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The Physical Setting

Performane Indicator 4.5:
"Describe situations that support the priciple of conservation of energy."

1. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed from one form to another. 2. The changing of this energy will always result in the formation of heat energy as a biproduct. Some systems will transform energy with less loss of heat than others.

This one is short, but not the shortest!


Performance Indicator Key
Living Environment
Vocabulary: Living Environment
l 1.1 l 1.2 l 2.1 l 2.2 l 3.1 l 3.2 l 4.1 l 4.2 l 4.3 l 4.4 l 5.1 l 5.2 l 6.1 l 6.2 l 7.1 l 7.2 l
Physical Setting
Vocabulary: Physical Setting
l 1.1 l 2.1 l 2.2 l 3.1 l 3.2 l 3.3 l 4.1 l 4.2 l 4.3 l 4.4 l 5.1 l 5.2 l

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