This page is "Dedicated"
to all the wonderful people who have designed
PSP sites.
Their fantastic talent & generosity, have helped so many
who need instructions and samples.
I can't
all these people
enough for the help I have gotten from them.
This is my way of showing them how much I appreciate them,
by linking to
them, and sharing their sites with you.
From each & everyone of these
I have recieved knowledge in one form or another.
Please come in & enjoy yourself.
I know you will learn so much from
these wonderful people.
Please do not copy their tutorials,
because they have worked very hard
& long on these sites.
I have listed all these sites,
hopeing that
they will help you as much as they have helped me.
Enjoy this "Long" List,
it keeps getting longer & longer everytime I
get on the internet...ha,ha
Viewlets are like "Little Movies" that show you..
step by step
instructions on how to
make a graphic, fix problems, and even on how to use
your tools.
These are wonderful places to learn PSP.