The next morning,Sherrie lazily stumbled out of bed and walked into the bathroom,she washed her face with the cold water,and dried her face off with a towel,she looked into the mirror and looked into her reflection she laughed evily and hissed,"You are such an ugly thing"

Sherrie glared at herself in the mirror,she so badly wanted to be like a super model,she wanted a change with her stringy long red hair,she'd put in highlights to lighten it up in which it did but that didn't make her happy with herself,her green eyes shined in the light,that was the only thing she was actually happy with her eyes,thats it,she hated her body.

She walked back into her room and grabbed her beauty bag,and her clothes and walked into the bathroom,she turned on the cold water and undressed she got into the shower,and at first she shuddered when the cold water hit her bare body.She lathered her hair,and cleaned in her body,after that she turned off the water,and wrapped her body in a towel,she dried her body off and got into her clothes,she put on some foundation and some kiwi lipgloss and a light green eye shadow that brought out her eyes.She wore a pair of baggy dark denim FUBU jeans,combat boots and a tight light green shirt,that showed off the tiny peridot jewel in her navel.


"Nick,open this fucking door now !",shouted Brian.

Nick stirred in the pool of blood,his eyes opened,showing nothing but scareness he didn't want anyone to know he was cutting himself,he wanted to keep this to himself thats it.Nick stood up he was weak from the loss of blood from the night before,he grabbed a towel that was near by and watered it,he put the wet cloth and cleaned his hands and face.He looked at himself in the only piece of mirror that was held up by a piece of metal,and groaned frustrated.He could hear Brian shouting once again.

"Hold up !",yelled Nick.


Sherrie could hear the yells,she walked out of her room and saw Brian standing his hands crossing his chest,he had an irritated look on his face.

"You okay Brian ?",asked Sherrie concerned.

Brian looked at her and his mood immediatly changed.

"Beautiful",thought Brian,he wanted to say it but decided agaisn't it instead he said,"Yeah I'm fine just waiting here for the man to open his fucking door"


Inside Nick was scared he didn't want to open the door now he could hear Sherrie's soft voice talking to Brian.He'd clean up the mess he'd made in the bathroom with a couple of towels which were now discarded on the ground next to his blood clothes,he'd took a fast shower and was now wearing a pair of jeans,a jersey and nikes,his hair was hid with a baseball cap and he wore a pair of dark shades.


Brian knocked once again when he saw Sherrie's silhoutte dissapear into the other hallway.

"Man,what the hell are you doing in there it's been like thirty or fourty minutes now !",shouted Brian annoyed.

Nick opened the door,he'd closed the bathroom door he didn't want Brian to see that mirror was half missing.

"Sorry",said Nick sheepishly.

"Sure you are",said Brian,with sarcasmn dripping his voice.

He sat down on the bed and he felt himself getting ready to pee.

"I gotta pee,mind if I use your bathroom ?",asked Brian.

"Yes I do mind",exclaimed Nick.

"Oh God,Brian you can't go in there,you can't know what I'm doin' to myself,not now,not never",thought Nick,he was scared to death.

Brian ignored Nick and opened the bathroom door,he gasped at what he saw in a small mounted pile where Nick's bloody clothes next to a pile of towels soaked in blood.Brian forgot about going to pee.He turned around and faced Nick.

"What happened here ?",asked Brian softly.

He was hoping what he thought was just an assumption.

"I-I nothing is happened",stuttered out Nick.

"Nick I don't want you lying to me I want to know what you are doing now and please do not tell me you are cutting yourself !",yelled Brian,he was losing his patience.

Nick looked down and felt his eyes getting welled up with tears,that he knew where about to come down.

"Oh no Nick,why ?",asked Brian sitting down on a nearby chair.

Nick's head shot up angrily.

"None of your fucking business !",shouted Nick.

"Whats wrong with you ?",screamed Brian.