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On my Thoughts Journal pages I will post entries about my journey. Thoughts about what I'm doing and any insights I may have. Hopefully you will see not only my personal experiences and insights, but be inspired by things you read.

A warning: I will be honest! I am not going to hide if I am having a problem, and I will sometimes use this journal to help figure out what is happening, so please don't expect an always upbeat experience! This is real life, not a fantasy, and my journal will reflect that.

Please visit from time to time to see what I've added!

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Journal Index

[To Most Recent Thought Journal Entry]

[August 2000]     [September 2000]     [October 2000]     [November 2000]     [December 2000]

[January 2001]     [February 2001]     [March 2001]

[2002 - 2012]     [?]    [?]    [?]

[?]    [?]    [?]    [?]    [? ]

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[Site Index] [Progress Charts Index]

This page's URL:
Recreated on September 25, 2002

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LDA STORY       -- Ilene

      Don't give up before the good stuff happens!

      My Late Discovery Adoptee Story

      My Poetic Reflections Site

NOTE: Due to Geocities closing, these two sites are read-only and I cannot update them at all.

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