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Queens Blvd. at 80th Road
Union Tpke; South/West - Kew Gardens
Photo Gallery: Queens Blvd

Death Blvd
south 1
A pedestrian was killed crossing hereAbove and directly below, the Union, no pun intended, of Queens Blvd and 80th Road, the scene, as of late February 2001 when this was taken, and March 31st, when this was written, of the last recorded killing on Death Boulevard. It occured right across from the commercial building at the corner, where 83 year-old Eugene Eisenberg was crossing on the evening of February 1st, with the light in his favor. Unfortunately, it was also in favor of the Green Line Q10 bus, which makes a sharp U-turn from Kew Gardens Road just beyond that building, right onto 80th Road coming at us, and left onto eastbound Queens Blvd. The westward looking scene below is possibly the last thing Mr. Eisenberg ever saw, albeit at night. As is the bus below, the Q10 that late night came around the corner and the driver failed to see Eisenberg in time. He died on the way to the hospital. He was on his way to the Schwartz Funeral Home several blocks to the west, ironically to serve as a Shomer; a Jewish ritual guardianship over the body of the just deceased on the night before their burial. Ironically, an employee of that funeral home was killed by a delivery truck on this boulevard four years earlier.
west bus
 The Q10 bus only uses the boulevard to turn itself around for a return trip down Lefferts Boulevard to JFK Airport. It stays on Death Boulevard for just a block before heading back down south. On Lefferts, it passes right by another infamous site of death that it had nothing to do with; that being the killing site on Austin Street a block away from one of its bus stops, where in 1963 Kitty Genovese was butchered beneath the lit up windows of over 50 residents who did NOTHING! NOTHING! NOTHING! Not one lousy little old phone call to the cops! NOTHING! May every single one of them enjoy tea by the eternal fireside of hell some day with her murderer, Winston Moseley.

west center
 The view west from the boulevard's center median. Union Tpke and the Jackie Robinson Pkwy run unseen below the boulevard a half block up. When he was brought here for trial, Winston Moseley would have seen the 1950's era Chamin Building on the right, but he would not have seen the 1980's vintage structure on the left.
 In fact, such modernistic buildings as the Forest Hills Tower on the right at the corner of 78th Crescent would have appeared downright science fiction to him in the mid 1960's. Maybe they still would, since he probably hasn't seen hardly anything outside of prison since 1968.

©2001, Jeff Saltzman. All right reserved.