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This is another story of a

It's about a friend ~ mugwamp53 [Cheryl]
~ who lost her family on
December 12,1997.

Cheryl would also, like this to reach as many people as possible who have children in their home, or know somone that does. Let them know there is a lesson to be learned about keeping lighters, matches or any thing flamable PUT UP and WAY OUT of sight! Also make sure your smoke detectors are in working order! NOT lying on the counter with NO batteries in them! I miss them so much!!!!! With love Cheryl

Her daughter Jennifer's mobile home caught on fire!!
The only survivors were the husband
who jumped out of a window
and the two oldest boys
who were in school at the time.
Jennifer and her two babies parished in the fire.

There was no chance for them to escape,
as the trailer went up in flames too fast and furious.

She had just sent the older boys off to school,
then fallen asleep in her rocking chair.
That is where they found her,
with the babies at her feet.

She had worked all night and her husband was still asleep, also.
The smoke got to him so that he couldn't get back in the trailer.
The fire department was unable to do anything once they arrived on scene either.

Cause of fire was determined that one of the little ones were playing with a lighter.

In memory of:
Jennifer Lynn ~ 28 ~ years old

Brittny Christine ~ ~ years old

Joshua Allen ~ 3 ~ years old at time of death

This poem is for Cheryl in Memory of her loved ones.


I touch your tears
Invisible fingers,
soothing your skin
I know you think
of me so often
In the day
and in the night

. Going into an empty room
Knowing I will never be there
But I am in your heart
and in your soul.
I shall always be,
For you gave
so unselfishly.

You created
such a world for me
A world of laughter,
of love, of sadness,
of sorrow;
Every emotion
people come to know
You shared with me.

And even though
I may never
Feel your arms around me,
I feel your heart beating,
Like a lullaby,
singing me to sleep
And your spirit
giving me a safe haven
Protecting me
and nurturing me
Preparing me of things to come.

the journey of life
pulls souls apart.
And yes,
I had to go on
to another place.
I wish
I could have stayed
I wish
this was a decision
I could have made
And I know you do too.

Know this wherever you are:
I will always remember that
yours was the first love,
The first joy,
the first soul
I ever knew.
You gave me the courage to
go on in my journey
I hope I can do
the same for you.
Your heart
will always call me to you.

Love, Your Child

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