Donatello lived as the cyborg for quite a while after that, learning his new abilitys. Later on in the IMAGE comics, he was thought to be "killed" by one of the Turtles' villians. The cyborg body was still alive though, and without Donatello's brain, the cyborg was a walking computer death machine. The "cyborg" attempted to kill the creature that "killed" Donatello, but failed and got wounded in the chest. He was taken back to the turtles' lair and put in sort of a safety pool, until the turtles' could find Donny in the Astral Plane and bring him back into the cyborg's body. Leonardo started to meditate in the Astral Plane, and he found Donny there, in his regular turtle form, bo in hand. He went back with Leo, but when he awoke, he was trapped in Leonardo's body. Mikey was talking to Donny as it was Leo, and Donny got pissed off, and broke the glass of the "pool" his cyborg body was in. Eventually, Leo got back in his body and Donatello got back in his cyborg body. Donatello was not killed, he was simply in the Astral Plane. The IMAGE series ended with Donatello still in his cyborg form, but it is certain that Donny does not stay as a cyborg.. It seems in the future, Donatello moves to Japan, because of something terrible that happened in the Turtles' past. Donny cloned himself a new body, and is no longer a cyborg. In Japan, he lives by himself, with a human like computer named "Chet".