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Her life ahead seemed so long,
For she was young and full of life.
Newly married, and dreaming dreams
That inspire every new wife.

She blossomed in her familys' love,
Wanting much, expecting more.
There never was any question,
Her warmth and heart we did adore.

Then came a day unforseen,
A cold, fateful winters' day.
No one could predict such tragedy,
Would ever come her way.

Her death has left us mourning,
With loss and pain and grief.
The dispair we often feel inside,
Because her days were brief.

We miss her warmth and laughter,
Her golden smile so charming.
She filled our lives with such joy,
Tho sometimes she could be alarming.

She touched so many lives lives each day,
Affecting all who knew her dearly.
She had the gift of a giving soul,
And dreamed her dreams so clearly.

A loved one is gone so suddenly.
We ask ourselves, why, oh, why?
And questions run thru our minds,
Wondering why she had to die.

They say our days are numbered,
And we must accept our fate.
But it is so hard to understand,
Why her death could not wait.

Perhaps the angels needed another
To keep them company above,
And Aimee was the perfect one
To fill the heavens with love.

But we are left without her now.
It's hard to bear such sorrow.
Knowing in our hearts each day,
For Aimee, there is no tomorrow.

By Sheila Korz

Written in rememberance of my friend Mary's granddaughter, who died in a tragic car accident on
January 29, 2000.

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