as Company “F,” September 30, 1863. Companies “C” and “D” form new Company “A.” Company “B” retained its organization. Companies “I” and “H” form new Company “C.” Companies “A,” “F,” “G” and “K” form new Company “D.” Companies “E,” “L” and “M” form new Company “E.” Six new Batteries organized as follows: “G” at St. Louis November 15, 1863. “H” at Springfield, Mo., December 4, 1863. “I” at Springfield, Mo., December 29, 1863. “K” at Springfield, Mo., January 14, 1864. “L” at Sedalia, Mo., January 20, 1864 (formerly 1st Battery, Missouri State Militia). “M” at St. Louis February 15, 1864.


1st Regiment Cavalry
Organized at Rippon and Kenosha, Wis., September 1, 1861, to February 2, 1862. Mustered in March 10, 1862. Left State for St. Louis, Mo., March 17, 1862, and duty at Benton Barracks, Mo., until April 28. Moved to Camp Girardeau, Mo., April 28. Attached to Vandever’s Brigade, District of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to October, 1862. Cavalry Brigade, District of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland, to October, 1864. 2nd Brigade; 1st Division, Wilson’s Cavalry Corps, Military Division Mississippi, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.–Scout and patrol duty in Southeast Missouri until October, 1862. Expedition to Bloomfield, Mo., May 10-11. Action at Bloomfield May 10. Chalk Bluffs May 15. Operations in Dunklin County May 16-20. Expedition to Madison, Ark., July 9-22. Scatterville July 10. Guerrilla Campaign against Porter’s and Poindexter’s forces July 20-September 10. West Prairie July 23. Bloomfield July 29. Jonesboro, Ark., August 2-3 (2nd Battalion). Jackson, Langnelle’s Ferry and Scatterville August 3. At Cape Girardeau until October 3. Scout to Wayne, Stoddard and Dunklin Counties August 20-27 (Detachment). Bloomfield August 29 and September 11. Moved to Greenville October 3, thence to Patterson October 19. Expedition after Greene’s guerrillas October 20-November 3. Duty at Patterson until January, 1863. Moved to Alton and West Plains January. At West Plains, Pilot Knob and St. Genevieve until March. Batesville February 4. Moved to Cape Girardeau March 10. Scout from Bloomfield to Scatterville March 24-April 1. Operations against Marmaduke April 17-May 2. Whitewater River April 24 (Co. “E”). Cape Girardeau April 26. Near Whitewater Bridge April 27. Castor River, near Bloomfield, April 29. Bloomfield April 29-30. Chalk Bluff, St. Francis River, April 30-May 1. Moved to Nashville, Tenn., May 31-June 13. Triune June 19. Middle Tennessee or Tullahoma Campaign June 23-July 7. Eaglesville and Rover June 23. Middleton June 24. Fosterville, Guy’s Gap and Shelbyville June 27. Bethpage Bridge, Elk River, July 2. Expedition to Huntsville July 13-22. At Huntsville and Fayetteville, Ala., until August 15. At Larkinsville until August 31. Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign. Reconnaissance toward Rome, Ga.. September 11. Apine and Dirt Town September 12. Near Stevens’ Gap September 18. Battle of Chickamauga September 19-20. Boy Valley and Lookout Church September 22. Missionary Ridge and Shallow Ford Gap September 22. Operations against Wheeler and Roddy September 30-October 17. Anderson’s Cross Roads October 2. Maysville, Ala., October 13. Camp at Winchester until November 20. Movement to Murfreesboro, thence into East Tennessee November 20-December 14. Operations about Dandridge and Mossy Creek November 24-28. Mossy Creek Station December 24. Pack’s House, near New Market, December 24. Mossy Creek December 26. Talbot Station December 28. Mossy Creek, Talbot Station, December 29. Near Mossy Creek January 11-12, 1864. Operations about Dandridge January 16-17. Bend of Chucky Road, near Dandridge, January 16. Dandridge January 17. Operations about Dandridge January 26-28. Fair Garden January 27. Swann’s Island January 28. Expedition from Motley’s Ford to Murphey, N. C., February 17-22. Cleveland April 2. Mink Springs, near Cleveland, April 13. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 1-September 8. Catoosa Springs May 3. Varnell’s Station May 7 and 9. Demonstrations on Dalton May 9-13. Tilton May 13. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Cassville May 19. Stilesboro May 23. Burnt Hickory May 24. About Dallas May 25-June 5. Burned Church May 26 and May 30-June 1. Ackworth June 3-4. Big Shanty June 6. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Lost Mountain June 15-17. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Howell’s Ferry July 1. Nickajack Creek July 2-5. Chattahoochie River July 6-17. Beachtown July 22. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. McCook’s Raid on Atlanta & West Point Railroad July 27-31. Campbellton July 28. Newnan July 30-31. Expedition to Jasper August 11-15. At Cartersville August 18-October 17. Rousseau’s pursuit of Wheeler September 1-8. At Calhoun until November 14. Ordered to Louisville, Ky., November 14, and duty there until December 4. Pursuit of Lyon from Paris to Hopkinsville, Ky., thence march to Nashville, Tenn., December 6, 1864, to January 8, 1865. Action at Hopkinsville, Ky., December 16. At Chickasaw, Ala., until March, 1865. Wilson’s Raid from Chickasaw, Ala., to Macon, Ga., March 22-April 24. Centreville April 1. Selma April 2. Lowndesborough April 10 (Cos. “A” and “B”). Montgomery April 12. Columbus Road, near Tuskegee, April 14. Fort Tyler, West Point, Ga., April 16. Macon April 20. Irwinsville, Ga., May 10. Capture of Jeff Davis. At Macon and Nashville, Tenn., until July. Mustered out at Edgefield, Tenn., July 19, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 6 Officers and 67 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 7 Officers and 321 Enlisted men by disease. Total 401.

3rd Independent Battery Light Artillery “Badger Battery”
Organized at Racine, Wis., and mustered in October 10, 1861. Ordered to Louisville, Ky., January 23, 1862, and duty there until March 10. Attached to Artillery, 5th Division, Army of the Ohio, to September, 1862. Artillery, 5th Division, 2nd Corps, Army of the Ohio, to November, 1862. Artillery, 3rd Division, Left Wing 14th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. Artillery, 3rd Division, 21st Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to October, 1863. 2nd Division, Artillery Reserve, Dept. of the Cumberland, to March, 1864. Garrison Artillery, Chattanooga, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to April, 1865. Garrison Artillery, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.–Ordered to Nashville, Tenn., March 10, 1862; thence march to Savannah, Tenn., March 29-April 9. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Pursuit to Booneville May 31-June 12. Buell’s operations on line of Memphis & Charleston Railroad in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee June to August. March to Louisville, Ky., in pursuit of Bragg August 21-September 26. Pursuit of Bragg into Kentucky October 1-20. Battle of Perryville, Ky., October 8 (Reserve). Pittman’s Cross Roads October 18. March to Nashville, Tenn., October 22-November 7. Lebanon November 9. Rural Hill November 18. At Nashville, Tenn., until December 26. Advance on Murfreesboro, Tenn., December 26-30. Battle of Stone’s River December 30-31, 1862, and January 1-3, 1863. Duty at Murfreesboro until July 5. Moved to McMinnville July 5, and duty there until September. Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign September. Chickamauga September 13. Battle of Chickamauga September 19-20. Siege of Chattanooga September 24-November 23. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Garrison duty in the Defenses of Chattanooga; also duty by Detachments on transports on the Tennessee River until April, 1865. Moved to Murfreesboro and garrison duty there until July. Mustered out July 20, 1865.
Battery lost during service 6 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 21 Enlisted men by disease. Total 27.

5th Regiment Infantry
Organized at Madison, Wis., and mustered in July 12, 1861. Ordered to Washington, D.C., July 24. Attached to King’s Brigade, McDowell’s Division, Army of the Potomac, to October, 1861. Hancock’s Brigade, Smith’s Division, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1862. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 4th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to May, 1862. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 6th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to February, 1863. Light Division, 6th Army Corps, to May, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Army Corps, to January, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 6th Army Corps, to February, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to August. Army of the Shenandoah, Middle Military Division, to December, 1864, and Army of the Potomac to July, 1865.
SERVICE.–Camp on Meridian Hill until September 3, 1861. Detached to construct Fort Marcy on north bank of the Potomac. At Camp Griffin, near Washington, D. C., until March 9, 1862. Lewinsville, Va., September 10, 1861. (Cos. “B,” “C” and “G”). Reconnaissance to Lewinsville September 25. March to Flint Hill March 9, 1862, thence to near Alexandria March 16, and moved to Fortress Monroe March 23-25. Reconnaissance to Warwick Court House March 27. Advance from Newport News to Warwick River and toward Yorktown April 4-5. Siege of Yorktown April 5-May 4. Reconnaissance toward Yorktown April 16. Lee’s Mills, Burnt Chimneys, April 16. Battle of Williamsburg May 5. Duty at White House until May 18. March to near Richmond May 24 and picket duty on the Chickahominy until June 5. Seven days before Richmond June 25-July 1. Garnett’s Farm June 27. Savage Station June 29. White Oak Swamp and Glendale June 30. Malvern Hill July 1. At Harrison’s Landing until August 16. Moved to Alexandria August 16-24, thence march to Centreville August 29-30. Maryland Campaign September 6-22. Sugar Loaf Mountain September 10-11. Crampton’s Pass, South Mountain, September 14. Battle of Antietam September 16-17. At Williamsport September 18-22. Expedition to intercept Stuart’s Cavalry October 11. At Hagerstown October 13-31. March to Aquia Creek November 3-18. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 12-15. At White Oak Church until April, 1863. “Mud March” January 20-24. Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6. Operations about Franklin’s Crossing April 29-May 2. Maryes Heights, Fredericksburg, May 3. Salem Heights May 3-4. Banks’ Ford May 4. Gettysburg (Pa.) Campaign June 11-July 24. Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2-4. Near Fairfield, Pa., July 5. About Funkstown, Md., July 10-13. Detached duty at New York, Albany and Troy August-September during draft disturbances. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Rappahannock Station November 7. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. Duty at Brandy Station until April, 1864. Campaign from the Rapidan to the James River May 4-June 15. Battles of the Wilderness May 5-7; Spotsylvania May 8-12; Spotsylvania Court House May 12-21. Assault on the Salient, “Bloody Angle,” May 12. North Anna River May 23-26. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor June 1-12. Before Petersburg June 17-18. Siege of Petersburg until July 9. Weldon Railroad June 22-23. Moved to Washington, D.C., July 9-12. Repulse of Early’s attack on Washington July 12. Non-veterans ordered to Wisconsin July 16 and mustered out August 3, 1864. Veterans consolidated to a Battalion of three Companies. Sheridan’s Shenandoah Valley Campaign August 7-November 28. Battle of Opequan, Winchester, September 19. Provost duty at Winchester, Va., and at Cedar Creek, Va., until December. Seven new companies organized September, 1864, and left State for Winchester, Va., October 2. At Alexandria until October 20, then Joined Regiment at Cedar Creek. Moved to Petersburg, Va., October 1-4. Siege of Petersburg December 4, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Dabney’s Mills, Hatcher’s Run, February 5-7, 1865. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Assault on and fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Sailor’s Creek April 6. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. March to Danville April 23-27, thence to Richmond, Va., and Washington, D.C., May 18-June 2. Corps Review June 8. Mustered out June 24 (three Companies) and July 11, 1865 (Regiment).
Regiment lost during service 15 Officers and 180 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 132 Enlisted men by disease. Total 329.

8th Independent Battery Light Artillery “Lyons’ Pinery Battery”
Organized at Racine and mustered in January 8, 1862. Ordered to St. Louis, Mo., March 18, and duty at Benton Barracks until April 4. Moved to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, April 4, and attached to Dept. of Kansas to June, 1862. Artillery, 4th Division, Army of Mississippi, to August, 1862. Artillery, 2nd Division, Army of Mississippi, to September, 1862. 32nd Brigade, 9th Division, Army of the Ohio, September, 1862. 32nd Brigade, 9th Division, 3rd Corps, Army of the Ohio, to November, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Right Wing 14th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to January, 1863. Artillery, 1st Division, 20th Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland, to October, 1863. 2nd Division, Artillery Reserve, Dept. of the Cumberland, to April, 1864. Post of Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dept. of the Cumberland, to July, 1864. 1st Brigade, Defenses of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to March, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Sub-District, District of Middle Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to August, 1865.
SERVICE.–March to Fort Scott with Lane’s Southwestern Expedition April, 1862, thence to Fort Riley, Kansas, and return to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Moved to Columbus, Ky., May 10-June 4. Moved to Humboldt, Tenn., and guard duty on Mobile& Ohio Railroad until July. Movement to Corinth, Miss., thence to Iuka, Miss., July 9-August 14. Expedition from Jacinto to Bay Springs and skirmish August 4-7. Battle of Iuka, Miss, September 19 (Centre Section). Battle of Corinth, Miss., October 3-4 (Centre Section). Battery ordered to Nashville, Tenn., August 29-September 3. March to Nashville, Tenn., in pursuit of Bragg September 6-26. Pursuit of Bragg to Crab Orchard, Ky., October 2-16. Battle of Perryville October 8. Stanford, Ky., October 14. March to Bowling Green, Ky., thence to Nashville, Tenn., October 16-November 12. Tyree Springs November 7. Duty at Nashville until December 26. Action near Brentwood December 9. Advance on Murfreesboro December 26-30. Nolensville December 26-27. Battle of Stone’s River December 30-31, 1862, and January 1-3, 1863. Duty at Murfreesboro until June. Reconnaissance from Salem to Versailles March 9-14. Operations on Edgefield Pike June 4. Middle Tennessee (or Tullahoma) Campaign June 23-July 7. Liberty Gap June 24-27. Occupation of Middle Tennessee until August 16. Passage of the Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Battle of Chickamauga September 19-20. Siege of Chattanooga September 24-November 23. Chattanooga-Ringgold Campaign November 23-27. Lookout Mountain November 24. Moved to Nashville, Tenn., December 5, and duty there until March, 1864. Moved to Murfreesboro, Tenn., and garrison duty there until August, 1865. Mustered out August 10, 1865.
Battery lost during service 1 Officer and 1 Enlisted man killed and 26 Enlisted men by disease. Total 28.

33rd Regiment Infantry
Organized at Racine, Wis., and mustered in October 18, 1862. Left State for Memphis, Tenn., November 12. Attached to Reserve Brigade, District of Memphis, Tenn., 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 17th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to January, 1863. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 16th Army Corps, to July, 1863. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 13th Army Corps, to August, 1863. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 17th Army Corps, to March, 1864. 1st Brigade, Provisional Division, 17th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to June, 1864. Detached Brigade, 17th Army Corps, and 4th Brigade, 1st Division, 16th Army Corps, to December, 1864. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 16th Army Corps (New), Military Division West Mississippi, to August, 1865.
SERVICE.–Grant’s Central Mississippi Campaign; operations on the Mississippi Central Railroad November 18, 1862, to January 10, 1863. Moved to Moscow, Tenn., and duty along Memphis & Charleston Railroad until March 9. Moscow February 13 (Detachment). Moved to Memphis, Tenn., March 9, and duty there until May 17. Expedition to the Coldwater April 18-24. Hernando April 18. Perry’s Ferry, Coldwater, April 19. Ordered to Vicksburg, Miss., May 17. Siege of Vicksburg May 20-July 4. Advance on Jackson, Miss., July 4-10. Siege of Jackson July 10-17. Assault on Jackson July 12. Reconnaissance to Pearl River July 15. Duty at Vicksburg until August 18. Ordered to Natchez, Miss., and duty there until December 1. Expedition to Harrisonburg September 1-8. Moved to Vicksburg December 1, and duty at Camp Milldale until February, 1864. Meridian Campaign February 3-March 2. Pearl River, near Canton and Madisonville, February 27. Red River Campaign March 10-May 24. Fort DeRussy March 14. Occupation of Alexandria March 16. Pleasant Hill Landing April 12-13. About Cloutiersville April 22-24. About Alexandria April 26-May 13. Wells’ Plantation May 6. Boyce’s Plantation May 6. Bayou Boeuf May 7. Retreat to Morganza May 13-20. Mansura May 16. Moved to Vicksburg, Miss., May 22-24, thence to Memphis, Tenn., May 27-30, and duty there until June 22. Moved to LaGrange, Tenn., June 22-27. Smith’s Expedition to Tupelo July 5-21. Camargo’s Cross Roads, near Harrisburg, July 13. Harrisburg, near Tupelo, July 14-15. Smith’s Expedition to Oxford August 1-3. Moved to St. Charles, Ark., August 3-6, thence to Devall’s Bluff September 1, and to Brownsville, Ark., September 8. March through Arkansas and Missouri in pursuit of Price September 17-November 16. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., thence to Nashville, Tenn., November 23-30. Battle of Nashville December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Moved to Clifton. Tenn., thence to Eastport, Miss., and duty there until February, 1865. Movement to New Orleans, La., February 6-22. Campaign against Mobile and its defenses March 17-April 12. Expedition from Dauphin Island to Foul River Narrows March 18-22. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely March 26-April 8. Assault on and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Duty at Montgomery and Tuskegee until July. Moved to Vicksburg, Miss., July 23-31. Mustered out August 8, 1865.
Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 30 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 167 Enlisted men by disease. Total 202.

47th Regiment Infantry
Organized at Madison, Wis., and mustered in February 27, 1865. Ordered to Louisville, Ky., thence to Nashville, Tenn., and Tullahoma, Tenn. Attached to 2nd Brigade, Defenses Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, Dept. of the Cumberland, to April, 1865. 2nd Brigade, 1st Sub-District, District Middle Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to September, 1865.
SERVICE–Railroad guard duty at Tullahoma and in District of Middle Tennessee until September. Mustered out September 4, 1865.
Lost during service 39 by disease.

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