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Queens Blvd. at 71st Road
Looking West
Photo Gallery: Queens Blvd

Death Blvd
west 1
West from 71st Road. The next corner is 71st/Continental Avenue. In between are the art deco era Midway Theater and the 1960s vintage Cord Meyer office building, Cord Meyer being the ancient real estate entity that built Forest Hills Gardens back when prewar meant the Spanish American War. I saw many a movie in my youth at the Midway. Back then it was a single-plex. Remember those? Back in the late 1970s and early 80s, the Midway was one of the city theaters hosting midnight showings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show on weekends, replete with audience participation and myriad stages of undress. Unfortunately, at the Midway, those shedding their outer clothes were often junior high school age. My friends and I frequented a theater in Manhattan where those doing any stripping were at least within reasonable sight of their 18th birthday, although plenty of teeny boppers were always present...and wasted. The main Rocky Horror clique in NYC, led by the rather well known Sal Piro, head of the movie's fan club, was ensconced for many years in a couple of theaters in Greenwich Village. My group was based in the Festival Theater on West 57th Street. I usually played Doctor Scott, the guy in the wheelchair. We always got bombed on Rocky nights. For a while we were bringing my late great grandmother's wheelchair into the city on the train to use in my Doctor Scott scenes. One night as my friend was wheeling me up the aisle, we ran over the security guard's foot and broke it. He was so blasted, he hardly noticed and was laughing. Even the theater staff were part of the action. I never took it in at the Midway. Thanks to the Midway, it won't be hard to figure out when I shot this, as three extremely popular early 2001 flicks are featured on the marquee. I have a very archeologist friendly website.
at 71st ave
Pedestrians a block away at 71st Avenue scurry to make it across Death Boulevard before the light changes. The boulevard soon cascades into a valley. at the base of which snakes a meandering Yellowstone Boulevard.

Across 71st Avenue is another example of typical 1920s Forest Hills architecture, with the requisite Tudoresque roofline. The roof itself hosts a very untudor-like gargantuan billboard, almost as big as the building. When the building was put up I doubt many people gave much thought to the vitamins now being sold on the ground floor.

© 2001, Jeff Saltzman.