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Doomed Cup-Light on Rockaway Boulevard
Photo Gallery: Secondary Road Scenes || Streetlights/Poles

doomed cuplightThis elliptical crookarm cuplight stood to the side of southbound Rockaway Blvd., just north of Brookville, when I snared it in 1992. It was only the second remaining cup-elliptical arm combo left in NYC that I knew of. It's now history and it's demise must've been bizarre.
I passed by where it stood in recent weeks and all that's left is the base and about 4 feet of pole. It looks like some movie-style monster bit...I SAY BIT!, the rest of the pole off! It's not cut, not sawed, not dented as if a truck hit it. IT WAS BIT OFF! Maybe a little commuter plane hit it? It's not far from nearby runways for JFK. What a way to go. Soon, the only cups left in NYC will be on walkbridges and embedded in overpass ceilings. Oh well, there's always Long Island, where tightfisted county DOTs can be counted on to preserve history for all the wrong reasons.

© 1997-2003, Jeff Saltzman.