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Quotes Said About David

"We didn't have a lot of money,
and he didn't have a lot of credits,
so we were able to get him for cheap.
And, after the audition, all the women were shaking.
We were lucky in that he also turned
out to be an incredibly talented actor."
- Joss Whedon

"I'm nervous.
Part of the success of Buffy is David
and my relationship with him, both on camera and off.
He's incredible. He's grown so much
and I trust him more than
any guy I've ever worked with. I'll miss him."
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
on life after David

"It will be heartbreaking for me
-- not just for Buffy --
when he leaves."
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
on life after David

"And this is for MY Angel,
I miss you already David"
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
after winning TEEN CHOICE award for Best Actress

"What if I can't do it on my own?
What if I need David?"
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
on life after David