Bob Hart's Saltwater Lure Page
Last month only one auction of note for a saltwater lure had taken place. It was for a Striper "X-Pert " made by Point Jude Baits in the original box. It's a very early version 6" Striper X-PERT Lure. The box Reads "THE PLUG THAT PAYS OFF" COZY CORNERS POINT JUDITH, RI. Box end reads Blue Mullet #19. Not in the greatest shape but still a nice price for a very early 1940's lure. This lure had 7 bids and ended at a final price of $109.50. A few pictures are below. That's it for now!
If you'd like some help with identifying a saltwater lure you're not sure about or if you have any saltwater lures for sale or trade you can email me at: