Miss Cindi hears the sound of her front door creak open...... a slight pause..... then the soft thud of it closing. Standing to her feet, she thinks to herself, ....... Whoa!...I have visitors! She extends her hand to you in a friendly geasture.
"WOW! You must be really bored to be visiting MY page!" Realizing what she just said, she covers her mouth to stiffle a giggle. Turning with arms open wide, she motions to the vast expanse that is her web page. "Well, here it all my Utena stuff...... to date that is. Feel free to browse/borrow/steal whatever you like. Heck! Thats how I got all this stuff to begin with", she smirks. I collected this stuff from all over the internet,...... I can't help myself,...... I just can't seem to get enough Utena! I created the these webpage graphics, myself. If you want them, Take em, Just make a link back to this site. Thanks!
"Oh! by the way, my page includes some story line"...... (OK! alot of story line....SHEESH!). "I guess I should give the huge, massive,..... up front & center,.... loud and in your face,... freakin whooper of a story spoiler warning now." "My gallery pages have some character profiles/statistics as well. If you have any questions...... feel free to ask me. (i'll TRY my best to answer them)........ (Utena can be complicated story to understand at times) I also have pretty cool, miscellaneous Utena gallery," (this puppy contains pics from both the anime and the movie). "My disclaimer is on my credits page." (just in case you were wondering). "It's almost impossible to keep track of where I get all my graphics. If you see any thing thing that belongs to you personally,..... let me know so I can,........ credit your work, link to your site, or remove the item from my site." |
I even have a Koyasu Takehito, Crispin Freeman Seiyuu Shrine page." "I think it only fair that I warn you about my down right crappy loading time (I'm what you might call, graphics heavy). "Well, Ta Ta for now. If you need anything, just e-mail me. Unless you'r going to point out all my typos and bad spelling. (I already know how bad I suck at English 101) Don't forget to lock up when ya leave."
Spinning on her heel,..... Miss Cindi exits, stage left. |
a Takehito Koyasu, Crispin Freeman
seiyuu shrine.
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