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Welcome to the 2011 For The People BPA PBeM Tournament Page.

The Semifinals have started.
These games must be completed by 4 May 2013

Don Chappell is the Game Master.
Tom Thornsen and Michael Mitchell will serve as assistant GMs
Tom Thornsen will administer this web page and report game results for AREA rating.

This page was last updated Wednesday October 30, 2013

The official Tournament Rules are available here.

Looking for the 2013-2014 tournament page?  It has a new home which can be found here.

Round 1 games   Round 2 games   Round 3 games 2003-4 For the People tournament results 2005-7 For the People tournament results
  Round 4 games  Standings 2008-9 For the People tournament results 2009-10 For the People tournament results

Top 6 finishers of the 2011 Tournament!

1st place to Sean Dolbee 

Sean will receive two (2) games courtesy of GMT games as the Grand Prize

2nd is James Pei - 3rd is Jeff Donald - 4th is Gary Kirk - 5th is David Doctor - 6th is Jean Dirion

First Level Consolation Prizes: 1 Game provided courtesy of GMT Games to the remaining players in the finals of both brackets: James Pei, Michael Mitchell and Nick Pei 

Second Level  Consolation Prizes: A book on an American Civil War topic provided by the Game Master: Jeff Donald, Gary Kirk, Tim Tow and  Alberto Molina

Championship Bracket





Consolation Bracket








Jean L. Dirion - 84



Nick Pei


Fall 1862


James Pei



Nick Pei - 50



James Pei - 110




Grant LaDue



Summer 1862


James Pei - 37


Summer 1863


Nick Pei - 0



Tom Thornsen - 34





Steve Likevich




Summer 1864


Jeff Donald




Tim Tow - 19




Jeff Donald - 69




Tim Tow



Spring 1862


Sean Dolbee

Summer 1863


Michael Mitchell


*Gary Kirk




Alberto Molina - 85



Spring 1864


Gary Kirk



Spring 1864


Alberto Molina - 33




Doug Pratto





Mike Kunin - 6




Spring 1863


Sean Dolbee - 84


Spring 1864


Michael Mitchell - 85



Sean Dolbee - 99




Michael Mitchell - 104



Spring 1864


Sean Dolbee


Summer 1863


Michael Mitchell - 54



David Dockter - 6


Jeff Donald - 89



Mike Pacheco - 39


Spring 1863


Jeff Donald

Gary Kirk - 66


Quarter Finals

Semi Finals


Quarter Finals

Semi Finals


Tournament Qualifications

Start Dates and Format:

Time limits: 

Error Handling

Rule disputes

Reporting Results

* Characterize the Type of Victory as one of the following:

Additionally, please append to your report any interesting information such as unusual card sequences, loss of key leaders, particularly interesting plays, etc.

Other stuff:

30 April 2012 - We will be playing at least one additional Swiss round ( A fourth round) before the tournament proceeds to the Single Elimination rounds.  This additional Swiss round should get us to four (or possibly three) players who are undefeated and decrease the pool of players with a single loss from currently 16 to about 9 (depending on drops and specific results). That would give players with only one loss a roughly 50-50 chance of making the elimination rounds by random draw. Even a 40% chance of selection is much more in keeping with the original intent than the 7% chance which the current situation yields. I do not anticipate having a fifth Swiss round, but I choose to keep the option open if the exigencies of fate require it; tho at the moment I cannot imagine what those might be.

Don Chappell - Game Master

Top Qualifiers from the four rounds of Swiss elimination play

Name Record
James Pei 4-0 3-0 1-0
David Dockter 4-0 2-0 2-0
Gary Kirk 4-0 2-0 2-0
Doug Pratto  3-1 2-1 1-0
Michael Mitchell 3-1 3-0 0-1
Alberto Molina 3-1 3-0 0-1
Grant LaDue 3-1 1-1 2-0
Tom Thornsen 3-1 2-0 1-1
Sean Dolbee 3-1 1-0 2-1
Tim Tow 3-1 1-0 2-1
Jean Louis Dirion 3-1 1-0 2-1
Mike Kunin 3-1 1-0 2-1
Nick Pei 3-1 2-0 1-1
Jeff Donald 3-1 1-0 2-1
Steve Likevich 3-1 3-1 -
Mike Pacheco 3-1 1-1 2-0

Note: Game numbers marked with an '*' were adjudicated by the GM when the time expired.  Victor is the side that delayed the game the least.

Round 4 games started on 26 May 2012 and must be completed by 28 September 2012


USA Player CSA Player Final SW
Final Turn Victor
4-1 Gary Kirk Nick Pei 24 / 17 Summer 1864
4-2 David Dockter Michael Mitchel 90 / 38 Fall 1863
4-3 James Pei Alberto Molina 75 / 42 Summer 1863
4-4 Doug Pratto Jeff Donald 92 / 33 Fall 1864
4-5 Grant LaDue Michael Ussery 130 / 16 Fall 1863
4-6 Jean Louis Dirion Tim Miller 112 / 0 Summer 1864
4-7 Peter Corrigan Tom Thornsen 59 / 119 Spring 1863
4-8* Mike Pacheco George Young 88 / 82 Summer 1863
4-9 Steve Likevich Mustafa Corapci 89 / 0 Summer 1864
4-10 Jon Gautier Sean Dolbee 50 / 120 Spring 1862
4-11 Johannes Schafer Tim Tow 47 / 95 Spring 1863
4-12 Bill Peeck Mike Kunin 38 / 21 Spring 1865


Round 3 games started on 4 February 2012 and must be completed by 25 May 2012

Game USA Player CSA Player Final SW
Final Turn Victor
3-1 Nick Pei Jeff Donald 100 / 33 Fall 1863
3-2 Michael Mitchel Tim Miller 97 / 4 Spring 1864
3-3 Gary Kirk Tim Tow 112 / 0 Fall 1864
3-4 Alberto Molina Michael Ussery 101 / 2 Summer 1864
3-5 Steve Likevich David Dockter 76 / 92 Spring 1862
3-6 Doug Pratto Jean Louis Dirion 66 / 4 Summer 1864
3-7 James Pei Michael Harvath 84 / 32 Summer 1862
3-8 Peter Corrigan Richard Shay 118 / 107 Fall 1861
3-9 Jon Gautier Philip Watkins 57 / 0 Spring 1865
3-10 Craig Allen Grant LaDue 78 / 102 Summer 1863
3-11 Tom Drueding Sean Dolbee 93 / 97 Summer 1862
3-12 Tom Thornsen Domenico Licheri 89 / 1 Spring 1865
3-13 Dennis Nicholson Johannes Schafer 47 / 94 Fall 1862
3-14 George Young Randy Monk 94 / 41 Summer 1863
3-15 Paul Risner Mike Kunin 52 / 107 Spring 1864
3-16 Bill Peeck Mustafa Corapci 30 / 119 Fall 1862
3-17* Tom Willcockson Mike Pacheco 92 / 32 Spring 1863
3-18 Guy Glirbas Henry Russell 128 / 4 Spring 1865
3-19 Andre Heller Harry Theodore 103 / 94 Fall 1861

* 3-17 was recorded as a tournament victory for Mike Pacheco on time in the Spring of 1863 when time expired for round 3.
The game was played to completion and was a USA victory in the Fall of 1863 as CSA SW fell to 0.

Round 2 games started on 3 October 2011 and must be completed by 1 February 2011

Game USA Player CSA Player Final SW
Final Turn Victor
2-1 Mike Pacheco Nick Pei 68 / 131 Spring 1862
2-2 Steve Likevich Hank Burkhalter 98 / 69 Fall 1861
2-3 Michael Mitchel Domenico Licheri 47 / 0 Fall 1864
2-4* James Pei Mike Kunin 99 / 74 Summer 1862
2-5 Tom Drueding Tim Miller 60 / 64 Fall 1862
2-6 Michael Ussery Dennis Nicholson 75 / 40 Spring 1864
2-7 Craig Allen Jean Louis Dirion 37 / 94 Summer 1862
2-8 Richard Shay Gary Kirk 64 / 137 Spring 1863
2-9 Tim Tow George Young 112 / 60 Summer 1862
2-10 Doug Pratto Peter Corrigan 84 / 0 Fall 1864
2-11 Paul Risner David Dockter 67 / 140 Spring 1862
2-12 Alberto Molina Bill Peeck 117 / 8 Fall 1863
2-13 Jeff Donald Don Chappell 90 / 0 Fall 1864
2-14 Xavi Garriga Grant LaDue 67 / 102 Fall 1861
2-15 Andre Heller Michael Harvath 44 / 116 Spring 1862
2-16* K. Wayne Tiernan Larry Meyers 97 / 88 Fall 1862
2-17 Jon Gautier Paul Van Etten 94 / 67 Fall 1862
2-18 Tom Willcockson Gilbert Collins 119 /93 Summer 1862
2-19 Randy Monk Miguel Anton 87 / 84 Summer 1862
2-20 Mustafa Corapci Harry Theodore 119 / 80 Fall 1861
2-21 Johannes Schafer Guy Glirbas 99 / 39 Fall 1863
2-22 Tom Thornsen Mike Lembke 121 / 74 Spring 1862
2-23 Philip Watkins Henry Russell 101 / 0 Spring 1865
2-24* Sean Dolbee Tom Zombek 104 / 84 Summer 1862

Round 1 games started on 30 May 2011 and must be completed by 27 September 2011

Game USA Player CSA Player Final SW
Final Turn Victor
1-1 Mike Lembke James Pei 91 / 111 Spring 1862
1-2 David Dockter Michael Harvath 107 / 0 Summer 1864
1-3 Michael Mitchel Randy Monk 103 / 18 Summer 1863
1-4 Nick Pei Johannes Schafer 115 / 52 Spring 1862
1-5* James Terry Tim Miller 67 /108 Spring 1863
1-6 Alberto Molina Tom Thornsen 25 / 0 Spring 1864
1-7 Hank Burkhalter Xavi Garriga 114 / 53 Spring 1863
1-8 Tom Drueding Tom Zombek 110 / 34 Spring 1863
1-9 Michael Ussery Gilbert Collins 101 / 26 Fall 1863
1-10 Sean Dolbee George Young 103 / 92 Spring 1862
1-11 Bill Peeck Henry Russell 127 / 78 Spring 1862
1-12 Jon Gautier Gary Kirk 85 / 14 Spring 1865
1-13 Steve Likevich Harry Theodore 101 / 92 Summer 1861
1-14* Peter Corrigan Jeff Miller 111 / 79 Summer 1862
1-15 Miguel Anton Jean Louis Dirion 53 / 120 Summer 1863
1-16 Andy Waller Mike Pacheco 99 / 93 Spring 1862
1-17 K. Wayne Tiernan Doug Pratto 60 / 117 Spring 1862
1-18 Dave Rubin Paul Van Etten 98 / 90 Fall 1861
1-19 Paul Risner Larry Meyers 101 / 1 Summer 1863
1-20* Grant LaDue Domenico Licheri 77 / 50 Summer 1864
1-21 Mustafa Corapci Jeff Donald 78 / 4 Spring 1865
1-22 Tom Willcockson Tim Tow 104 / 111 Summer 1862
1-23 Philip Watkins Richard Shay 61 / 97 Summer 1862
1-24 Mike Kunin Guy Glirbas 109 / 11 Spring 1864
1-25 Dennis Nicholson Ken Gutermuth 126 / 60 Spring 1862
1-26* Craig Allen Andre Heller 66 / 62 Fall 1863