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During my "learning" how to work with PSP, I have collected various websites.
I "Saved" almost every site I could find & added them to my "favorites" folders.
Needless to say, those folders really filled up fast.
And got out of hand
Too many for my folders,
I had decided to make this site & add them all here.
Now I have them all under control....ha,ha,ha....Yea Right

This page is "Dedicated"
to all the wonderful people who have designed PSP sites.
Their fantastic talent & generosity, have helped so many people
who need instructions and samples.

I can't
all these people enough for the help I have gotten from them.

This is my way of showing them how much I appreciate them,
by linking to them, and sharing their sites with you.
From each & everyone of these sites,
I have recieved knowledge in one form or another.

Please come in & enjoy yourself.
I know you will learn so much from these wonderful people.

Please do not copy their tutorials,
because they have worked very hard & long on these sites.
I have listed all these sites,
hopeing that they will help you as much as they have helped me.

Enjoy this "Long" List,
it keeps getting longer & longer everytime I get on the internet...ha,ha

Take some "Free" online classes

WebTech University


Beginner's Tutorial

PSP Basics

The Toybox--Basic Tutorials for New People

Elfenvald Tips 7

Beginners Series

Pati's PSP Newuser Page


Graphic Distractions

Marvelicious Designs

Gardendale Designs

Christina's PSP Tubes & Tutorials

Sandy's Graphics

Made By Mary

Jan's Designs

Country Lane Graphics


Mother's Cupboard

Designs By Donna

Graphics by Candeekis

Baby's Breath

The Glass Egg....BEAUTIFUL Globes


Pinoy VII

Majestic Artistry

Jacinda's PSP

P Ann's Place

Starbryte's Tubes

Lealana's Tubes

Gentle Impressions

Fall Leaf Tubes

Valentine Tubes

Majestic Artistry

Victorian Santas

Di's Delights

Tubes By Jan

Free Snow Globe & Bases

Jane's PSP Tubes

John's PSP Tubes

Tube Links Tubes, Brushes, Presets

Organize Your Tubes

Design Depot

Kandy's Tubes

Donna's Tubes

Jasc..Welcome To The Tube

Lotsa Tubes

Karen's Korner

Ozmee's Tube Links

Sandra Dee's Tubes

Kathi's Tubes & Brushes

Janet's Iris and Wildflower Tubes

Donna's Bird Tubes

Mari's Flower Tubes

Cathy's Gem Ball Tubes

Solaudy Paint Shop Pro Tubes

Pati's PSP Tubes

Caring & Sharing


The Tube Attic

Vegetable Tubes

Midwinter's Dream Tubes

Hoods Sparkle Tubes

Lori's Tubes

Starbryte's Vegetable Tubes

Roxy's....Useing Tubes To Make Seamless Background


Kandy'z Stars & Flares

Mary's Tubes

Skeldale House, Paintshop Pro, PSP, Tubes, Tutorials

Creative Corner

Karen's Korner

Tubes By Pansy

Sweet & Cool

Jazzl's Tubes

CCD's Tube Heaven


Ronni's Tutorials

Deb's Web

The Tilly Garden

Dee's Enchanted Espressions

Jasc Tutorials

Mary's PSP 6 Tutorials

Whisper's Corner Tutorials

Blue Daffodils Domain

Lori's Web Graphics

PSP Tips

Tutorials By Ally

Michele's Tips & Tricks

The Hood

C S Green...good tutorials

Tutorials By Diz...Good Site

Tutorials by Moon Designs

Joy's Tutorials

PSP Tutor

Fly By Night Tutorials

State of Entropy

Tutorials by Candeekis

PSPUG Tutorials

Web Graphics on a Budget - Paint Shop Pro 5,6 & 7 Tips

Aesthetic Web Creations, PSP Tutiorials

Abstract Dimensions

PSP Tips by Paul

Robin's Tutorials

New Dawn Tutorials

PSP Interactive Zone....Good Tutorials

Basic PSP Tutorials

Hayler's Tutorials

Cathy's Corner PSP Links

Graphic Buds Tutorials

PSP 5,6,&7 ~Interactive Zone - Tutorials

PSP &....can adapt to PSP 6 easy as 123

Butterfly Mask Tutorial

Jacinda's PSP 6

Cleaning Up Clipart Jaggie Edges

Ozmee's Tutorial Links

Nanette's Place

Angelbow's Tutorial Sites

Julie's PSP Tutorials

Tutorials By Joyce

Transparent Gifs

Jan's Tutorials

Purrcat Designs

JoJo's Corner

Mahogany's Tutorials


Single Items To Make

Jenneaux's Seamless Leather Background...PSP 7

Dizz's Notecard, PSP 6

A Beveled Picture

Lines & Scallops

Filling Text With A Pattern

Pleated Border Backgrounds

Make A Albumn Cover

Buttons & Bars With Picture On It

Text on a path...Lori's Web Graphics

Fancy Text

Woodgrain Cutout

Bezier Curves...Lori's Web Graphics

Adjustable Email Slot..Graphic Distractions

Pattern Background...PSP Happenings

Fading Photo Edge Mask with Gradients

Crushed Velvet Background

Cutouts useing Dings & Fonts

Making your own Gradients


Halloween Tombstones

Friendship Book

Seamless Pattern

Gold Chains

Shading Objects

Etched Border

Cutout Graphics

Masks & Calling Cards

Birdhouse Tutorial

Holiday Bow

Designs by Donna....Fine Textured Backgrounds

Beautiful Box of Roses

Linen Print Texture

Fill Text with a Image

Scalloped Edges

Textured Backgrounds

Heart Snowglobe

Simple Image Map

Faded Backgrounds & Faded Edges

Gold Glitter Cutout Frame

Text In & Out Of An Image

Dingbat Lace

Jeweled Borders

Easy Plaids..Elfenvald

Useing your Graphic for a Borderframe


Country Hat Tutorial

Glowing Stars

Picture Frames...Gardendale Designs

Cutout Effect

Printable "To Do" Lists

Fancy Lace Fan...Jane Braz

Window Flowerbox

"Bow"...Blue Daffodil


Valentine...PSP 7

Pleats, Bars & Buttons for Matching Sets

Blurred Background

Three Frame Transparency

How to Make Jewels

Odds & Ends...Fill & Texture Wooden Text

Gold Text without plugins

Bars, Bullets & Decorations

Infinite Buttons

EZ Bars


Viewlets are like "Little Movies" that show you..
step by step instructions on how to
make a graphic, fix problems, and even on how to use your tools.
These are wonderful places to learn PSP.

List of PSP Viewlets

Viewlets By Joy...Crackle Filter Viewlet

6th Dimention...Viewlets

Filters & Plugins


Lori's Web Graphics

Super Blade Pro

Web Graphics On A Budget- BladePro

Eye Candy


The sites below are "Listings" that different people have made
I have listed these here so you can visit their sites.
There is a wealth of PSP information online,
Sites like these, I refer to as a "Gold Mine".

Google Search: paint shop pro webring

PSP Toybox Links, Different Things To one

Michelle's Links, Fonts, Clipart, Tubes

Tube Links

Jasc Links

Clipart, tutorials, Links Links

Where to find...Dingbats Of Any Subject

PSP Tips