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Quotes Archive

My Insane Friends' Quotes

Some of these are taken out of context, others are anything but. Either way, they're all highly amusing (to me, anyway) and I recommend commiting them to memory.

"You have to, like, wanna kill yourself to die on the bridge." - Heather M.

"Licorice is the edible spandex." - Chris Cataldi

Shut up Jeremy!" - Ms. Sheinman

"I'd like to [lay on your lap], Matt [Karrin], but you should save the room for some other girl." - Calvin

"Nobody does it like you do, Heather." - several people who had experienced something I like to give

"Aaron [Riccio], why are you always so mean to me?...No, don't take it out!!" - me

"I'm surprised that I haven't killed a thousand pedestrians by now!" - my driving instructor

"If I were gay, I'd totally be all over you." - Me (talking to Karen)

"This is like when we did that orgasm thing." - Heather Martinez

"Just stick it in my mouth... I have no gag reflex." - Blythe Crandall

"Heather, you are kinky 24/7/365." - Jonathan Lee

"Oh, I'll teach you how to drive a stick, Heather... and the car, too." - Craig Muckle

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