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Devastation Wrestling Federation

For anyone who still bothers to come to this webpage...Sephiroth will indeed be your future leader of the DwF. What does that mean? Well for starters, I plan to make the DwF more extreme, more violent than it has ever been, with no assholes to bother us!! If you liked Sephiroth and what he did in the past, just wait until you get a load of Sephiroth REBORN, as your fucking DWF PRESIDENT!! And also, it gives me the chance to TOTALLY own the Duke, like I did when I was kicking his ass all over the DwF back in the day LoL!! Those are the words of Sephiroth, and they have been spoken, for they are the truth!! HaHaHaHaHa!!

New Members:


Existing Members:

Roleplay Board
Current Roster
Current Champions
Monday Mayhem
Thursday Turmoil
Suggestion Box
DWF Survey
Roleplayer of the Week
Hall of Fame
DWF Chat
DWF Magazine

Wrestler Pages and other goodies:

Matthew Steele's Official Webpage
Zero's Official Webpage
The Duke's Official Webpage
The Duke's first Book!
Spitfire's Official Webpage
Hard Knox's Official Webpage
Damien's Official Webpage
Marco's Official Webpage
Sephiroth's Official Webpage
The Book of Sephiroth
Steeler's Official Webpage
Homicide's Official Webpage
Duke's Home Video