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Welcome to my site! If you've found yourself here on purpose, I assume that you are interested in this site either because you want to lose weight or because you have already lost weight and want to hear someone else's story. Or maybe you have a loved one struggling with a weight problem and wish to gain a little insight into the problem. If so, you've come to the right place!

I hope you like what you find here. Maybe you'll get some inspiration for your own weight loss journey. Maybe you'll just find a kindred spirit. Or maybe find some information of use to you. No matter what, I hope you will find that my site is helpful to you. Good luck on your journey through life!

Please note:     Clicking on the links within the following table of contents will open a new, separate, window for the requested page. After reading the new page, you can either click on the next page link or close the new window to see this page.

  1. BIOGRAPHY - My weight loss story/biography

  2. THOUGHTS (COMPLETE INDEX OF JOURNAL ENTRIES) - My Journal of Thoughts and Other Such Things

  3. CHARTS - My Weight-Loss Progress Charts

  4. MY DAILY FOOD JOURNALS (WEEKLY INDEX) - What I've eaten each day

  5. MOTIVATIONAL AIDES (INDEX) - Sayings, tips, poems, and other aides

  6. PHOTO GALLERY - My Photographs **Updated on AUGUST 20, 2012**

  7. FITNESS - Fitness articles and tips

  8. LINKS - Links to other weight-loss related sites


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This page originally created on August 12, 2000.

The information on this site is either from the author's experience or compiled from various sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed. Any advice given is not to be substituted for the advice of your medical professional. Always get the opinion of your doctor before instituting any changes to your lifestyle.

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LDA STORY       --Ilene Rachel

      Don't give up before the good stuff happens!

      My Late Discovery Adoptee Story

      My Poetic Reflections Site

      NOTE: Since Geocities closed, the Reocities site preserved the above two websites, but I cannot edit them at all.

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Melanie's Graphics
Many graphics courtesy of Melanie's Homespun Graphics

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