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The Family of

John Eckenroth and Anna Margaret


Updated May 27, 2002



    Most of the information I have on this family comes from a great book researched and published by William Kirkpatrick and Chris Pelikan in 1988. The book is over 600 pages filled with information, sources, maps and photos. The following is from the "Eckroth - Eckenroth - Eckenrode" book. 

     John Eckenroth b. about 1709 in Germany d. April 28, 1757 married Anna Margaret ? b. August 1, 1709 in Germany d. September 6, 1790 in Berwick Township, Adams County, Pennsylvania. 

    Believed to be the original ancestor to America from Germany, John and Anna Margaret arrived September 5, 1743 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on the ship "Snow Charlotta" with Johns brother Henry Eckenroth and their five sisters. No information has been found on the sisters. John is listed on the ships log as "Johannes Ickroth" 

    John and Anna Margaret settled in Lynn Township, Northampton county (now Lehigh County) on a plantation they bought and named "Old Improvement". It is believed John was killed by Indians in 1757 on his land.

   There were eight known children of this union as follows:


1) Henry Eckenroth married Anna Barbara Kuhn

2) Peter Eckenroth married Elizabeth Margaret ?

3) George Eckenroth (believed to be my line)  married Anna Mary Neyer

4) Mary Elizabeth Eckenroth married Fredrick L.? and  Francis Hartman

5) Christopher Eckenroth married Anna Margaret Henrich

6) Anna Margaret Eckenroth married Conrad Bovertz and Michael Hartman

7) Catherine Eckenroth married John Kuhn

8) Mary Elizabeth Eckenroth married Matthias Keffer


View an outline of the whole family of John and Anna Margaret


