The following research was done in 2002 by Richard Untermajer, a partner (with his brother Radovan) in the Slovakian genealogical research firm “Family Tree.” It is presented here in the format in which it was organized by the researcher. Regarding the sources of this information, Mr. Untermajer writes:
The genealogy was compiled from the Lutheran Birth Registers of Brezová covering the period from 1720 to 1733. Starting from 1733, the Lutheran entries had been kept by the Roman Catholic Registers in Brezová. This practise ceased to be observed in 1782, thus our research from 1783 to 1895 was again carried out in the Lutheran birth registers. The Pagacs family originated in Podkylava commune (village). The research was done in the Lutheran birth registers in Krajné, 1783-1907. Prior to 1783 Podkylava was registered in Prietrž, where the Lutheran birth registers had been kept starting from 1733. The Prietrž Lutheran registers have been looked through covering the period of 1733-1783. There was no incidence of either the Pagacs or Remiasch surname. This research unambiguously suggests that Podkylava entries prior the 1783 must have been registered in some other district’s register.
He also writes:
The registers of the Protestant [Lutheran] church of the Brezová pod Bradlom municipality have been kept starting from 1720 (birth register) and 1733 (marriage register). Up to 1871 also the municipality of Košariská had been register there. Starting from 1871 Košariská began to keep its own register.
Štefan Gabriž and his (second) wife Katarína Pagáč, who are identified as numbers 1 and 2, are my great-great-grandparents. I descend from their daughter Zuzana (Suzanna), born 2 August 1879. She immigrated to the United States in 1896, and married George Balint on 11 December 1898. (George Balint [Bálint György] was born on 5 February 1874 in Záhor, Slovakia, a small town directly adjacent to the modern Slovak border with Ukraine.)
Since the time of Mr. Untermajer’s research, I have had the opportunity to review microfilm copies of some of the records he used, and have identified several mistakes, omissions, and questionable interpretations in his research. My notations on these matters are shown below in brackets.
– David Jay Webber
1 – 2. 1x 22.4.1861 Košariská Gabriz Stephanus oo Lajdo Anna * 18.8.1840 Košariská * 23.12.1842 Holeška + 14.5.1901 / 62. Košariská [No 1139] [heart disease] + 5.7.1865 / 24. Košariská [consequences of dystocia (troublesome confinement)] children: – Košariská Anna * 18.8.1862 + 6.3.1865 Samuel * 21.7.1864 + 2x 25.6.1866 Krajné wid. Gábriž Štefan oo Pagacs Katarína * 4.11.1848 Podkylava + 18.2.1925 / 77. Košariská [No 1139] children: – Košariská [No 1139] Štefan * 27.1.1868 oo 21.11.1892 Mikulčik Anna Anna * 1.1.1870 Zuzana * 5.3.1872 + 28.7.1872 Juditha * 7.4.1873 + 29.8.1939 oo 21.11.1892 Mikulčik Štefan Ján * 26.5.1875 [+ 25.12.1947 oo 15.12.1904 Rechtóris Zuzana] Katarína * 26.4.1878 + 17.5.1878 Zuzana * 2.8.1879 Samuel * 20.4.1882 [+ 1961 Chicago oo Bartos Anna] Alžbeta * 5.12.1885 + 5.6.1886
3 – 4. 26.11.1832 Košariská Gábriš Štefan oo Michalek Anna peasant, farmer * 6.12.1817 Košariská * 11.6.1812 Brezová + 4.1.1870 / 52. Košariská No 1139 [fever] + 9.7.1886 / 74. Košariská No 1139 [senescence] children: – Košariská Susana * 8.8.1837 + 10.4.1838 Štefan * 18.8.1840 oo 1x 22.4.1861 Lajdo Anna oo 2x 25.6.1866 Pagacs Katarína Juditha * 18.9.1842 oo 22.4.1861 Gažo Štefan Márton * 24.9.1845 + 28.7.1848 János * 5.6.1848 Anna * 16.7.1852 + 26.8.1852
5 – 6. 22.11.1847 Podkylava Pagacs János [Ján] oo Remias Zuzana * 27.8.1824 Podkylava * 18.7.1824 Krajné + 3.3.1859 / 37. Krajné + children: – Podkylava Katarína * 4.11.1848 oo 25.6.1866 Gabriž Štefan [I have concluded that this is an incorrect identification of the parentage of Katarína, born 4 November 1848. I believe that the Ján Pagacs who was baptized on 27 August 1824, and who married Zuzana Remiasch on 22 November 1847, actually died childless on 8 January 1851, at the stated age of 26 years. (I therefore think that the 1859 date of death given above for this person actually pertains to a different individual.) Katarína’s parents were, instead, a different couple named Ján Pagacs and Zuzana Remiasch. Her actual parents were both the father and step-mother of the Ján Pagacs who is misidentified here as Katarína’s father, and the aunt and uncle- by-marriage of the Zuzana Remiasch who is misidentified here as Katarína’s mother. See below for more details, and additional corrections, pertaining to this family.]
7 – 8. 7.11.1797 Košariská Gabriss [Gábriš] Martinus [Martin] oo Slahor Susana [Zuzana] peasant, farmer *6.11.1775 r. Brezová * 18.1.1781 Košariská +14.8.1843 / 63. Košaroská [senescence (senectica)] + 16.4.1850 / 70. r. Brezová children: – Košariská Catharina * 9.9.1799 Stephanus * 13.12.1801 + ? Susanna * 1.8.1804 + ? Elisabetha * 4.9.1805 + 2.5.1807 Anna * 7.4.1808 + 13.3.1809 Susanna * 21.8.1809 + 14.6.1810 Juditha * 12.5.1811 + 17.12.1815 Martinus * 8.9.1813 + 21.6.1822 Joannes * 1.6.1816 + 19.6.1816 Stephanus * 6.12.1817 oo 26.11.1832 Michalek Anna
9 – 10. 31.11.1805 Brezová Michalek Samuel oo Latzko Elisabetha * 30.6.1783 Brezová * 10.1.1787 Brezová + + children: – Brezová Stephanus * 31.10.1806 Joannes * 28.10.1809 Anna * 11.6.1812 oo 26.11.1832 Gabriš Štefan Stephanus * 18.10.1816 Martinus * 21.11.1817 Georgius * 8.8.1821 + 24.8.1821 Georgius * 1.10.1826
11 – 12. 1x 23.11.1823 Krajné Pagats János oo Frndák alias Diurisch Judita * 22.2.1798 Podkylava * cca 1806 + 23.12.1853 Podkylava + 6.11.1848 / 42 Krajné children: – Podkylava Joannes * 27.8.1824 oo 22.11.1847 Remiasch Zuzanna Anna * 30.4.1834 Stephanus * 9.5.1836 Susanna * 15.8.1838 Juditha * 16.12.1840 Catharina * 4.4.1842 2x 28.9.1849 Podkylava wid. Pagats Ján oo wid. Kuliška Anna [According to the Krajné Lutheran records, Juditha, the daughter of Stephanus Diurisch and Juditha Holotta of Podkylava, was baptized on 27 May 1803. (We know that this Diurisch couple was also known as Frndak on the basis of the following: Another daughter of this couple, Anna, was baptized on 10 January 1792 as the daughter of Stephanus Diurisch and Juditha Holotta, but when Anna died in infancy and was buried on 18 July 1792, she was identified as the daughter of Stephanus Frndak and Juditha Holotta.) Stephanus Diurisch of Podkylava was buried on 22 December 1830 at the age of 66 years. Juditha the widow of Stephanus Frndak of Podkylava died on 29 March 1840 at the age of 72. Juditha Diurisch Frndak, at the stated age of 18, married Joannes Pagats of Podkylava, also at the stated age of 18, on 23 November 1823. This marriage produced one child, Joannes, baptized on 27 August 1824 as the son of Joannes Pagats and Juditha Diurisch of Podkylava. Juditha the wife of Jan Pagats of Podkylava was buried on 4 October 1826 at the age of 23. (The death entry mistakenly given above as referring to her is referring to someone else. It was actually a person named “Zsuzsi” – a diminutive form of the name Zuzana or Susanna, not Judita or Juditha – who died on that date: Zsuzsi the wife of János Pagats died on 5 November 1848, at the age of 42. This was in fact the second wife of the Ján Pagats about whom we are speaking, not his first wife. See below for more on this second wife, Zuzana Remiasch.) The additional children listed above (Anna, Stephanus, Susanna, Juditha, and Catharina) were not the children of this couple, but of a different couple, namely Joannes Pagats and Juditha Pagats (whose maiden surname was indeed the same as that of her husband), who, interestingly, were married on the same day as Joannes Pagats and Juditha Diurisch Frndak. (The marriage noted above involving the widow Anna Kuliška also pertains to a different Ján Pagacs.) After Juditha Diurisch Frndak died in 1826, her widower, at the stated age of 24, married (as his second wife) Susanna Remiasch, age 18, on 19 February 1827, with whom he had nine more children: Martin (29 July 1830), Pavel (29 June 1832), Katarína (1 May 1836), Štefan (8 December 1837), Judita (2 November 1839), Anna (15 May 1841), Martin (6 January 1843), Anna (28 January 1845), and Katarína (4 November 1848). The mother of these children (Zuzana Remiasch) died the day following the birth of the youngest one – who also happens to be my ancestor (see above). After this, the father of these children was married for a third time, to Anna Batka, by whom he had four more children: Daniel (25 December 1850), Ján (15 January 1852), Tomaš (19 January 1853), and Alžbeta (25 November 1855). Ján Pağacs-Bočinský (the father), of House #116 in Podkylava, husband of Anna Battka, died on 5 October 1872, at the age of 71 years. Anna Batka, widow of Štefan Pagáč, of House #116 in Podkylava, died on 7 March 1890, at the age of 71 years. In addition to all the other problems I have already mentioned, another error that I believe was made in the research was the misidentification of the parentage of Ján Pagacs (i.e. the person who was married three times). I do not think he was the Joannes Pagats who was baptized on 22 February 1798, as the son of Stephanus Pagats and Juditha Szako. In the 1869 Hungary census, the Ján Pagacs who is the subject of this study gave his year of birth as 1800 (see Podkylava house #116). His stated age at the time of his second marriage, to Zuzana Remiasch, calculates back to a birth around the year 1802. His stated age at death, in 1872, calculates back to a birth in the year 1801. I also note the son named Pavel in this family. For all of these reasons I believe that the Ján Pagacs about whom we have been speaking was the Johannes Pagats who was baptized on 28 November 1801 as the son of Paulus Pagats and Catharina Bumbal. Paulus the son of Stephanus Pagats of Podkylava, and Catharina the daughter of Thomas Bumbal of Krajné, were married on 18 November 1793. They had eight children: Judita (10 December 1795), Anna (7 January 1799), Jan (28 November 1801), Katarína (11 December 1804), Pavel (4 March 1807), Zuzana (1 January 1811), Alžbeta (28 May 1814), and Dorota (7 June 1818). Paulus Pagats of Podkylava was buried on 5 March 1822, at the age of 50. Catharina Bumbal, the widow of Paulus Pagats, was buried on 11 December 1842, at the age of 65. A Stephanus Pagats, who might be the father of Paulus, was buried on 13 January 1791, at the age of 47. Catharina, widow of Stephanus Pagats, was buried on 25 March 1828, at the age of 80. Thomas Bumbal died on 28 November 1784, at the age of 37. Catharina, maiden name Malich, the widow of Thomas Bumbal, married the widower Martinus Plesnik on 18 January 1785. Catharina, the wife of Martinus Plesznik of Krajné, was buried on 1 March 1813, at the age of 60 years.]
13 – 14. 8.11.1819 Podkylava Remiasch János oo Szedlak Zsuzsi *5.11.1794 Podkylava * 7.4.1804 Krajné + 25.5.1872 Krajné + 1.7.1862 Krajné children: – Krajné Joannes *15.11.1821 + 14.4.1841 Susanna *18.7.1824 oo 22.11.1847 Pagacs János Paulus * 14.7.1830 Stephanus * 23.12.1832 + 19.4.1840 [I no longer consider these people to be my ancestors, and believe their identification as such in this research to be a mistake.]
15 – 16. 29.5.1768 r. Brezová Gabris [Gabriss] Thomas oo Filko Elisabeth * 24.10.1744 r. Brezová * 22.3.1751 r. Brezová + 2.3.1799 r. Brezová + 27.7.1791 r. Brezová children: – r. Brezová Joannes * 1.1.1770 + ? Anna * 24.1.1771 + 25.10.1772 Thomas * 4.9.1772 + 18.11.1772 Stephanus * 26.12.1773 Martinus * 6.11.1775 oo 7.11.1797 Slahor Susana Thomas * 28.11.1778 + ? Elisabeth * 22.11.1779 Anna * 4.1.1782 + 15.11.1782 Joannes * 14.5.1784 + 14.4.1787 Thomas * 30.3.1787 + 14.11.1789 Anna * 9.3.1789
17 – 18. 1764 – 1770 r. Brezová neg. Slahor Georgius [Juraj] oo Kazik Anna * 19.10.1743 r. Brezová * cca 1740 (1738 – 1740 r. Brezová neg.) + 25.4.1800 r. Brezová + 25.6.1825 / 85 r. Brezová children: – r. Brezová - Košariská Georgius * 12.4.1770 Stephanus * 7.11.1772 + ? Dorothea * 22.11.1774 Anna * 1.6.1777 Martinus * 28.10.1778 Susanna * 18.1.1781 oo 7.11.1797 Gabriss Martinus Stephanus * 16.12.1782 + ? Paulus * 18.1.1785 Stephanus * 21.2.1787 Daniel * 8.3.1789 + ? Daniel * 3.11.1790
19 – 20. 7.11.1762 Brezová Michalek Stephanus oo Kuczera Susanna * 7.11.1740 Brezová * 11.1.1745 Brezová + [28.7.1795 / 65. Brezová] + 16.2.1813 Brezová children: – Brezová Samuel * 30.6.1783 oo 31.11.1805 Latzko Elisabeth
21 – 22. 2x 30.1.1786 Brezová wid. Laczko Martinus oo Viczian Dorothea [Dorota] * 1.10.1752 Brezová * + 27.5.1817 Brezová + 14.11.1804 r. Brezová children: – Brezová Elisabetha * 10.1.1787 oo 31.11.1805 Michalek Samuel Georgius * 9.10.1789 Catharina * 8.5.1794 1x 25.10.1772 Laczko Martinus oo Sasko Anna * cca 1752 + 22.11.1785 / 33. [The person named Martinus Latzko who died in Brezová on 27 May 1817 was said to be 75 years old. This calculates back to a birth in the year 1741 or 1742. While the ages given at death in these records sometimes are off by as much as a decade, the person who died in 1817 is not my Martin Lacko. The Brezová Lutheran register records the burial of Martinus Laczko, age 48, married to Dorothea Viczian, on 10 July 1798. Also, the person named Dorothea Viczian who died in Brezová on 14 November 1804 was not the wife of Martinus Laczko. It was a different woman, with the same maiden name. The pertinent death entry in the Brezová church records clearly states that the decedent was married to a Repta (not to a Laczko), and that at her death her age was 23 years, 1 month, and 4 days. She was obviously too young to have been the wife of Martinus Laczko. The correct entry in the Brezová Lutheran records is the burial of Dorothea, relict of Martin Laczko, of Brezova, on 20 November 1806, at the age of 40. According to the Brezová Catholic records, Dorothea, the daughter of Stephanus and Catharina Viczÿan, was baptized on 8 May 1767. Also according to these records, on 6 June 1764, in Brezová, the widower Stephanus Vician married Catharina, the widow of Stephanus Vrestak. (The single man Stephanus Vrestak had married the virgin Catharina, daughter of Thomas Driensky, on 28 October 1759, in Brezová.) Catharina, the daughter of Thomas and Barbara Driensky, was baptized on 4 May 1741. (We are able to identify the maiden name of Catharina’s mother Barbara from this earlier entry in the Brezová Lutheran records: Geörg., son of Thom. Drjensky and Barbara Mihalyetka, was born and baptized on 7 April 1732.) The Brezová Lutherans records show that Stephanus Viczian, married to Catharina Drenszky, was buried on 29 January 1791, at the age of 75; and that Catharina, the widow of Stephanus Viczian, of Brezová, was buried on 20 November 1806, at the age of 70.]
23 – 24. 17.6.1789 Podkylava Pagáts Stephanus oo Szako Juditha * cca 1759 * cca 1762 + 4.12.1829 / 70. Podkylava + 13.8.1818 / 56. Podkylava children: – Podkylava Georgius * 3.11.1790 + 19.5.1816 Juditha * 24.4.1794 Joannes * 22.2.1798 1x oo 25.11.1823 Frndak Diurisch Juditha 2x oo 28.9.1849 Kuliska Anna Catharina * 16.8.1805 [I no longer consider these people to be my ancestors, and believe their identification as such in this research to be a mistake.]
27 – 28. 1x 18.11.1793 Podkylava servant Remiasch Martinus oo Moszny Juditha * cca 1769 * cca 1773 + 24.2.1812 / 43. Podkylava + 30.7.1808 / 35. Podkylava children: – Podkylava Joannes * 5.11.1794 oo 8.11.1819 Szedlak Susanna Anna * 11.7.1797 Juditha * 25.5.1800 Paulus * 10.3.1802 + 12.7.1802 Martinus * 23.5.1803 2x 11.9.1808 wid. Remiasch Martinus oo Moszko Zuzana *cca 1788 + 21.3.1840 / 50. Podkylava [The youngest child of the first marriage is missing from the above list. Susanna, the daughter of Martin Remiasch and Juditha Moszny, was baptized on 19 June 1806. She married Joannes Pagats (as his second wife), and one day before her own death she gave birth to my great-great-grandmother. See above for more details.]
29 – 30. 15.1.1787 Krajné peasant, farmer Szedlak Joannes oo Feranetz Dorothea * cca 1761 * cca 1767 + 14.10.1823 / 62. Krajné + 11.3.1837 / 70. Krajné children: – Krajné Georgius * 19.4.1790 Joannes * 23.11.1795 + 8.9.1796 Joannes * 2.2.1801 + 20.6.1803 Zuzanna * 7.4.1804 oo 8.11.1819 Remiasch Joannes Joannes * 12.4.1807 [I no longer consider these people to be my ancestors, and believe their identification as such in this research to be a mistake.]
31 – 32. [before 1733] Gabris Thomas oo Catharina * cca 1714 * cca 1710 + 1.1.1754 / 40. Košariská + 12.2.1778 / 68. r. Brezová children: – r. Brezová Dorothea * 5.11.1735 Catharina * 30.7.1738 Anna * 10.7.1741 Thomas * 24.10.1744 oo 29.5.1768 Filko Elisabeth Elisabeth * 10.8.1747 + 10.12.1749
33 – 34. 5.11.1747 Brezová Filko Stephanus oo Kravarik Anna * 10.10.1729 r. Brezová * 26.12.1728 r. Brezová + + children: – r. Brezová Thomas * 30.10.1748 Elisabeth * 22.3.1751 oo 29.5.1768 Gabris Thomas Dorotha * 19.4.1753 Anna * 16.2.1756 Joannes * 26.7.1760
35 – 36. Slahor Georgius oo Juditha * cca 1718 * [cca 1721] + 29.3.1751 / 33. Košariská + [7.4.1789 / 67. Brezová] children: – r. Brezová Georgius * 19.10.1743 oo Kazik Anna Joannes * 7.5.1746 Anna * 3.10.1750 2x 13.5.1754 Brezová widov. Judita Slahor oo wid. Cevcsik George
39 – 40. 21.9.1739 Brezová Michalek Stephanus [Štefan] oo Vaczulik Elisabetha [Alžbeta] * cca 1706 * cca. 1713 + 20.7.1766 r. Brezová + 17.11.1786 r. Brezová children: – Brezová Stephanus * 7.11.1740 oo 7.11.1762 Kuczera Zsuzana Joannes * 30.5.1745 Anna * 1.1.1748 Elisabetha * 20.6.1758
41 – 42. 13.11.1741 Brezová Kucsera Stephani oo Rechtoris Elisabetha [Alžbeta] * * + + 29.10.1780 r. Brezová children: – r. Brezová Elisabetha * 15.3.1743 Susanna * 11.1.1745 oo 7.11.1762 Michalek Stephanus Anna * 9.4.1747 Dorothea * 8.7.1749 Stephanus * 3.4.1754 Anna * 25.8.1759 Juditha * 29.11.1761
43 – 44. 13.11.1746 Brezová Laczko Joannis oo Cserny Elisabetha * * + + children: – r. Brezová Anna * 13.3.1749 Martinus * 1.10.1752 oo 30.1.1786 Viczian Dorothea Joannes * 1.12.1753 Susanna * 6.7.1760 Elisabetha * 6.7.1760 twins
55 – 56. Remiasch Martinus oo Catharina * cca 1747 * cca 1747 + 25.2.1827 Podkylava + 17.12.1807 Podkylava children: Martinus * cca 1769 oo 1x 18.11.1793 Moszny Juditha oo 2x 11.9.1808 Moszko Susanna
57 – 58. Moszny Georgius oo Anna * * cca 1741 + + 15.2.1807 Podkylava children: Juditha * cca 1773 oo 18.11.1793 Remiasch Martinus
59 – 60. Szedlak Joannes oo Gyurass Anna * cca 1739 * + 4.1.1804 Podkylava children: Joannes * cca 1761 oo 15.1.1787 Feranecz Dorothea [I no longer consider these people to be my ancestors, and believe their identification as such in this research to be a mistake.]
61 – 62. Feranecz Georgius oo Chrunkolek Johanna * cca 1720 * + 6.6.1807 children: Dorothea * cca 1767 oo 15.1.1787 Szedlak Joannes [The above identification of Johanna Chrunkolek as the wife of Georgius Feranecz is in error. This error seems to arise from the fact that a woman named Johanna Chrumkalek served as a witness at the 1787 wedding of Dorothea, the daughter of Georgius Feranecz, and this datum in the marriage entry was misread to be saying that this person was the mother of the bride. The actual wife of Georgius Feranecz was Catharina, who was buried as the wife of Georgius Feranetz on 2 September 1803, at the age of 58 years. But in any case, I no longer consider these people to be my ancestors, and believe their identification as such in this research to be a mistake.]
67 – 68. Filko Thomas [Tomas] oo Kadlecz Anna * cca 1702 * cca 1692 + 8.7.1748 ex Košariská + 26.1.1747 r. Brezová children: Stephanus * 10.10.1729 oo 5.11.1747 Kravarik Anna Anna * 18.1.1732 + Anna * 25.10.1735
69 – 70. Kravarik Joannes oo Gavornik Anna * cca 1693 * cca 1692 +1.7.1753 / 60. Košariská + 30.3.1767 r. Brezová children: – r. Brezová Georgius * 21.1.1725 Anna * 26.12.1728 oo 5.11.1747 Filko Stephanus Catharina * 17.8.1731 Susanna * 21.4.1738 Joannes * 30.8.1739 Martinus * 10.5.1742 Elisabetha * 10.8.1745
Katarína Pagáč (Gabriž)
[#2 above]
Brezová pod Bradlom
[a painting
that hangs in Trinity Slovak Lutheran Church, Chicago,
Former Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Brezová pod
Bradlom, Slovakia
(built by the Lutherans in 1590; permanently taken from
them in 1733)
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Košariská,
(in use since 1878)
[a painting by Štefan Pavelka]
Former Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession
in Krajné,
(built by the Lutherans in 1595; permanently taken from them in
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession
in Krajné,
(in use since 1784)
The Balint / Balyi Family and the Meglisz / Meglész Family
Outline Pedigree of David Jay Webber
Gabriž Family Entry in the Brezová pod Bradlom Lutheran Family Register
Eastern Europe circa 1600 (map)
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