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Deer Park Memories

Deer Park's name was probably derived from the abundance of deer in the area, and thus is our beginning. Deer Park has had it's own railroad stop since 1842. The railroad has since changed quite a bit.

"Deer Park Railroad Station, circa 1940"

Deer Park has had it's own Post Office since March 8, 1851. It has been in various spots... It was first located in the postmaster's homes. The original Postmaster was Nathan E. Basset. On October 27, 1853 Gideon Seaman became Postmaster and the Post office was operated in his Octagon shaped home in the site it was known to "us" until "Block Buster Video" was built. From 1897 through 1912 it was located on the east side of DPA north of Brentwood Road. In 1912 it was then moved to Brentwood Road & Conklin Street. Then in 1924 it was relocated to the southeast corner of DPA & Brentwood Road. And in 1932 it was located in John H. Reisen's grocery store on Long Island Ave & west 1st Street. Along its travels, it was located next to the "Best 5& 10" and then moved north to the site we all grew up with. In the late 80's the Deer Park Post Office was moved again, this time to it's current resting place on Carll's Path. House to house delivery was established in 1956. (With all the moving of the Post Office it is a wonder we got the mail huh?)

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