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Steve Anderson Collection: Long Island Expwy in Suffolk County
Photo Gallery: LIE

Photo courtesy of Steve Anderson

View of the Long Island Expwy, in Suffolk County. This stretch had no lights until recently. The entire LIE east of the NYC line was lightless, until the end of the 70's. Around then, the Nassau County section closest to the county line with Queens received truss-armed standards, while the next section to be lit, got snake-like davit poles. This section, in Suffolk County, reversed the Davit invasion with a fresh new crop of trussarmed warriors.
Steve Anderson has detailed the illumination evolution of the furthest spots on the world's longest parking lot, as follows:
EXITS 32-39: Trussed crookarm poles. (Those knocked down have generally been replaced with davits)
EXITS 40-48: Davit poles. (New 1997 roadkill replacements are tinted in parkway-style bronze, instead of original issue stainless steel)
EXITS 48-62: Trussed crookarms (Even those knocked down are replaced with new trussed crookarms)
At EXITS 49, 53 and 62, there are 100-foot-tall posts with multiple lights. These are at the NY 110, Sagtikos Parkway and Nicolls Road, respectively.
This Suffolk section also sports the new HOV lanes abutting the center median, reserved for multi-occupant vehicles during rush hours. The new lanes are slowly creeping westward, towards the Queens section, where they are expected to end at the Cross Island interchange.

© 1997, Jeff Saltzman.