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My name is Ricardo Laremont. I am originally from Panama City, Republic of Panama, but live in the magnificent city of Brooklyn, New York. I have been in the United States for 16 years. I have various interests, mostly travelling, foreign languages, cycling, and swimming.


I graduated from Union College. My major was History with a Latin American concentration.

For high school, I went to The Lawrenceville School. I was able to attend this boarding school through the wonderful assistance of The Albert G. Oliver Program.

Current Information

Presently, I am in Japan participating on the JET Programme. I work as an Assistant Language teacher in the small town of Ryuhoku. For those of you familiar with Japanese geography, I am on the island of Kyushu. If you are highly interested in teaching English as a Foreign Language in Japan, please check out the JET Programme. My town also has a webpage. I am afraid it is all in Japanese, but you can see some pictures of where I live at the moment. My school's webpage.

International Travel

I would say that I have a travelling bug, which began when I was in college and decided to go on a term abroad to Rennes, France. Here are some descriptions to the places I have visited.

Links to Friend's Pages

Japan Pictures Hong Kong Pictures Macau Pictures